Fans of Final Fantasy 16 got an in-depth look at the game's setting, Valisthea, in a brand-new trailer that highlighted its world. These past few months have seen fans receiving a large amount of information regarding the game, as its producer, Naoki Yoshida, has been going on a lengthy media tour to talk about the project as its release date draws closer. Yoshida has clarified a number of details about the game, such as the length of one playthrough in Final Fantasy 16, the game's combat, and other things like cutscene runtime. The producer was also present at the annual convention PAX East this past weekend, where he held two panels regarding two games he is currently working on.The first panel was this past Friday, where he hosted a Q&A panel specifically for Final Fantasy 14. He answered a number of fan questions, which were also streamed on Twitch, even teasing possible Final Fantasy 16 crossover content for Final Fantasy 14. Another panel hosted by Yoshida was focused on Final Fantasy 16, which went over more details regarding the game, including an extensive cinematic trailer that highlighted the various environments of Valisthea.RELATED: Final Fantasy 16 Combat Has Serious Devil May Cry 5 VibesWhile this trailer was first shown off to PAX East attendees and over Twitch, the official Final Fantasy 16 Twitter account posted this trailer in full, spanning roughly two mintues of in-game footage. The trailer kicked off with Clive, Torgal, and one of his companions walking across a rocky canyon, before overlooking a mountainous region with a set of cascading waterfalls. From there, players can ride on top of Chocobo to cross this mountainous range, while Torgal follows him on foot. Clive can be seen walking through other environments as well, such as town decorated with lush greenery, a settlement that has taken to living in the red-stone canyon, a bustling city, or a dense forest.

This Final Fantasy 16 trailer then shows off various sweeping cinematic pans of the game's environments, such as piers attached to a lake, a stone cobbled road with a windmill off to the side, and a set of ruins. Clive can also be seen exploring these biomes, especially more hostile places such as a palace that has a storm taking place and a volcano. A war-torn town is also seen in the trailer, along with a gate that contains the game's plot-essential elemental crystals.

The trailer ends with a shot of Clive and his friends looking at the sunset, before fading to remind fans of game's release later in June. Other things fans got a chance to look at during this panel include the menu UI, how Clive ages throughout the game, and even one of the game's cutscenes. Yoshida even showed off an important mechanic of Final Fantasy 16, that being the option to pet Clive's Wolf companion Torgal.

Final Fantasy 16 will launch on June 22, exclusively for PS5.

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