There's a lot unknown about Final Fantasy 16. Outside of the interesting reveal trailer, there's not been much official word, and what has been stated is somewhat confusing. For example, FF6 was announced as a PS5 console exclusive, but PC was scrubbed from its trailer. And it is also believed to be a timed exclusive, so Xbox Series X fans may not be completely out of the loop.

Nonetheless, the variety of unknowns has fans tearing apart the trailer. Some believe there is a time gap, others think that the two playable characters are, in fact, different characters. Fans have noticed that it seems Final Fantasy 16 doesn't have a party system, and it seems it's following the standard countries-at-war-because-summons storyline. For example, players see a Shiva and a Titan go head-to-head, but arguably the most important summon shown was the Phoenix. And, in knowing that, it stands to reason that Bahamut may also be a big part of the next game (beyond the fact that it is the most iconic summon in Final Fantasy).

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The Lore of the Phoenix: Up to Final Fantasy 14

final fantasy 16 summon phoenix

Although the Phoenix is often overcast by summons like Ifrit, Shiva, and obviously, Bahamut, it's a recurring element and one often important to the game's overall story, as is the case with Final Fantasy 16. It can often revive players and is the "source" of Phoenix Downs, and much like Final Fantasy's Ifrit, it is associated with the element of fire. Beginning with Final Fantasy 5, the Phoenix has appeared in several mainline games, including pretty much every game since with the exception of Final Fantasy 10, Final Fantasy 12, and Final Fantasy 13. It has further appeared in several of the spin-offs, but of all its appearances, Final Fantasy 14's is arguably the most important.

Not only is Final Fantasy 14's director a producer on FF16, but the trailer itself practically screams its similarities. Final Fantasy 14 and 16 are likely closely related, and that bolds well in a way for the Phoenix. In Final Fantasy 14, Louisoix Leveilleur is transformed into the Primal of Rebirth, Phoenix, in order to do battle with Bahamut during the Calamity. Further, Shadowbringers' Summoners can enter a Firebird Trance at Level 72 after Demi-Bahamut and can summon Demi-Phoenix at level 80. The two summons are very similar, but that's likely because of how the story progresses.

As such, it seems fans can likely expect Final Fantasy 16 to lean as heavily, if not more so, into this. After all, the main character is Joshua's protector, and Joshua is seemingly bound to the Phoenix in some way. The character's abilities are also somehow derived from these summons, as he can be seen using Phoenix-like abilities, Garuda-like abilities, and Titan-like abilities, so it'll be interesting to see how Bahamut will tie into it. There's been a lot of versions of Bahamut over the years, so it wouldn't be surprising to see him serve as an antagonist of destruction, if the Phoenix is form of rebirth and creation. All fans can really do for now is wait for the next look into the game, or obviously, for whenever Final Fantasy 16 releases.

Final Fantasy 16 is in development as a timed exclusive for PS5.

MORE: Final Fantasy 16 Potentially Releasing Sooner Than Expected