Final Fantasy 14 continues to be a massive success for Square Enix as players continue to flock to the world of Eorzea. With many gamers under quarantine, Square Enix provided old Final Fantasy 14 players the chance to revisit the MMORPG for free within a limited time. That campaign however, is coming to an end next week and now is the best chance to make use of the offer.

The current "Free Play" Campaign is set to end on May 17 at 8 AM PT. This leaves lapsed Final Fantasy 14 players just over a week to dive back into the game. Players who log in to an existing account are provided eight days of free play starting immediately meaning now is the final chance to make the most of the offer.

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According to the announcement on the official Final Fantasy 14 website, only users who have previously registered the game and currently have an "Inactive" subscription are eligible. This free play period was likely added to give those stuck in quarantine a week of Final Fantasy 14 as a means of aiding the current "stay home" regulations. This is not the only goodwill Square Enix has done with regards to Final Fantasy 14 as the developer and publisher suspended in-game Home Evictions indefinitely.

Final Fantasy 14

This free play campaign is different than the "Free Trial" period that is granted to new players. The Free Trial provides any new player the chance to play the game up to level 35 with a few extra restrictions. Once reaching the level cap on the free trial, players will then have to subscribe to progress further. Beyond Final Fantasy 14, Square Enix continues to help those currently stuck at home. Just yesterday the publisher announced a Steam Bundle that features over 50 games for $39.24.

Final Fantasy 14 is available now on PC.

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Source: Final Fantasy 14 Blog