There has been a lot of hype around Final Fantasy 7 Remake as of late, and it's easy to see why. But with its release date fast approaching, a new question is popping up in fans' minds: what's next?

Starting off with Final Fantasy 7 Remake was a pretty obvious choice. Among all of the games in the Final Fantasy franchise, Final Fantasy 7 is likely the most beloved on account of its iconic setting, story, and characters. But, it is a big franchise with a lot of games, so what about the rest of them? In an interview with Gamereactor, producer Yoshinori Kitase lets his opinion on what game should be remade next be known.

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As someone who has worked on many Final Fantasy games, the original Final Fantasy 7 included, Kitase's opinion is not something to shrug at. So, when Gamereactor asked which game Kitase would like to remake, he answered:

final fantasy 5 remake

(Laughs) Ok, so first of all, you have to promise you’re not going to write an article saying Square Enix is remaking Final Fantasy something, something… It’s just a purely personal opinion, just so you understand that. With that caveat in place, the first Final Fantasy that I worked on myself was Final Fantasy V, that hasn’t been remade with the more realistic kind of approach yet, so I think it might be quite interesting to do a FF5 remake someday.

It makes sense that Kitase would want to remake Final Fantasy 5 if he could. Like he said, it was the first Final Fantasy game that he worked on. Of course, Final Fantasy 5 is important in its own right, particularly with how flexible its job system was. This level of flexibility would continue to influence the franchise going further even as it began to abandon jobs as a whole, like with Final Fantasy 7's materia system and Final Fantasy 10's sphere grid.

Just as with his comments on Parasite Eve, this is Kitase's opinion and doesn't necessarily mean anything about the future. Final Fantasy 5 is just one entry on a long list of Final Fantasy games that could and should receive the Final Fantasy 7 Remake treatment. But, since he's a veteran of the Final Fantasy franchise, his comments do give hope that there will be more remakes of Final Fantasy games in the future. Especially if Final Fantasy 7 Remake does well.

Fans of the franchise can only hope that Square Enix will follow Capcom's lead with Resident Evil and begin to lean in on the remake trend. Final Fantasy is an iconic and influential franchise, so seeing these games redone with modern technology and gameplay would mean a lot to many fans. Every fan of the series has a Final Fantasy game that they like the best, and most of them would absolutely love to see their favorite remade.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake will be released on April 10, 2020 exclusively for PS4.

MORE: Final Fantasy 7 Remake Demo Has Secret Ending

Source: Gamereactor