
  • Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail early access has a bug affecting male au ra characters with the Face 1 preset.
  • Specifically, those using the "Eat Pizza" emote will briefly have their face distorted in an unsettling way, though it is humorous that a pizza emote is what causes the broken faces.
  • Other bugs reported include issues with graphical updates and the Amon fight in the Syrcus Tower alliance raid.

As Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail began its early access window, some players reported a bug that certain characters experienced when using the "Eat Pizza" emote, which caused facial features to pop out of place for a brief time before returning to normal. The Final Fantasy 14 bug was stated by players to only affect male au ra characters with the Face 1 preset option.

Although the full release of Dawntrail is still slated for July 2, that has not stopped players from returning to Final Fantasy 14 and playing through the new expansion during its early access window. In response to this surge of players logging into the game, and in light of the issues that plagued Endwalker's launch, Square Enix took steps to ensure the game's servers and data centers were up to the task. At the time of writing, Final Fantasy 14's server queues were shorter compared to Endwalker, but players on the Aether and Light data centers still faced long wait times. Square Enix encouraged players to use the Data Center Travel system to log into other data centers, such as Dynamis and Shadow, if the wait gets too long.

Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail Is Changing A Controversial Game Mechanic

Once Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail goes live, players will notice that a controversial quest mechanic has changed in response to feedback.

Though one of Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail's main features is the game's first major graphical update, some bugs persisted under certain conditions. On social media, multiple users reported that male au ra characters with the Face 1 preset who use the once-controversial "Eat Pizza" emote may see their character's face distorted before returning to normal. Twitter users @GMI_elims and @ViaMagicant shared two posts of male au ra characters whose faces glitched for a short time after using the pizza emote. While the opening seconds of the emote remained the same, the au ra character's face suddenly twisted 180 degrees, with the eyes, mouth, chin, and nose disjointed from the body.

Final Fantasy 14's Pizza Bug is Only a Brief Fright

Thankfully, this bug lasts for only one second, as the au ra's face returns to normal and gives an ironic thumbs-up after finishing their bite of pizza. But, it was not the only bug to be reported in Final Fantasy 14 Patch 7.0. Though it has since been fixed, a bug rendered the Amon fight in the Syrcus Tower alliance raid impossible to beat, as the ice mechanic needed to counter Amon's deadly fire blast did not show up. Similar issues persist with ice mechanics in other raids such as Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) and Delubrum Reginae (Savage).

Between the pizza emote and registration issues for Final Fantasy 14's PS5 players, Square Enix still has outstanding bugs to fix in Dawntrail. Only time will tell when au ra characters can once again enjoy pizza without experiencing any problems.