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As Players enter the final stretch of Final Fantasy 16's long campaign, they will likely be looking for a serious upgrade in weaponry to help Clive deal with the game's most formidable enemies. While the campaign itself offers up many powerful weapons, Final Fantasy 16 hides its best behind a chain of side quests that find Clive repeatedly helping Blackthorne the blacksmith. These quests are collectively known as "Blacksmith's Blues."

The sword known as Rangarok will be made available to Clive after completing the final quests in the series, "Blacksmith's Blues IV." Though he'll have to wait until quite late in the game to acquire this legendary armament, the weapons devastating power makes it more than worth it. This guide will take the player through each step needed to claim this incredible sword.

Related: The Hardest Bosses In Final Fantasy 16

When Can Clive Get Ragnarok in FF16?


Much like many of Final Fantasy 16's best weapons, Clive will have to reach a very specific point in the game before he can get his hands on Ragnarok. As it is attached to the "Blacksmith's Blues IV" quest, Clive will need to wait until that quest becomes available. In this case, Clive will need to reach the main story quest "Across the Narrow," which occurs fairly late in the story. The player will know they are approaching it when they begin preparations to travel to the Kingdom of Waloed. Once the player has received the notice that "Across the Narrow" has begun, they will find "Blacksmith's Blues IV" waiting for them at the Hideaway.

To complete this side quest, make sure Clive has made his way through all the previous "Blacksmith's Blues" quests, which includes the following:

How to Complete Blacksmith's Blues IV


When Clive arrives back at the Hideaway, he'll find August standing in the exact same place he was in the beginning of "Blacksmith's Blues III." On the main deck, just past Desiree and Gaute's desk, Clive will find August gazing out at the world. Approach him and speak to initiate the quest.


In "Blacksmith's Blues III," Clive helped Blackthorne established a new forge in Dravozd, the town he was from, rebuilding burnt bridges in the process. Unfortunately, August informs Clive that the mines outside the town have been flooded with aether, resulting in swarms of akashic enemies moving in. August asks Clive to meet him in Dravozd, hoping to save the town before these mindless creatures move in.

Meet August in Dravozd:


During his previous visit to the town, Clive should have established a working Obelisk just outside the town. He can now use it to fast-travel directly to the front gates. It can be found in the Dhalmekian Republic, just east of the village of Tabor. Clive will find August standing along the main path, just about in the center of town.

August had hoped to complete this task without getting Blackthorne involved, but when Clive begins to speak with August, the weary blacksmith shows up to surprise them both. After a brief argument, the game will give the player a moment to prepare. Make sure to take this time to purchase any supplies, as the main enemy Clive will fight is more formidable than the run-of-the-mill akashic.

Begin the Fight:


There are several waves of enemies that Clive and Torgal will have to face. The basic enemies will not pose much of a threat, but there will be several high-level enemies.

  • Round 1: Akashic Bighorn
  • Round 2: Akashic Griffin
  • Final Beast: Canyon Chimera

The Canyon Chimera is easily the most formidable enemy that Clive will face in "Blacksmith's Blue IV." The creature uses a wide variety of AOE attacks that can do massive amounts of damage if Clive is caught in them. Make sure to keep an eye on the ground, as any AOE attack will reveal the area several seconds before being set off. Avoiding these attacks should be Clive's primary defensive goal.

Offensively, Clive should focus on depleting the Chimera's Will Gauge as quickly as possible. Chaining Garuda's abilities together is a remarkably reliable way to induce the stagger state. Using Deadly Embrace when the beast's Will Gauge is at half, then activating Gouge, will often result in Stagger. While in Stagger, any high-damage Eikon will do. Titan and Bahamut both have incredibly powerful attacks.

Related: The Best Characters In Final Fantasy 16, Ranked

How to Craft the Ragnarok Sword


Once the fight is done, Blackthorne and Zoltan will make up, and offer to craft Clive a legendary sword. Unlike Final Fantasy 16's Excalibur, which required Clive to gather extremely rare materials before the sword could be crafted, Ragnarok will be crafted and given as a reward for completing the quest. On top of that, Clive will also receive the Gotterdammerung Design Draft, which leads to the best sword in Final Fantasy 16.


Ragnarok is an extremely powerful sword, topping out at level 325 in both attack and stagger. Unfortunately, like all the unique sword in the game, Ragnarok cannot be upgraded. It will, however, serve as the perfect stop-gap until Clive can craft Gotterdammerung.

Final Fantasy 16 is available now on Playstation 5.