Full Active Time Events or FATEs in Final Fantasy 14 are a type of objectively randomly occurring throughout the open world. While every FATE will provide players that contribute to their completion with basic rewards like experience and currency, the FATEs themselves may also be the objective of a longer-term grind, such as for the popular Yokai-Watch event or flashy relic weapons. Whatever the case for farming FATEs may be, their presence in the open world make them a prime opportunity for one of Final Fantasy 14's niche limited jobs, the Blue Mage, to shine.

As a limited job, Blue Mages are restricted from queueing up for traditional forms of content like dungeons, raids, and trials, but their unique arsenal of spells copied from defeated monsters enable them to excel anywhere you can bring them. FATEs are no exception to this, with some FATEs being able to be completed by Blue Mages in a matter of seconds.

Final Fantasy 14: Where to Find Long-Tailed Armadillo and Learn Schiltron (Blue Mage)

Blue Mages should track down these shielded spikeballs to learn a powerful counterattack in Final Fantasy 14.

What Blue Mage Spells to Pick

ffxiv blue mage battle royale skills

In order to farm FATEs as fast as possible, Blue Mages will need to first obtain a couple of key spells. Blue Mages work differently than other mages, however, with spells having a chance to be learned by defeating an enemy as a Blue Mage after it has used the spell you want to obtain. For spells learned from enemies in dungeons, raids, or trials, the chance to obtain a spell can be increased to 100% if players are synced to the instance's level. The required spells to effectively farm FATEs are:

  • Ram's Voice - Obtained from Chimera from Cutter's Cry (level 38) or Dhorme Chimera from A Relic Reborn: The Chimera (level 50)
  • Hydro Pull - Obtained from Kelpie from The Drowned City of Skalla (level 70)
  • Ultravibration - Obtained from Kongamato from The Peaks, around x:13, y:26 (level 68)
  • Choco Meteor - Obtained from Courser Chocobo from The Dravanian Forelands, around x:35, y:29 (level 53)
  • Breath of Magic - Purchased at level 80 from the Wayward Gaheel Ja in Ul'dah - Steps of Thal, around x:13, y:13
  • (If farming level 50 FATEs or lower) Missile - Obtained from Enkidu from Battle in the Big Keep (level 50)

How to Farm FATEs as Blue Mage

For FATEs involving multiple enemies, players should focus on gathering as many monsters as possible into a single group using Hydro Pull. Once all the targets have been brought together, using a combination of Ram's Voice to freeze them, and Ultravibration to instantly kill frozen enemies will allow players to quickly progress FATE objectives even if they're alone.

While Ultravibration is on cooldown, players should make use of their remaining abilities, Choco Meteor and Breath of Magic to deal large amounts of damage to multiple enemies at once. One important effect of Choco Meteor is it's increased damage while a chocobo companion is summoned, so those making use of this strategy should ensure that they have a healthy supply of Gysahl Greens to keep their chocobo active. Hydro Pull and Ram's Voice can also be used to help gather enemies together and freeze them to prevent incoming attacks.

FATEs involving a boss or a target immune to being frozen should be approached like any regular dungeon boss, using your strongest hitting spells as soon as they come off of their cooldowns and lining them up with damage-boosting buffs whenever possible. For FATE bosses found in areas level 50 or lower, players should use the Missile spell which has a chance to deal damage equal to 50% of the targets current HP. Repeated hits from Missile will quickly lower a boss's health, where players can then finish them off with regular attacks.

final fantasy 14 a realm reborn
Final Fantasy 14

Final Fantasy
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