Final Fantasy 16, as the name suggests, is the 16th main installment in the long-spanning and beloved Final Fantasy franchise. Developed and Published by Square Enix, the game takes place in the fictional war-torn world of Valisthea, mixing action RPG elements with a medieval fantasy setting. Final Fantasy 16 puts players into the shoes of a young knight from the Grand Duchy of Rosaria named Clive Rosfield, who embarks on a quest to understand and uncover the mysteries of the Mothercrystals, which are a source of great and mysterious power, all while fighting to protect his younger brother.

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The last mainline Final Fantasy game, Final Fantasy 15, received wide criticism upon its release from critics and fans alike. The game was bashed for having an incomplete story, a bizarre open world, a bland combat system, and for converting a major chunk of essential content into DLC. In contrast, Square Enix has made sure not to repeat the same mistakes with Final Fantasy 16, giving it a more mature and detailed narrative alongside a deep combat system. The game also boasts stunning visuals and epic soundtracks which really showcase the efforts of the development team.


Game Settings

The events of Final Fantasy 15 take place in the world of Eos, which boasts a blend between fantasy and modern-day elements. It harbors vibrant and technologically advanced kingdoms which fight for control. The game follows the crown prince of Lucis Noctis Lucis Caelum and his loyal friends as they embark on a treacherous journey to reclaim their kingdom from the invading Niflheim. Though the setting of the game is intriguing, its execution left a lot to be desired. The elements of fantasy and modernity instead of being in harmony, felt more forced which ultimately drag down the experience.

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On the other hand, Square took a step back with Final Fantasy 16, returning to the classic medieval fantasy setting. Final Fantasy 16 is set in the fictional world of Valisthea, filled with captivating landscapes and six diverse kingdoms, all powered by the mysterious Mothercrystals. The crystals grant the power of Eikons to the chosen Dominants, who serve as key instigators of power for each of the six great nations. In comparison, the scope of the Final Fantasy 16 setting feels much grander than Final Fantasy 15, making for a much more engaging experience.


Game Worlds

Final Fantasy 15's Eos is a large explorable open world filled with immersive landscapes, lush environments, and bustling cities. Players traverse between regions in Noctis' iconic car, the Regalia, along with the other party members. The concept of these long road trips with a bunch of close friends sounds fun, but the gameplay ultimately feels boring and repetitive as there is not much that players can do while the car takes you from one point to another. Once the players step out of the car, however, they are free to engage in side quests, explore treacherous terrains and take on enemies.

Final Fantasy 16 moves away from the open-world gameplay of Final Fantasy 15 and presents the world of Valisthea as 6 distinct regions. Players will be able to explore the world as four large zones which are 2km by 2km in size, which become accessible as Clive's story progresses. Despite not being an open-world game, Final Fantasy 16 still allows players to return to previous regions, which makes it possible to complete unfinished side quests and even take on new quests.

Combat System

Combat Systems

Final Fantasy 15's combat system is largely real-time and action-oriented, while also featuring a "wait mode" allowing players to pause the action scenes and asses their situations and surroundings. Initially, players were only able to control Noctis and engage in fights using a mix of physical attacks, magic spells, summons, and powerful weapons called the Royal Arms. Later on, however, an update allowed players to control other party members as well. Though the combat is fun, it essentially boils down to the same strategies that could be used to defeat any and all enemies, which results in the system ultimately feeling lackluster.

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Final Fantasy 16builds upon the combat of Final Fantasy 15 by continuing to feature real-time combat, instead of the traditional turn-base one. It draws from other action-heavy games and features hack-and-slash fighting which incorporates melee combat, spells, dodging, parrying, and limit breaks. The combat is made even more complex by utilizing special Eikon abilities. Players are only able to control the protagonist Clive, while some commands can be given to other party members.

Eikons Vs. Summons

Eikons Vs. Summons

Final Fantasy's iconic astral beings are featured in Final Fantasy 15 as summons that can be called upon by Noctis to aid him in battle. These summons play an integral role in the game's story leading to some epic instances. Some are accessible after reaching key points in the narrative, while others have to be unlocked via side quests. Though the summons offer great cinematic sequences and are essential for turning the tide in important battles, their usage is limited, which ultimately undermines their importance.

In contrast, Final Fantasy 16 refers to these beings as Eikons, whose powers can be channeled through certain chosen individuals called the Dominants. Dominants and their Eikons are a vital part of Final Fantasy 16's story making their presence feel much more relevant. The game sees players take control of Clive as he battles against the Dominants in their human forms as well as their Eikon transformations. Each battle is unique and showcases the power of the Eikons. Clive is also able to channel the abilities of various Eikons as the story progresses.

Final Fantasy 16 is set to release on June 22, 2023, and will be available on PlayStation 5 on release.

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