While it had a rough start, Final Fantasy 14 has been running for over 10 years. According to its director, Naoki Yoshida, Final Fantasy 14 has just passed over 24 million players, just in time for the new Endwalker expansion.

Despite the hype, jumping into a long-established MMO can be daunting for new players. A lot of new mechanics and features can pile up over a decade of design. While Final Fantasy 14 is pretty newbie-friendly, it can still be a hurdle to get used to.

RELATED: Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker: How to Unlock All the New Locations

Thankfully, alongside the in-game tutorials, Final Fantasy 14 turns to the community to help ease new players in. The game includes a mentor system, which lets experienced players designate themselves as guides for new players. They have to pass certain requirements before being accepted, however.

Final Fantasy 14's Mentor Types

Final Fantasy 14 Bards

There are enough mechanics in Final Fantasy 14that it's unreasonable to expect one player to know everything. With that in mind, the game has set up two different kinds of mentor roles.There are battle mentors and trade mentors. Battle mentors focus on Final Fantasy 14's PvP and PVE combat, and trade mentors focus on the game's mining, fishing, and crafting systems.Players should note that these are not exclusive roles. One can earn the right to be both, but the requirements to do so are pretty steep all put together.

Battle Mentor Requirements

In order to become a battle mentor in FF14, players need to pass these milestones:

  • They have to go through 1000 dungeons, raids, or trials.
  • They have to receive 1500 player commendations.
  • They have to complete both the quests "To Have Loved and Lost" and "The Soul of Temperance."
  • They have to complete either the quest "Courage Born From Fear" or "A Tearful Reunion."

Trade Mentor Requirements

In order to become a trade mentor in FF14, players need to pass these milestones:

  • They need to find 300 in-game collectibles.
  • They need to synthesize 100 other in-game collectibles themselves.
  • They need to reach level 80 in mining, botany, or fishing.
  • They need to reach level 80 in carpentry, blacksmithing, armoring, goldsmithing, leatherworking, weaving, alchemy, or cooking.

Once a player has passed all of these achievements, they simply need to talk to one of the game's smiths to register themselves as a mentor. From there, they have access to the Novice Network chat channel and can use the daily roulette to randomly place themselves in under-leveled parties.

Final Fantasy 14: Endwalker is available in early access now on PC, PS4, and PS5.

MORE: How to Use a Fantasia in FF14