Final Fantasy 16 is a massive experience that takes players on an epic journey through warring kingdoms, familial betrayal, and the clashing of cosmic forces. Currently breaking records in units sold, Clive's story has entrapped fans across the world as he tries to protect the world, his family, and his honor. Throughout the game, Clive will face powerful foes called dominants that have the power of the god-like beings in the world called Eikons.

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With each victory Clive places under his belt, he obtains more power and additional abilities that players can use in combat. Each Eikon tree is filled with unique and powerful abilities suitable for multiple scenarios that will occur in the game's world. While there are many abilities that spark an instant connection with players and prove to be incredibly useful while cutting a path through enemies, there are just as many abilities overlooked. Here are some of the most underrated abilities in Final Fantasy 16.

8 Pile Drive

final fantasy 16 ramuh ability

There are many hard-hitting abilities apart of the Ramuh Eikon tree, many of which hit at a distance and take some time to cast. Casting time leaves an opening for Clive to be interrupted, especially by stronger foes.

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Pile Drive may lack overall damage potential but is a more than adequate ability for lesser enemies and large numbers. Using Pile Drive, Clive raises Ramuh's spear above his head and slams it into the ground creating an enormous explosion of lightning. This ability knocks targets back while dishing out some reasonable damage.

7 Mesmerize

Final Fantasy 16

There are not many abilities available in Final Fantasy 16 that bring targets closer to Clive, with the exception of Deadly Embrace. Mesmerize from the Shiva Eikon tree allows an offensive ability that also keeps enemies in range for follow-up attacks.

Casting Mesmerize will cause Clive to fire several ice projectiles, damaging enemies and pulling them to his current location. In addition, Mesmerize can target multiple enemies at once and hit an overwhelming distance for back-row casters or pack enemies.

6 Will O' The Wykes

Final Fantasy 16_Will O The Wykes_Finisher

While pressing the offense is the current meta of Final Fantasy 16 combat, it is essential to be able to deal damage while combating powerful marks or large mobs. When a single blind side is all it takes to end a combo string, having a defensive option that absorbs damage is highly useful.

Casting Will o' the Wykes will summon multiple orbs of fire to orbit Clive that block incoming attacks and protect him from damage. Using this is an excellent tool for ensuring the maximization of damage output.

5 Flames Of Rebirth


Casting Flames of Rebirth, Clive embraces the power of the Phoenix and erupts a smoldering pillar of flame, scorching enemies. Flames Of Rebirth is one of the ultimate abilities of the Eikons belonging to the Phoenix Eikon tree.

Flames of Rebirth can be a powerful combo ender against a staggered for or significantly reduce the numbers when swarmed by enemies. However, this ability is useful because it is another avenue for Clive to regain Health while still going on the offensive.

4 Aerial Blast

final fantasy 16 eikon ability

The Aerial Blast ability belonging to the Garuda Eikon tree is perhaps one of the best-looking abilities in the game. Once cast, Clive summons a highly damaging tornado on the battlefield that sweeps up enemies, causing high-will damage.

Aerial Blast contracts the movement of all lesser enemies, making it impossible for them to escape the tornado. In addition, it allows Clive to cast other abilities during its duration and sets enemies up for air combos.

3 Lightning Rod

lightning rod final fantasy 16

Lightning Rod is not an apparent plus to combo damage on the surface, resembling another Shiva's Rime ability. However, Lighting Rod summons an electrical arc on the battlefield that fires off bolts at nearby enemies every time it is struck.

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This ability can be incredibly strong when paired with the right abilities, such as Ignition, Dance of Steel, and even Wind Up from the Titan Eikon tree. With every hit, the Electrical arc damages the enemies nearby, stacking damage on more damage, causing a stream of high numbers to enemy health bars.

2 Earthen Fury


Earthen Fury is a very underutilized ability due to its area of effect and long casting time. When activated, Clive harnesses the power of Titan and digs deep into the ground, and raises a wave of earth matter forward that highly damages targets.

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While initially very good for large numbers, the ability sufferers against single target confrontations. However, in situations with multiple attackers, paired with abilities like Impulse or Megaflare, Earthen Fury can be very useful.

1 Satellite

Final Fantasy 16

There are many ranged abilities apart from the Bahamut Eikon tree that consistently damage foes, freeing up Clive to use other abilities or full-frontal attacks. Satellite is similar to most abilities in the Bahamut tree but gives Clive more control, as he summons small spheres that fire light projectiles at targets hit by Clive's magic attacks.

At first glance, Satellite doesn't measure up to the other abilities available, but given how often combos will possess the burst magic target combination, Satellite will more than be beneficial, dealing above-average damage.

Final Fantasy 16 is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC.

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