
  • Low-poly grapes from Final Fantasy 14's Endwalker remain in Dawntrail.
  • Square Enix appears to have intentionally left the grapes untouched during graphical updates.
  • Fans have grown fond of the low-poly grapes, leading to in-game items and real-life merchandise.

The low-poly grapes of Final Fantasy 14 are still present after the official launch of Dawntrail. The beloved grapes have managed to survive the graphical overhaul that Final Fantasy 14 received alongside Dawntrail's launch, much to the amusement of fans.

The low-poly grapes began as a meme from the launch of Endwalker, in which players were quick to notice the incredibly low-poly textures of the grapes that were growing in the Meryall Argonomics within the Labyrinthos zone. As Labyrinthos is a location that the player will visit several times throughout the Endwalker story, it was no surprise that gamers quickly noticed these unusual grapes. Surprisingly, players found themselves quite charmed by the suspiciously crystal-shaped grapes, so much so that when Square Enix patched the game to make the grapes more spherical, fans of Final Fantasy 14 were disappointed and mourned the loss of their cuboid fruits. Despite the patch, the grapes were still remarkably un-grape-like in appearance. As such, fans of the game were interested to see whether Dawntrail would deliver another blow to the low-poly grapes.

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As reported by Game Spark, and subsequently translated by Automaton, the famous low-poly grapes from Endwalker have thankfully been left untouched in Dawntrail's graphical update, leaving them with the same odd appearance they held throughout Endwalker. While many major aspects of Final Fantasy 14 visuals were updated, Square Enix has so far yet to touch the grapes. The area of Labyrinthos itself has received overhauls, and the leaves around the grapes themselves have been updated, but the grapes themselves are still as oddly textured as ever. Square Enix has said that it intends to roll out the graphical updates in waves, so there is still a chance that the grapes may receive some polygons in the future, but the fact the grapes have been intentionally left alone when their environment has been revamped is a good sign that they are here to stay.

Final Fantasy 14's Beloved Grapes are Still Low Poly in Dawntrail

The launch of Dawntrail saw a major graphical overhaul in Final Fantasy 14 that updated the visuals of player models and environments. With July 2 marking the official launch of Dawntrail following the four-day early access run, many players have recently seen the graphical overhaul, and how this has taken effect in many areas of the game. Some of these overhauls revamped locations originally designed over 10 years ago, all to make Final Fantasy 14 appear more visually appealing. Dawntrail's release also saw its fair share of bugs, from minor issues of emotes not functioning correctly, to more game-breaking bugs that were making certain raids impossible to complete. These issues have been acknowledged, and players of Final Fantasy 14 received an apology from Square Enix regarding these issues upon launch.

Despite being a simple addition, the low-poly grapes have become a beloved aspect of Final Fantasy 14, one that Square Enix has acknowledged in the past with housing items resembling the grapes, and even giving fans of Final Fantasy 14 real-life stress balls resembling the grapes during the 2023 Fan Festival in Las Vegas. The fact the grapes remain blissfully low-poly going into Dawntrail is a testament to how much Square Enix pays attention to its fans, even for the little things.