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In the previous main scenario quest of Final Fantasy 16, Clive set out from the Hideaway to meet his Uncle in hopes that he can help with getting a ship. One of the Mothercrystals lie mostly unguarded, and a ship is the only way that Clive and his allies can reach it. Along the way, however, Clive witnesses the atrocities comitted by the Black Shields.

Naturally, their actions are not something that Clive will turn a blind eye to. This walkthrough will show Final Fantasy 16 players what they can expect as they begin the main scenario quest "Black Light Burns".

This walkthrough contains spoilers, so players should proceed with caution.

RELATED: Final Fantasy 16 Review

Go to the Lazarus District


Since going through the gate to Port Isolde is not an option, Final Fantasy 16 players must turn around and go back toward Lazarus. This area was mentioned briefly in dialogue between Clive and Jill near the end of the previous main scenario quest. The gate leading into the Lazarus District is barricaded on the other side, so players will not be able to go in that way.


Go left along the wall to find a gate that is not barricaded. Open it and go inside the Lazarus District. Explore the area and eventually players will be attacked by bandits after a cutscene. Turns out the entire situation is a misunderstanding and Clive finds an old ally he thought was dead. Following several more cutscenes, speak with the quartermaster outside if a resupply is needed. After that, talk to Wade again as he discusses a plan to deal with the Black Shields.

Confront the Black Shields


After this discussion, a mandatory side quest called "Black and White" will begin. Rather than searching for the tunnel, players will instead leave the Lazarus District and go to the Bewit Bridge north of there. The same cobblestone road can be followed to get there quickly. Before approaching the Bewit Bridge, make sure to fully heal up if needed. Once Final Fantasy 16 players approach the group, a battle will begin.

After defeating the first group of enemies another group will show up. This group is backed up by a Wyvern, so keep an eye out for it and its attacks. While fighting the Wyvern another group of enemies will arrive. Even after the Wyvern is defeated, the battle is not done yet. After a brief cutscene, players will fight a third dragoon boss.

How to Beat Knight of the Lasting Dark


As players can expect from a dragoon, the Knight of the Lasting Dark will frequently use Jump. Look for the blue line indicating where the boss will land and then move away from it to avoid taking damage. When the boss goes under 50% health, reinforcements will show up. The boss will also begin casting Double Jump instead of Jump. This boss does not cast Mirage Dive like the second dragoon boss did, so players will not need to worry about that. Dodge his attacks and stagger the boss to defeat him. After the boss fight, a series of cutscenes will play out and the world map will open. Travel to the Hideaway to start the next main scenario quest.

Final Fantasy 16 is available now on PlayStation 5.