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The twists and turns that make the story in Final Fantasy 16 such an interesting one are always looking to take players on a ride. From the Eikons to the Dominants, as well as the political intrigue that powers the many wars that take place on Valisthea, there is much for players to dig into and enjoy about the narrative.

At the heart of it all lies Clive Rosfield and his quest for revenge, and that journey will eventually take him back to the Phoenix Gates where everything kicked off. Here, the protagonist will finally face off against a foe that has haunted his nightmares. To beat the Infernal Eikon and Shadow in Final Fantasy 16, here's everything vital to know beforehand.

RELATED: Final Fantasy 16: Every Trophy (& How to Unlock Them)

How to Beat the Infernal Eikon in Final Fantasy 16

How to Beat the Infernal Eikon in Final Fantasy 16

Things will definitely seem unfair at the start, pitting a human against an Eikon. However, not all hope is lost, and Clive is more than able to keep up with the creature. The Infernal Eikon will start things off with Crimson Rush, which sees it rush towards Clive and attack. Avoid any contact, and prepare for a battle that contains the following moves:

  • The aforementioned Crimson Rush will occur again, so sidestep if the enemy is far away, or time those dodges if it gets too close for comfort.
  • The Infernal Eikon is capable of several melee attacks. One sees it raise its foot for a stomp, while another sees it uses its tail to sweep around. Both attacks can be dodged easily, while providing the chance for Clive to attack.
  • When it gets on all fours, it will be preparing for Vulcan Burst, an explosive attack. Move out of the radius shown to avoid any damage.
Final Fantasy 16 How to Beat Infernal Eikon & Shadow Vulcan Blast
  • For ranged attacks, the Infernal Eikon uses Scorched Earth. This will send a concentrated line of fire in its intended direction. Learn the timing to dodge the attack successfully. The enemy will also use Fire Rain, which sees it toss a bunch of fireballs at Clive. Dodge towards the opponent to negate the potential harm.

Every time there is a window of opportunity, use those Eikonic Abilities to deal heavy damage to both the health and Will of the Infernal Eikon. Once it's Staggered, keep attacking to eliminate this enemy, and start off the next portion of the fight.

How to Beat the Infernal Shadow in Final Fantasy 16

How to Beat the Infernal Shadow in Final Fantasy 16

Surprise, surprise, the biggest enemy Clive has been chasing down was him all along. As such, the Infernal Shadow is one hell of an enemy to deal with.

First Phase

He will be able to tap on the moves that players can use, with added malice and power.

  • Watch out for Lunging Slash, which sees the Shadow dash and tries to slice Clive. Dodge only after the dash to avoid the attack. The Molten Thrust is more dangerous, as the dash itself already has the sword out, so dodge earlier to prevent any damage.
  • Another sword attack is Steady Slash, which sees the enemy bring the sword down after a short delay. Parry this attack if possible to gain more time to reduce the enemy's health.
  • The Infernal Shadow can call upon both Fire and Fira spells. These are usually easy to avoid, but make the most of them by using Heatwave to dispel them and counterattack effectively.

Always be on the move, and as much as possible, use Eikonic Abilities to try to Stagger the Infernal Shadow quickly. This will allow the fight to move into the second phase.

Second Phase

Things get more hectic as the Infernal Shadow adds more moves, as well as upgraded versions of the moves shown above. Every attack will be extended, so watch out and keep dodging until the coast is clear.

  • A very dangerous attack to be wary of is Hammer and Anvil. The Shadow will come crashing down from the air to cause a huge AoE explosion, so dodge towards him and get out to the other side for safety.
How to Beat the Infernal Shadow in Final Fantasy 16 Hammer and Anvil
  • Be wary when the enemy uses Incinerate, which causes the immediate area in front of it to explode. Simply move out of the radius.
  • Lastly, when the opponent uses Hellfire, forget about attacking and focus on movement. Avoid the huge pillars of flame that are denoted by the circles, and at the end, move away from the center of the arena as an explosion will emit from the Shadow.

It will be an easier time for those that have mastered the timing for Precision Dodges, so counterattacks become much easier. Instead of relying on aggression, play a little more defensively and make the Infernal Shadow pay for its eagerness. Eventually, Clive will unlock the ability to use Limit Break, and his increased efficiency in battle will carry players to the end, where two Cinematic Clashes will end the fight.

How to Beat the Infernal Shadow in Final Fantasy 16 Ending

As rewards, players will receive 450 XP, 180 AP, 3200 Gil, as well as a rare Fire Shard and some Magicked Ash.

Final Fantasy 16 is exclusively available for PlayStation 5.