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Typically, main scenario quests in Final Fantasy 16 are fairly short. But in some cases there are quests that are longer than others. This is especially the case for "Buried Memories". After 13 long years, Clive returns to what is left of Phoenix Gate while he is accompanied by Jill and Torgal.

The mysterious hooded man is believed to be there, and both characters want answers as to what caused the tragedy at Phoenix Gate. This next main scenario quest in Final Fantasy 16 is full of action and boss fights, so here is what Final Fantasy 16 players can expect as they begin "Buried Memories".

This walkthrough contains spoilers, so players should proceed with caution.

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Explore the Ruins


After the cutscene ends, Final Fantasy 16 players should follow the path along the cliff side. Not long into this main scenario quest, another cutscene will play as Clive and Jill spot the hooded man going towards a passage that leads down. There are no items to find in this area, so continue to pursue the hooded man down the stairs into a part of Phoenix Gate that did not get destroyed during the battle between Ifrit and Phoenix.

The Apodytery


Upon reaching the chamber below, another cutscene will play. When it ends, Final Fantasy 16 players will be in a new area. Walk down the hall and interact with the door on the other end to proceed further. This door leads to a large chamber. Upon reaching the center of this chamber, another cutscene will be triggered and players will be attacked by a group of Fallen machines. These enemies do not do anything noteworthy, so players should have little trouble defeating them.

Another group will attack players once the elevator arrives at the bottom of the ruins. Defeat them and continue onward toward another door. Go through the door and pick up the Magicked Ash on the side. In the next chamber there are several enemies and a Fallen treasure chest that contains Gil and Sharp Fangs. Follow the path down toward another door.


On the other side of the door is a tougher enemy called a Fallen Guardian. While not a boss, it can be staggered. After defeating this enemy, loot the nearby chest and proceed toward the next door. This leads to an open space with a Potion and High Potion on the ground.

In the next room, players will encounter a new kind of enemy called Bomb. Bombs are a recurring enemy in the Final Fantasy series and are notorious for self-destructing after a while. Kill them as quickly as possible, but if they start to glow brightly as they grow in size, move as far away as possible to avoid taking damage when they explode. When the Bombs are dead, head to the next chamber.

Step on one of the glowing lights to activate an elevator that takes players up. Enter the next chamber and deal with the Fallen Guardian. As players fight this enemy, additional enemies will spawn on the left and right. Try to take them out quickly and then continue fighting the Fallen Guardian. Just like with Garuda, the Fallen Guardian can be staggered with a takedown.

Before going further, players should take a moment to heal up if needed as a large group of enemies will attack in the next chamber. Proceed through the next chamber and go into the one beyond that to reach the end and trigger a cutscene and a boss fight soon after.

How to Beat Iron Giant


The Iron Giant is a large foe that can deal a lot of damage and has a great deal of range due to the size of its weapon. To make matters worse, the Iron Giant moves very fast. Watch his attack patterns closely, as his attacks can be fairly easy to dodge if Final Fantasy 16 players pay attention.


Roughly around 50% health, the boss will begin to charge a big attack. Its health bar will be replaced with a purple bar. Deplete this bar to prevent the attack from going off. For a brief period of time, the boss will take more damage when the attack is interrupted. Other than that, this boss does nothing else noteworthy. Continue to damage it while dodging its attacks and it will eventually fall.

Continue Exploring the Apodytery


Once the Iron Giant has been defeated, players will be taken up to the next floor. There is a path on the left and the right that lead down to a mural. Before going down, loot the chest and grab the High Potion that is on the ground. Go down toward the mural and a Lich will appear. Defeat this new enemy and then go left.


Defeat the enemies that spawn and activate the device in this side room. Return to the arena where the Lich was fought and go right this time. Eliminate the enemies that spawn and activate the device in this room as well.

Return to the previously mentioned arena and activate the device that appears. This forms a bridge that allows players to reach the mural on the other side of this large chamber. Going towards the mural triggers a cutscene along with another boss fight.

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How to Beat Ifrit


Rather than controlling an Eikon, players will face off against Ifrit as Clive. Ifrit starts out the fight by casting Crimson Rush. Dodge this attack as he charges forward. When Ifrit kneels down and casts Vulcan Blast, move away to avoid getting hit the fire that errupts from the ground. When Ifrit casts Scorched Earth, move and dodge to right. Ifrit also casts an ability where he throws several fireballs down toward the ground. They drop in a circular formation and are easily dodged.

Around 20% health, Ifrit will begin to do an attack where he stomps on the ground and a circle of flame appears underneath the foot that stomped down. Ifrit will alternate between the right and left foot and will repeat this attack several times before cycling into other attacks like Scorched Earth. As Ifrit falls below 10% health, he will be staggered and players will be able to easily finish him off.

How to Beat Infernal Shadow


Unfortunately, Final Fantasy 16 players do not have time to celebrate their victory over Ifrit. Immediately after conquering the Eikon, players will face off against a shadowy version of themselves. The Infernal Shadow uses all the attacks that players have at their disposal and will quickly move around and teleport. Dodge as much as possible and try to stagger the boss to make it easier to land attacks.

At roughly 60% health, phase two of this fight will begin. Infernal Shadow gains more projectile attacks and uses an AoE cleave attack that is telegraphed by a large cone of fire. Get behind the boss to dodge this attack. Move away from the boss when he casts Hammer and Anvil.

At 40% health the boss will cast Hellfire. Players will be pulled toward the boss as pillars of fire shoot up in a circular formation around the boss. Move away from the boss and dodge the continuous eruptions of fire. Once the attack ends, it is safe to continue damaging the boss but watch out as he will cast his other abilities more quickly. Shortly afterward a cutscene will trigger and players will gain the Limit Break Gauge.


During this third phase, players gradually heal from any damage they take and deal significantly more damage to the boss. This phase doesn't last long and soon both players and the boss turn into Eikons. At this point, there will be a series of Cinematic Clashes and players will emerge victorious. After the battle, players unlock a trophy and a series of cutscenes bring the current main scenario quest to a close.

Final Fantasy 16 is available now on PlayStation 5.