Final Fantasy is considered one of the best-selling RPG series of all time. Plenty of Final Fantasy titles have maintained their popularity thanks to memorable and iconic characters, but also amazing gameplay on and off the battlefield. Final Fantasy V changed up the battle system a little from its predecessors and let players customize their favorite classes with different commands that can make them versatile.

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Mastering the classes sounds and can be a daunting task, but it is worth it. Some classes are more useful than others. There are a few that have Commands which players will find useful, especially for endgame content.

10 Dragoon

Final Fantasy 5 Dragoon Bartz Klauser Lenna Typhoon Faris Scherwiz Krile Galuf Baldesion

One of the classic roles in the Final Fantasy series. The Jump ability is easily one of the best things about this class. Not only is it pretty powerful, especially when leveled up, but it keeps the user out of harm’s way for a short time. The slight downside of the class is that it doesn’t receive much from the sub-job system. However, to make up for this, it does offer powerful abilities for other classes to use.

The Lance ability will drain enemies of their HP and MP and give it to the user. It won’t be as strong as Drain and Osmose, but it won’t have a chance of missing. Comes in handy when in a pinch and players need a little MP to cast spells.

9 White Mage

Final Fantasy 5 White Mage Bartz Klauser Lenna Typhoon Faris Scherwiz Krile Galuf Baldesion

A class that is useful no matter what Final Fantasy game it is. Every party benefits from a healer in it. This class will not only restore the party’s HP, but also cast buffing spells for the group and status ailment spells against enemies. Their magic isn’t as high as the Black Mage and Summoner, but the White Mage does have the very powerful Holy spell to make up for this.

The Holy spell might come late in the game, but that’s a small price to pay for one of the most powerful spells. Even with this one offensive spell, the White Mage is still better and more powerful than the Red Mage class.

8 Black Mage

Final Fantasy 5 Black Mage Bartz Klauser Lenna Typhoon Faris Scherwiz Krile Galuf Baldesion

Another classic Final Fantasy role that is one of the most powerful classes in the game. The Black Mage has elemental spells like Fire, Thunder, and Blizzard at their disposal. Plus, they have the Poison ability. They won’t get the Flare spell until late in the game, but that is one of the most powerful spells in the game anyway. The Black Mage class is just behind the Summoner (and Oracle in the mobile and Steam version) in terms of power. However, equipping rods can increase their damage output for specific elements and can easily make them more powerful.

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Their spells might not be as flashy as the Summoner’s attacks, nor are they as powerful as the Mystic Knights, but the Black Mage role should not be overlooked. Aside from having excellent damage, they are very compatible with other mage classes.

7 Samurai

Final Fantasy 5 Samurai Bartz Klauser Lenna Typhoon Faris Scherwiz Krile Galuf Baldesion

They might not be as powerful as the Berserker and Knight, but the Samurai have a lot of things going for them. They are one of two classes that wield the almighty katana weapons which have rather high critical rates. If players are looking for a powerful class to fill until more powerful classes like the Mystic Knight come along, the Samurai can easily fill the void. Coin Toss is a great ability for the Samurai to use and their other abilities are just as good.

This class can hit really hard and it’s only appeared in a few Final Fantasy games. In Final Fantasy X, Auron is the Samurai of the group and has very powerful attacks along with the Break abilities to weaken enemies. Yuna’s summon Yojimbo is also a Samurai and players will need to pay him Gil in order to attack. The higher the amount he’s given, the stronger the better the attack.

6 Time Mage

Final Fantasy 5 Time Mage Bartz Klauser Lenna Typhoon Faris Scherwiz Krile Galuf Baldesion

A class that can be a game-changer. Naturally, the Time Mage has the Haste spell which helps the party have a turn faster. The Slow spell will keep enemies from attacking so quickly. They also have some great spells like Gravity and Regen. The two spells that make this class worth having around and leveling up are Comet and Meteor. They are known to do random damage, but it can range from small damage to major damage. It’s a gamble to use them, but it can be a great asset.

Then, there’s the Return spell. It will reset the battle back to the beginning. This might sound silly, but it comes in handy for the super boss fights. If the battle goes awry, this spell can be used to start over.

5 Summoner

Final Fantasy 5 Summoner Bartz Klauser Lenna Typhoon Faris Scherwiz Krile Galuf Baldesion

The best mage class in the game, only bested by the Oracle class in the Steam and mobile versions. They’re the best magic class when it comes to crowd control since most of their spells target all enemies. Like the Black Mage, they boost their elemental power by equipping certain rods and easily make them overpowered.

One downside of this class is that summons must be bought in shops or defeated in battle. Another downside is that some of them have high MP costs, but it’s worth the damage they do.

4 Mime

Final Fantasy 5 Mime Bartz Klauser Lenna Typhoon Faris Scherwiz Krile Baldesion

A secret job that’s found late in the game. At first glance, it might not seem like it’s worth getting, but this class is a diamond in the rough. They can use the Mimic command at no MP cost. If players have mastered a lot of classes, the Mime can easily be turned into a powerful mage class.

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They have three ability slots that players can customize. Being able to equip Dualcast and two magic commands puts them at the top for magic users. This can come in handy for a lot of endgame content since this will make the Mime almost like the Red Mage class, but a lot better and stronger.

3 Chemist

Final Fantasy 5 Chemist Bartz Klauser Lenna Typhoon Faris Scherwiz Krile Baldesion

This class sounds a little overwhelming since the Mix command means having to come up with concoctions. However, if players take the time to test out mixes, this class can be one of the best classes for support. They also have the Drink, Recover, and Revive commands that make them worth leveling up and can come in handy for endgame content.

Recover is basically casting Esuna on the entire party, but without the MP cost. Revive will resurrect a character at no MP cost. While the Chemist won’t benefit much from the Drink command, other classes will since it boosts stats.

2 Ninja

Final Fantasy 5 Ninja Bartz Klauser Lenna Typhoon Faris Scherwiz Krile Galuf Baldesion

This class might not hit hard like the Dragoon, Knight, Mystic Knight, and Samurai, but the Ninja has some tricks that make it useful. They have decent Strength and really high Agility. What makes this class good is that they have the Dual-Wield support ability. This ability is always in effect and when combined with the Ranger’s Rapid Fire ability, the Ninja can attack eight times in one turn.

With this combo plus their high speed, the Ninja can be pretty lethal in battle. The downside of the Ninja is that it has low HP and defense compared to other physical attacking classes.

1 Mystic Knight

Final Fantasy 5 Mystic Knight Bartz Klauser Lenna Typhoon Faris Scherwiz Krile Galuf Baldesion

A class that hasn't really appeared since Final Fantasy V. Considering how overpowered it is, it’s no surprise. With the power of a warrior combined with a black mage’s power, this class can easily become one of the strongest, if not the strongest, classes in the game. Spellblade is already a pretty powerful attack on it’s own. Combine that with Rapid Fire and Dual Wield, and fans will understand why the class hasn’t really shown up since Final Fantasy V. It’s almost ridiculous and unfair how powerful this class can be.

There have been versions of it pop up in other games. Steiner from Final Fantasy IX can function as a Mystic Knight if he’s in a group with Vivi. The Warrior dressphere in Final Fantasy X-2 has elemental attacks that are reminiscent of the class.

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