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Final Fantasy fans are used to having a particular amount of control and customization over their party members in each game but Final Fantasy 16 mixes things up for the franchise by only giving players one character to focus on. Although Clive will have help during certain sections of the Main Story, players won't be able to have any influence over the party members that accompany the hero. Yet, there is one party member that players have at least a little control over, and that's Clive's trust canine companion, Torgal. In Final Fantasy 16, players can give Torgal commands, helping to "fine-tune" exactly what he does in battle. Players can even upgrade the canine's pedigree, making him more useful in combat. Here's how to upgrade Torgal in Final Fantasy 16.

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How To Increase Torgal's Pedigree In Final Fantasy 16


Although the game doesn't necessarily make it completely clear, there is a way to make Torgal more efficient in combat. By hitting the left directional input on the D-pad, players can swap between commands for Torgal and quick-use consumables. Torgal only has access to three different commands in combat with Sic, Heal, and Ravage. Sic will cause Torgal to strike whatever enemy Clive is currently focused on with a quick bite, helping to do damage. Heal will create a small AOE around Torgal, and will begin to repair some of Clive's wounds if he's nearby. Ravage is akin to Sic but will cause Torgal to pop the enemy up into the air (if possible).

Increasing Torgal's Pedigree is as simple as using him in combat by issuing him commands. For this reason, it's recommended that players leave the commands menu open and only swap to the consumables menu when they need to heal. As players use abilities, Torgal will slowly gain EXP towards his Pedigree menu, which will level up his given skills, making them stronger.

RELATED: Final Fantasy 16: How to Pet Torgal (You Can Pet the Dog Trophy)

Final Fantasy 16 Ring of Timely Assistance

Although it's easy to swap between menus, it can be a bit of a headache to issue commands during difficult fights. Thankfully, there's an easy way to keep leveling up Torgal's Pedigree without having to give him commands directly, thanks to the Ring of Timely Assistance. This accessory will cause Torgal to attack and heal on his own. Players will automatically receive this ring, near the start of the game (when they first unlock Torgal for use in combat). Those struggling can equip this ring in one of their accessory slots and allow Torgal to simply gain EXP on his own without any player input.