
  • Final Fantasy 16 features a rich world with numerous factions vying for control over dwindling resources in the war-torn land of Valisthea.
  • The Undying, a group that serves the nobility in Rosaria, is the unsung hero of the game, providing crucial aid to the main protagonists in the background.
  • The Undying's commitment to the Phoenix can be seen as cult-like, as they prioritize serving the Rosfield family above their own lives, as showcased in the game's side quests.

Final Fantasy 16 has a rich world full of many factions and sub-factions that inhabit the war-torn land of Valisthea and are all trying to wrestle control over the dwindling resources. With the amount of lore and unanswered mysteries, the game is ripe for potential expansion even if it was intended to be a complete experience on launch day.

One group that stays hidden until the game's latter half is the Undying, whose purpose is to serve the nobility in Rosaria, specifically the Phoenix. While this group does not get much of the spotlight in Final Fantasy 16, its members are the game's unsung heroes due to how much aid they give to the heroes in the background.

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Joshua Would Have Died Without the Undying's Aid Early in Final Fantasy 16


While properly introduced many hours into the game's runtime, the Undying's role in the story begins at its start since the group was responsible for saving Joshua's life at Phoenix Gate. Since he sustained near-fatal wounds after being mauled by Ifrit, the Undying's responsibility for being the Phoenix's protectors in the shadows became a crucial reason for his survival as members came to his rescue soon after the battle's conclusion.

Between the game's prologue and its first act, while Clive served as a Bearer for the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, Joshua was nursed back to health and began roaming the continent with an Undying named Jote as his attendant. The pair spend years deciphering Ultima's motivations, with several moments where Clive and Joshua's paths almost crossed but were prevented for one reason or another.

Beyond what players are shown in the main story, the Undying as a collective are working towards this singular goal, sending teams out to learn more about what Ultima is and what he wants with Clive, and this gets expanded upon in several of Final Fantasy 16's side quests. The group's unwavering commitment to the Phoenix can almost be seen as cult-like due to the individual members having seemingly little regard for their own lives with their only reason for living to serve the Rosfield family.

Several side quests in a series called Duty Undying given by a member named Cyril puts this commitment into perspective by having Clive check on members who have not been heard from for a while, and these quests can be seen as some of the game's more melancholy due to the outlook many Undying have. In the first quest, most of a missing team had been wiped out by Fallen, and the only thing the survivors take away from the encounter is that those who died gave their lives for the cause even if Clive points out that no matter what the purpose is, people should not throw their lives away when the cause could have been easily avoided.

The next quest even draws parallels between Undying's commitment and the commitment of those who follow Ultima, as the individual Clive goes to check on makes it clear he has respect for those so willing to give their bodies up and become Akashic if it meant getting closer to their god. While these quests are by no means among Final Fantasy 16's most difficult, they add a melancholic twist to its theme of giving up everything for a greater cause by showing there are times it's better to recognize the value in one's own life and not only look at the big picture.

Jote and the Undying play a crucial role in Final Fantasy 16's story and are why Clive and Joshua can have a heartfelt reunion after being separated for many years, but there isn't a point where the group gets much of a spotlight. It may be accurate to the Undying's purpose to remain in the shadows, but that doesn't mean the group shouldn't get its rightfully earned applause.

Final Fantasy 16 is out now on PS5.

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