Final Fantasy 16 director Hiroshi Takai, along with combat director Ryota Suzuki, unveil the exciting new Eikon Abilities that could ascend the game's fighting into legendary status. Final Fantasy 16 is set to release very soon and more details are coming out regularly to maximize the hype.

Many have been excited to get their hands on Final Fantasy 16 and try out the game's combat system since learning it is directed by Ryota Suzuki, who has also worked on games like Devil May Cry 5 and Monster Hunter World. The combat in Final Fantasy 15 was one of the more controversial aspects of the game, with many reviews noting how it can feel like mindless button-mashing much of the time. Final Fantasy 16 does not appear to be going in that direction and the latest reveal of the game's Eikon abilities further cements that.

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A recent video from IGN has both Suzuki and Takai walking future players through a number of the game's Eikons and their abilities. Of course, the Final Fantasy 16 Eikons are the standard ones that have been known and utilized throughout much of the Final Fantasy series. In FF16, Clive can take on the power of the Eikons, each of which comes with its own set of abilities that can drastically change how a fight is approached.

An Eikon like Ramuh is shown to have lightning abilities that will allow the player to attack enemies at range, sending out bolts of electricity from their fingertips as well as the sky. Meanwhile, the Eikon Titan is shown to have close-range combat abilities for players who want to get in close and pummel enemies with flurries of blows and brutal counter-attacks. The other two Eikons shown off in the video are Phoenix and Garuda, who wield fire and wind abilities, respectively. Some feel Final Fantasy 16 maybe shouldn't rely too much on its Eikons, but if it adds new and complex layers to the game like this new video appears to display, then maybe it should lean heavily into them.

A number of other Eikons have also been confirmed for Final Fantasy 16 thus far, including Odin, Ifrit, Shiva, and Bahamut, though it's still unknown exactly how many will be in the game in total. With each Eikon having at least three upgradeable abilities each, that puts at least 24 unique moves in the game for players to pick between. If there are more Eikons than what have been shown thus far then there will be even more moves, giving Final Fantasy 16 a high degree of customization when it comes to tearing the creatures of Valisthea apart.

Final Fantasy 16 launches for PS5 on June 22nd.

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