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Final Fantasy 16 is filled with mysteries and conspiracies, many of which Clive will uncover over the course of his journey. One early mystery that continues to be relevant far into the late game is the Hooded Man. This mysterious figure appears throughout the game's story in a number of locations and seems to always be watching Clive or manipulating events ahead of his arrival.

The Hooded Man is one of Final Fantasy 16's bigger mysteries, so this article will contain spoilers for huge portions of the game. The majority of the spoilers will be related to the main quest, "The Crystal's Curse," though there will be some aspects from later on in the game, and there will be spoiler warnings preceding any such elements.

Spoilers below for the story of Final Fantasy 16!

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The First Hooded Man/The Man Named "Margrace"

Joshua in Final Fantasy 16

The Man Named "Margrace" is the first of two hooded figures that appear throughout the story, seeking some unknown aim across Valisthea and dressed irritatingly similarly to the other Hooded Figure to cause some initial confusion. Margrace is a Dominant of Fire and accompanied by his mysterious ally "Jote" pursuing an initially unknown goal.

During the events of "Awakening" and "The Crystal's Curse," it is revealed that this is not the Hooded Figure who Clive saw during the fall of Phoenix Gate and that Margrace is, in fact, his brother Joshua. Joshua, Dominant of the Phoenix, survived his "death" at the hands of Ifrit and has been traveling Valisthea in search of information on Dominants, Bearers, and the mysterious entity known as "Ultima."

Despite his mysterious demeanor and cryptic actions, Joshua is firmly on Clive's side and attempting to aid him and the world in his own way.

The Second Hooded Man/Ultima

Hooded figure Joshua Final Fantasy 16 phoenix

The Hooded Man Clive saw at Phoenix Gate before awakening as the Dominant of Ifrit; this mysterious figure appears throughout the game, guiding Clive to learn the truth about his power and pulling strings to bring him into contact with the other Dominants.

This second figure has far less benevolent aims and a much darker destiny in mind for Valisthea and its people. He seemingly wishes to merge with Clive, using Clive and Ifrit as a vessel to enact his plans.

Spoilers Ahead for the Main Quest "Brotherhood"


During the Main Quest, "Brotherhood," Ultima's origin and mission become clear. Long ago, Ultima and his kind caused a blight upon their homeland through the overuse of magic and fled to Valisthea to seek a new start. To further this goal, they constructed the Mother Crystals and created Humanity to act as their servants. This was all in aid of gathering Aether and a vessel to channel their power to begin a new world and restore their civilization.

Humanity becoming self-aware, forming societies, and beginning to use magic was not part of their plan. Ultima intends to claim Clive/Ifrit/Mythos as his vessel and then purge the rest of Humanity while enacting his plan. Ultima chooses not to recognize the hypocrisy of damning humanity's use of magic (which caused the spread of the blight) despite his own kind's identical sin, and it becomes a battle between humanity and Ultima for survival.

Final Fantasy 16 is available for PS5.