First announced back in September 2021, Final Fantasy 16 has finally received another lengthy trailer. During Sony's latest State of Play, another three minutes of the game were shown off, with the game's Summons and characters being an emphasis of the trailer, along with glimpses of the brand new Valisthea setting. Though a release date hasn't been confirmed just yet, it seems as though Final Fantasy 16 is shaping up nicely, and long-time fans of the series are well and truly hyped for its eventual release, though Xbox and PC players may have to wait awhile, with the game being a time-limited console exclusive for the PlayStation 5.

With two trailers to go on now, fans have learned a little more about Final Fantasy 16's protagonists. While Square Enix are still trying to keep plot details under wraps, it has revealed the game's three primary protagonist, Clive, Joshua, and Jill, who will all join forces in an attempt to save their continent from the brink of destruction, and repel the Blight. Together, the trio will try to unite the continent's six fractured factions, but their allegiances to certain regions may get in the way of their noble goal.

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Every Detail Revealed for Clive

final fantasy 16 clive

The central protagonist of Final Fantasy 16, Clive Rosfield is the eldest son of the Archduke of Rosaria, one of Valisthea's six continents. Clive's father, the Archduke, is a Dominant, a being who is capable of summoning and possessing powerful otherworldly creatures called Eikons. Dominants have a pretty mixed reputation amongst the six continents. While some continents revere Dominants as near god-like figures, other continents fear their power, and instead send them into exile, or imprison them to a life of slavery.

Being the Archduke's firstborn, Clive was expected to inherit his father's Fire Eikon Phoenix, but he was unable to summon the being. Instead, Clive's younger brother, Joshua, inherited Phoenix. Though he was happy for his younger brother, Clive found himself lacking a purpose, so decided to become the First Shield of Rosaria, bound by oath to protect his brother at all costs. In taking on this role, Joshua's Phoenix rewarded Clive by passing on some of its flame powers, giving Clive some powerful magic to use on the battlefield.

Early on in his career, Clive faced off against a powerful enemy and accidentally summoned the Dark Eikon, Ifrit. This confrontation lead to tragedy, and sparked a vengeful desire in Clive. While Clive's main purpose is still serving and protecting his brother, he is also propelled by a need for revenge. At the start of Final Fantasy 16's story, Clive is 15-years-old, and is Ifrit's Dominant, which gives him Dark abilities.

Every Detail Revealed for Joshua

final fantasy 16 news joshua

The Archduke's second son, Joshua Rosfield is just ten years old when the events of Final Fantasy 16 begin. Though Joshua is much more mild-mannered than his older brother Clive, he is far from a weak target. With the power of Phoenix, the Eikon of Fire, on his side, Joshua wields unparalleled strength, a strength which opposing nations fear deeply.

Despite his nobility, Joshua sees his nation's people as equal, and tries to help where he can. This desire to help those in need is what eventually leads to Joshua joining Clive's quest for vengeance. Though he may not necessarily agree with his brother or his methods, Joshua refuses to leave his side, just as his brother refuses to leave his.

Every Detail Revealed for Jill

Final Fantasy 16 Jill Antagonist

Though she technically isn't part of the Rosaria royal family, the Archduke has always treated Jill Warrick like one. Taken from her homeland at a very young age, Jill was used as a political hostage. From very early childhood, the Archduke of Rosaria treated her like a daughter, raising her alongside Clive and Joshua as a sister. Jill begins Final Fantasy 16 at 12-years-old, being her brothers' most trusted ally and confidant.

Final Fantasy 16 is scheduled to release in Summer 2023 for PS5.

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