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One of the biggest changes that Final Fantasy 16 makes is how the game treats the traditional summons. The Eikons are now no longer powerful entities that come to the aid of the players at any given moment, but rather, they are an extension of a Dominant's power, with only a select few being able to call upon their awesome might.

Naturally, that sets the stage for some truly magnificent battles for Clive Rosfield in the new entry. For players hoping to witness such bouts in action early on, luck would have it, an exhilarating battle happens quite early on in Final Fantasy 16 involving the Phoenix and the Eikon of Fire, and here's what needs to be done to come out on top.

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How to Beat the Eikon of Fire in Final Fantasy 16

The interesting part about this fight is that instead of Clive, players will be assuming the role of Joshua, his brother, and the Dominant of the Phoenix. Under siege from the Eikon of Fire, the fiery avian must defend itself against this powerful opponent or risk losing it all.

This will be an extended battle involving plenty of dodging and ranged attacks. However, the difference is that it takes place on rails, so players only need to worry about getting accurate hits and dodging in the right direction. The primary controls to note are Triangle to fire, the left stick to aim, and R1 to evade.

Phase 1

How to Defeat the Eikon of Fire in Final Fantasy 16 Phase 1

The battle will kick off within a narrow passage, with the Eikon of Fire jumping from side to side during the section. To deal sustained damage to the Eikon of Fire, use the left stick to aim the targeting circle. Once it is on the enemy, it will expand, making it the best time to fire off the Phoenix's attacks.

When any attacks are aimed at the Phoenix, time it just before it connects to execute a Precision Dodge before returning the favor and attacking the Eikon of Fire.

Phase 2

How to Defeat the Eikon of Fire in Final Fantasy 16 Phase 2

Eventually, the enemy will catch up to the Phoenix, resulting in some really cool sequences between the two Eikons as the battle continues. Now, instead of a narrow area, the battle unfolds in a cavern, with the Eikon of Fire again displaying its agility and leaping between pillars, trying its best to hurl stuff at the player.

Keep firing and dodging as the Phoenix, and when there is a physical impediment in the path, blast it to smithereens to keep going. At about half health, a Cinematic Strike moment will occur, so press Square to take advantage, dealing heavy damage to the Eikon of Fire.

How to Defeat the Eikon of Fire in Final Fantasy 16 Phase 2 Cinematic Strike

As the enemy's health dwindles, it will attempt one final gambit with its ultimate move, which seems to successfully defeat the Phoenix. Thankfully, through the Flames of Rebirth, the Phoenix recovers to deal the final blow to the Eikon of Fire.

In the aftermath, it seems like Joshua and the Phoenix are no more, with all that's left being the extinguished Eikon of Fire. The drama of Final Fantasy 16 has only just begun.

Final Fantasy 16 is exclusively available for PlayStation 5.