Square Enix has been careful regarding what's been revealed of Final Fantasy 16's story ahead of its June launch, but it appears that it is at least partially driven by the relationship between protagonist Clive Rosfield and his brother Joshua. The early hours of Final Fantasy 16 purportedly establish Clive as a character at a pivotal moment in his youth, with the initiating event that launches the game's conflict somehow related to his brother Joshua's place as the Dominant of the Phoenix Eikon. This would not be the first time that a Final Fantasy game has used the relationship between brothers as a key thematic element in developing its story.

Both Final Fantasy 4 and Final Fantasy 6 included pairs of brothers who, although their relationships were vastly different, each had significant bearing on the path of each game's plot. The primary conflict of Final Fantasy 4 was driven by the protagonist Cecil's quest against Golbez, who was (unbeknownst to either) Cecil's older brother. Meanwhile, Final Fantasy 6 featured Edgar and Sabin - twin heirs to the throne of Figaro that are two very different but powerful characters that become key members of the game's main party. In returning to the theme of brotherhood in its narrative, Final Fantasy 16 establishes yet again how it is looking to the series' past to chart a course for its future.

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Final Fantasy 4 Told a Tale of Brothers Against One Another


The term "brother" is often accompanied by the implication that the siblings are friends, but both real and fictional history have established that this precedent is not always the case. Final Fantasy 4 featured a protagonist and antagonist that were unknowingly brothers, having been separated long before the events of the game take place. After casually dropping hints as to the relationship between Cecil and his arch nemesis Golbez, one of the grand reveals in Final Fantasy 4's narrative involves the shocking revelation that the two are brothers, which sees them almost immediately reconcile to tackle a greater threat as a team.

In considering how Clive's relationship with his brother Joshua might be one of the major driving forces behind the narrative of Final Fantasy 16, it should not be ruled out that the big bad of the game ends up being the protagonist's brother. In terms of providing an emotional core to the story as well as a complex motivation behind Clive's apparent quest for revenge, it's possible that the initial hours of Final Fantasy 16 explain how the two brothers became bitter enemies. What Square Enix have shown of Final Fantasy 16's story could very well be misdirection for fans to assume that Joshua is somehow a victim instead of the game's primary threat.

Edgar and Sabin's Bond in Final Fantasy 6 May Influence Final Fantasy 16


On the other side of the spectrum, Edgar and Sabin's relationship in Final Fantasy 6 is a solid bond between twin brothers that are emotionally devastated following the death of their parents at the hand of the evil Gestahlian Empire. In a narrative beat that serves to underscore one of the major themes of the game - fighting against fate and one's apparent destiny - neither twin wants to inherit the throne of Figaro, choosing instead flip a coin to leave the decision up to chance. Edgar and Sabin resign themselves to the will of the coin and, as a result, are joyed to reunite and aid Terra toward toppling the empire.

As a pair of brothers also born of nobility, Clive and Joshua may share a similar bond in Final Fantasy 16, with neither brother entirely comfortable with the responsibility placed on them due to their family's legacy. Although Joshua is chosen as the dominant of the Phoenix Eikon, gameplay from Final Fantasy 16 shows that Clive has similar abilities. Whether the two end up being companions or enemies remains to be seen, but returning to the motif of brotherhood is just another way among many that Final Fantasy 16 appears to honor the series' past.

Final Fantasy 16 launches June 22, exclusively for PS5.

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