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In a massive game like Final Fantasy 16, players can expect to keep their time filled with all sorts of activities. Beyond just the excellent combat that is on display, the world of Valisthea is also full of wonder and interesting diversions that players can choose to engage in.

This is where the Renown system comes into play in Final Fantasy 16 about a third of the way into the game. Another metric that is meant to measure Clive's impact on the entire world, players will do well to pay attention to this social currency, as it is the key to valuable rewards as well as a particular trophy in a demanding list.

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Story spoilers ahead, so look away now to avoid any lasting impact on the enjoyment of the game.

Renown and the Patron's Whisper in Final Fantasy 16

Following the demise of Cidolfus, Clive takes on the mantle of Cid the Outlaw, determined to carry out the rest of the mission and save the people of Valisthea from the Blight and the Mothercrystals. Now head of the operation with the rest of the Cursebreakers, it is essential that Clive is able to inspire the rest of the populace to help with the cause of this bunch of rebels.

From this point, any side quests that Clive completes in Final Fantasy 16 will come with a Renown reward. Amassing this social currency will inspire nameless benefactors from across the Twins to donate Gil and items to the noble cause.

Renown and the Patron's Whisper in Final Fantasy 16

To keep track of all this, players can head to the Patron's Whisper located in the new hideaway, just next to Alliant Reports stand. Speaking to Desiree will bring up the list of rewards and their Renown requirement, with more to be unlocked as players progress further down this path.

Careful Whisper Trophy

The Renown system ties into one of the trophies players can obtain in Final Fantasy 16. The Careful Whisper trophy will require players to obtain all available items from patrons, maximizing the number of Renown points in the game.

The more points Clive has, the more potential rewards there are to be grabbed at the Patron's Whisper. Although the final number is unknown, it is likely to require more than 1000 Renown to grab everything off the list. This will provide players with useful equipment and Gil, enough to keep Clive and the gang going on to the next major quest.

Final Fantasy 16 is exclusively available for PlayStation 5.