The Final Fantasy series has been one of the longest-running and most popular franchises in gaming history. With multiple mainline entries, spin-offs, films, manga, and novels, Final Fantasy has become a massive media franchise with a vast stable of beloved characters and original stories. With the next entry, Final Fantasy 16, currently in development, fans of the series have a lot to look forward to, even if details about the upcoming installment are still fairly scarce. One aspect that has been revealed of Final Fantasy 16, however, is the main characters that will drive the game's action.

As a whole, Final Fantasy is great at mixing up each entry, never fixating too much on one type of formula, and usually offering a group of unique and diverse characters for players to become invested in. From Final Fantasy 7's taciturn protagonist Cloud to the jovial Tidus in Final Fantasy 10, the series has featured a lot of memorable characters over the years. However, it's some of the most recent protagonists that players will inevitably end up comparing, focusing on how Clive in the upcoming Final Fantasy 16 will measure up to other recent representations like Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin's Jack.

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Comparing The Two Games

A scene featuring characters from Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin

Released earlier this year as a prequel set in an alternate universe to the original Final Fantasy, Stranger of Paradise feels like a bit of an anomaly. Square Enix has certainly tried to freshen up the franchise with some bold choices like making the experimental MMO Final Fantasy 11 or centering Final Fantasy 15 on a kind of boys-only road trip, and Stranger of Paradise fits into this 'pushing the envelope' endeavor. After the initial glimpses of the gameplay and a bizarre trailer that inspired the derision of a meme-savvy audience, some fans were worried about how Stranger of Paradise would turn out. Despite some mixed reviews, the game did find its fans and players who embraced its B-movie adjacent sensibilities.

With Final Fantasy 16 yet to be released, gamers can only speculate about how the game will handle and what the gameplay will be like. However, it seems as if the upcoming title is returning to the kind of high-fantasy setting of earlier Final Fantasy games instead of recent adventures in worlds that mixed fantasy with more modern elements. Final Fantasy 16 appears to be a more serious entry and this is a stark contrast to the decidedly campier Stranger of Paradise. In addition to the differences in the tone and settings of the games, both protagonists seem to take very different approaches to their roles as main characters.

Clive Versus Jack


Even before Stranger of Paradise was released, its protagonist Jack Garland was the subject of a lot of attention. The character that players were presented with felt like a far cry from the Garland in the original Final Fantasy, and some fans thought he was a poor substitution for his previous depiction. With his memories erased, Jack in this iteration is simplified down into a would-be hero with anger issues and a very single-minded approach. His obsession with killing Chaos does make him slightly more comical than he is probably meant to appear, but at least he's driven.

Under the layers of aggression and bad language, Jack does show loyalty to his companions and occasionally reveals his caring side, giving the character a little more depth. Jack's appearance also sets him apart from other male protagonists in the Final Fantasy series, with his modern clothing and close-cropped blonde hair. The majority of male main characters have a similar aesthetic across multiple Final Fantasy titles, with floppy, choppy hair of various shades like Cloud, Squall, Tidas, Vaan, and Noctis. In this regard, Clive in the upcoming Final Fantasy 16 fits in more with his predecessors than Jack does.

Much of Final Fantasy 16 remains a mystery at the moment, but players have been introduced to the game's protagonist. Clive Rosfield appears to be the typical brooding, sword-swinging character that fronts so many of Final Fantasy's games, complete with a troubled backstory and quest for revenge. Clive starts the game as a young boy – only fifteen years old – but his formidable skills allowed him to win a tournament to become the First Shield of Rosaria charged with protecting his younger brother Joshua.

Clive experiences severe trauma at the start of the narrative, which will no doubt affect him throughout the course of the game. He could have similar anger issues as Jack as he handles not only his tragic past but the responsibilities that have been placed on his shoulders as well. With Final Fantasy 16's seemingly more earnest tone, it's likely that Clive's character will be a bit more nuanced than Jack, considering Jack's intense focus on besting Chaos and being the angriest guy in the room at any given moment.

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The Importance Of The Main Character

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Walked so Final Fantasy 16 Could Run

The main character in a game is an integral part of the whole. They can save or sink a title, and so much of a game's success can depend on how likable or engaging they are. While a strong ensemble of other compelling characters can save a slightly bland protagonist, it can be difficult to make players care about the story if the person their playing is unbearable or borderline boring. The character they experience the game through can color their entire perception of it, and so often it's proven to be a tricky thing to get right. Jameson Locke in Halo 5 is an infamous example of a main character that didn't quite work – especially given Master Chief's popularity – and soured the game for many players.

Protagonists set the tone for the game, and if players don't care about them or don't find them believable, then that can impact their opinions about the in-game world. Stranger of Paradise's Jack was a controversial figure, and some players just couldn't get on board with his relentless anger and preoccupation with Chaos. Clive needs to be more distinct if he's going to drive the action in Final Fantasy 16, if for no other reason than to avoid the endless rounds of memes that Jack inspired.

Final Fantasy 16 is in development for PS5.

MORE: Final Fantasy 16: What 'Awakening' May Mean for Clive, Joshua, and Valisthea