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Final Fantasy 16 has garnered rave reviews from the playerbase at large, becoming yet another stellar hit from the franchise. Although the game’s primary selling point is still the deeply complex and moving story, Square Enix has brought the gameplay to a close level. Eight Eikons become available as the plot progresses, and players can have three available for use at any time. Furthermore, they can have two Eikonic abilities from each, which can help them develop a playstyle that offers an immersive experience. These amp up the combat even more when gamers choose the Action mode right from the outset, or go for Final Fantasy mode in New Game+.

Of the total eight available, players unlock Ifrit, one of the two Eikons of Fire, after they complete the Buried Memories main quest and start The Meaning of Life in Final Fantasy 16. While it offers only three abilities, unlike the five that others do, it is by no means a pushover. From worst to best, here's how effective they can be.

3 Will-o'-the-Wykes

Final Fantasy 16

At its base level, Eikonic ability Will-o'-the-Wykes offers 1 point in Attack and 2 in Stagger. When activated, a bunch of fireballs start circling Clive at high speed, protecting him from damage and dealing out some of their own. It is a surprisingly good defensive move since it can last a decent length of time and can absorb a good chunk of hits.

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While it is not the best from Eikon Ifrit, it comes in handy in various battles in Final Fantasy 16. This is emphasized when players get ambushed or make a mistake in high-strung fights and are forced to focus on defense for a bit. After upgrading it with 600 Ability Points (AP), the next step will be to spend 1,000 to master it. Although it protects from a large variety and amount of hits, it isn't infallible since some can still get through.

2 Ignition

Final Fantasy 16

Ignition is a rather straightforward and effective damage Eikonic ability that Ifrit provides. It offers 3 points in Attack and 2 in Stagger at its base level, which may not seem like much, but can be extremely useful in almost all playstyles. When activated, Clive gets coated in fire and dashes across the area, ending the move with a powerful slash. Once players have bought it for 120 AP and spent 525 on upgrading it, they will have to spend a final amount of 1,000 to master it in Final Fantasy 16.

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One of the best points of Ignition is that players can control the move’s direction. They can use this Eikon move to charge into multiple enemies around and bundle them off in one corner, damaged and away from the core fight. Since it is quite fast and can be activated from mid-air as well, many foes will not be able to dodge it in time. Players will dole out additional damage if they pair it with Will-o'-the-Wykes, since not only will it add its own hits, but also protect them from offhand hits since Ignition makes Clive vulnerable.

1 Limit Break

Final Fantasy 16

Ifrit’s core Eikonic ability or feat, Limit Break doesn’t add any damage in its own right, but is the best that players can have from this set in Final Fantasy 16. What it does instead is boost Clive’s damage output for a short amount of time, while helping him heal a bit as well. Players can use the feat when their gauges are full. While they start with only two, they can add the third with 1,000 AP, and the final fourth with 2,000 AP.

This is essentially on top of the list from this Eikon because it can be slotted into any playstyle, defensive or aggressive. Further, players can chain it into Will-o'-the-Wykes and then Ignition, making quick work of large group of enemies. Since it multiplies the damage, attacking monsters that are Staggered is advised as the boost stacks on top of the general multiplier that attacking such foes builds up. Further, it can be crucial in situations where players run out of potions since it adds healing.

Final Fantasy 16 is available exclusively for the PS5.

MORE: Final Fantasy 16 Review