
  • The world of Final Fantasy 16 has a rich lore and history, with Dominants controlling powerful Eikons and playing key roles in politics.
  • Leviathan, a missing Eikon in the game, is a major mystery. Its absence could be due to the potential eradication of its Dominant and the destruction of its crystal.
  • The absence of Leviathan and the lost civilization of The Fallen leave room for potential DLC expansions that explore their stories and provide answers to fans' questions.

Final Fantasy 16 puts players in the shoes of Clive Rosfield on his journey to save the world of Valisthea from Ultima and the Mothercrystals. Like previous entries in the series, the world of Final Fantasy 16 is filled with deep lore and a history that extends long before the moment the player first steps into it. Valisthea is a world built around its Mothercrystals. The world's politics are deeply tied to the use and availability of magic, and no people are sought after more than Dominants like Clive. Each Dominant controls an eikon with tremendous magical power, but one is missing from the game's events: Leviathan.

The power of Eikons and Dominants in Final Fantasy 16 are often discussed by its characters. Each Eikon has a Dominant. After the Dominant passes away, by natural causes or otherwise, the Eikon goes dormant until it surfaces through a new Dominant. Dominants that awaken to their Eikonic powers often rise to political importance due to their usefulness as living weapons. It is also established that the Eikons usually select members of certain tribes, referred to in game as Motes, which is why certain dynasties have been able to remain in control of their kingdoms. The passing down of an Eikon within a Mote could also be the key to understanding the absence of Leviathan the Lost.

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Leviathan The Lost Is One of FF16's Biggest Mysteries

Final Fantasy 16 FF15 Missing Character Leviathan Mural

By the time players step into the world of Valisthea, much of the land has been consumed by the blight. Loresman Harpocrates will reveal to players that though there are only five crystals in Valisthea at the time of the game, originally there were eight. The southern half of the continent of Ash has already fallen, and the crystal, Drake's Thorn, is lost. Based on what is known about the other crystals and regions, this land was almost certainly the home of the Motes of Water. It's unknown if any of the members of the Mote survived, so Leviathan could potentially be lost without a Dominant.

If a dominant of Leviathan were to arise in Valisthea, they would likely become highly sought after. With no home to return to, other kingdoms would likely fight to take them or win their loyalty. If the Motes of Water managed to escape the blight, its stands to reason that they might be trying to keep their identity hidden. Joshua informs the player that Leviathan hasn't been identified in centuries, so if there are still potential dominants, it stands to reason that it might be a family secret. Some fans have speculated that Leviathan's Dominant is actually hidden among the existing cast of characters.

Is Leviathan Lost Forever?

final fantasy 16 water

Outside of Dhalmekia, Clive encounters a huge crater with water pouring into it. This crater is the site of an event known as "The Sins of Dzemekys" in which humanity tried to wage war with the gods. It is said that the crater is the site of the final conflict where the gods punished humanity's arrogance. This site is adjacent to where the Motes of Water would have resided at the time. It could be possible that the Dominant of Leviathan was smote by the gods in combat, and the Eikon eliminated or forced into extend dormancy. If this is the case, "The Sins of Dzemekys" could be prime for a Dark Souls-inspired time travel DLC.

The omission of Leviathan from the main narrative makes it an option for a Final Fantasy 16 DLC pack. Another major mystery is what happened to The Fallen, the game's other lost civilization, one that seems to have been technologically advanced. Square Enix has plenty of room to expand the world of Final Fantasy 16 and its vast history. While fans have been left wondering where Leviathan and its dominant are, DLC could provide answers, and the story of Leviathan is the most obvious choice for Final Fantasy 16's first piece of additional content.

Final Fantasy 16 is available now for PS5.

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