Square Enix fans have a lot to look forward to this year. It announced multiple games at PlayStation's State of Play broadcast, though the two major titles on everyone's minds are Final Fantasy 16 and Forspoken. These games share some DNA, each being a sprawling action RPG, set in a world of dark fantasy. The games clearly have their differences, but the similar settings of the games is not all they have in common.

Like many games recently, both Final Fantasy 16 and Forspoken have been delayed numerous times. Forspoken's release date was recently delayed to October 11, 2022, and Final Fantasy 16's is still unannounced, but it is unlikely to drop this year as initially intended. If Final Fantasy does manage to release in early 2023, though, the two games' similar worlds, combat, and release dates will make them greater rivals than Square Enix intended.

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Valisthea, the World of Final Fantasy 16


Final Fantasy 16 takes place in the world of Valisthea, a land given power by the Mothercrystals and governed by six realms. Valisthea is threatened by the Blight, a force threatening to destroy the dominions of these six realms. Final Fantasy 16's trailer depicts a darker setting than what is usually present in the series, showing large scale war, death, and, to quote, a "bitter journey." The game follows Clive on his journey across Valisthea and his growth in such a harsh environment.

Final Fantasy 16's trailer also gives a look at the game's combat. Clive is shown firing off spells and swinging a sword— the combat is fast-paced and action oriented. This seems to follow suit from other modern games in the Final Fantasy franchise, like Final Fantasy 15 and Final Fantasy 7 Remake. If the combat of these two games is anything to go off of, players can expect tons of over the top, flashy spectacle, while still maintaining the depth and systems of any traditional JRPG. Overall, the much darker world of Final Fantasy 16 on top of its refined combat make it a game many fans are eager to hear more about.

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Forspoken's Frey is No Longer in New York

forspoken game world

Like Final Fantasy 16, Forspoken also takes place in a dark fantasy world. The game does not start out this way though, as protagonist Frey is mysteriously transported here from her hometown of New York City. Forspoken's gameplay trailer reveals this land of Athia is just as cruel as Valisthea, being completely overrun by war, monsters, and dragons. Frey is ostracized as an outsider, meaning she will have to deal with these monsters as well as the non-trusting people of Athia on her difficult journey home.

Forspoken also places a large emphasis on its combat and movement. The game's trailers show Frey to be an apt sorceress, zooming around foes and letting loose all forms of elemental spells. Forspoken's combat is magic-oriented, though Frey can be seen fighting foes at a closer range as well. On top of this, Forspoken's traversal is looking to be a ton of fun, which is absolutely necessary in large, open world games. Frey is shown using her magical abilities to bound upwards and fly through the air, as well as making a surfboard of sorts to skate across the water. Based on the game's trailers, Forspoken's dark world of Athia as well as its visually breathtaking combat and traversal provide a lot to look forward to.

Newbie Forspoken vs. Veteran Final Fantasy 16

main character from ff16

It is clear that Final Fantasy 16 and Forspoken have more than just their publisher in common. Both games take place in a dark world that is on the brink of destruction, involving people with clashing ideals on top of monsters. Both games also have seemingly deep, action oriented combat that places heavy emphasis on visuals. Final Fantasy 16 and Forspoken are both delayed, and may even release around the same time. Despite all of this, each game has things working for and against it.

Final Fantasy 16 is highly anticipated just because it is a Final Fantasy game. This works in its favor, as many long time fans of the series are sure to purchase the game regardless of how it is received. It is also helpful that Final Fantasy games are usually independent of one another, making 16 a great jumping on point for any new fans of the series. On the flip side, many new players may not know this, or simply will not want to buy Final Fantasy 16 without playing all of its predecessors. As such, they could want to try a new game instead.

Forspoken is the opposite, as it is a completely new IP in a time when those are becoming rarer and rarer. Its concept of Frey being whisked into another world is novel for a game of Forspoken's size— Frey's reaction to dragons and other mystical oddities will be great to see. Players will come to Forspoken because it is so fresh and new. On the other hand, many players will not want to risk playing a brand-new game, opting instead for the tried and true Final Fantasy 16.

Intentionally or not, Square Enix has certainly put Final Fantasy 16 and Forspoken against one another. Both games are similar in terms of story, world and combat, but one has the advantage of a fan base spanning decades while the other represents something fresh. There is no clear winner here, as both games seem worth playing, but players deciding between the two could have a tough choice ahead of them.

Final Fantasy 16 is in development for PS5. Forspoken is releasing October 11, 2022, for PC and PS5.

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