Elezen are one of the playable races of Final Fantasy 14, and are unique in that they were the original inhabitants of Eorzea before all other races. Much like Lalafell are like halflings, Elezen are like elves in being tall, slim, and possessing pointed ears. They also bear a lot of similarities with the Evlaan race from Final Fantasy 11.

The Elezen of Final Fantasy 14 have two clans, the Wildwood/foresters and the Duskwight/shaders. The race makes up for a lot of important NPCs in the story such as Alisaie, Alphinaud, Estinien, and Urianger. With how much of a role they play in Eorzea, is it worth knowing about this race aside from whether the player makes their Warrior of Light an Elezen or not.

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The History Of Elezen


Elezen have populated Eorzea since the first Astral Era. Due to their long history, there is a lot of evidence that Elezen were one of the main races of the Allagan Empire. Throughout most of their history, though, they were traditionally nomadic. Their way of life was altered forever when the Hyur immigrated to Eorzea. For a long time, Elezen and Hyur were enemies due to the Elezen seeing the Hyur's immigration as an invasion. Eventually, the two races began to see each other as alies when greater threats appeared such as the wrath of the elementals and the rise of the Garlean Empire.

The two clans of Elezen have differing histories. The Wildwood Elezen live in The Black Shroud and Coerthas. They founded Ishgard and Gelmorra (the underground ancient city that pre-dated Gridania). It is partly due to Elezen's historical relations with Gridania and Ishgard that those two nations have always had peaceful relations with one another. They would later build Gridania in an alliance with Hyur and abandon Gelmorra.

The Dustwight Elezen have a shorter history, as their clan was founded in Gelmorra. When Gridania was built, some Elezen wished to remain in the underground caverns and those Elezen became the Duskwight clan. With the Wildwood Elezen making good relations with Hyur and the Duskwight being isolated, the two clans have a history of not getting along. Both see each other as traitors to their race. Outside just clan tensions, Duskwight are often discriminated against in Gridania.

Elezen Culture

Split image of Estinien and Ysayle.

In general, Elezen are known to value discipline and order. It is these values that gave them the organizational skills to create city-states like Ishgard and Gridania. However, these values have also alienated the Elezen from other races, as their societies can get very caught up in history and tradition with a hesitance for change.

In terms of clothes, Elezen are known to enjoy fashion with sharp cuts that show off their slender physique. They were actually fashion pioneers, inventing unique tanning techniques and creating accessories that spread across Eorzea. They adopted the common tongue a long time ago, but some of their old language can be traced in their names. For example, male Elezen often have long names that end with "aux," "oix," or a silent "t" and females have shorter names that end with "elle," "ie," "ette," or "ne."

Archery is a big part of Elezen culture, as it was their go-to weapon in their nomadic days. From the strings of their bows, they also developed musical instruments along with songs and poetry. Aside from music, songs, and poems, Elezen also love dance. They became known as a very artistic race and their culture was popularized through their art.

The Duskwight Elezen have some cultural differences from the Wildwood clan. Due to their relationship with the underground, Duskwights have developed unique architectural designs to make homes in caves. They also have a close relationship with magic to defend themselves against the fury of the elementals. Their culture has made famous pomanders and cuisine.

Final Fantasy 14 is available now on PC, PS4, and PS5.

MORE: Final Fantasy 14: Every Calamity, Explained