Final Fantasy 14's Dragonsong's Reprise Ultimate raid is quite long, but this is the final phase. To get here, players had to fight off Thordan's knights, Thordan himself (twice), possessed Estinien, the dragon eyes, Nidhogg, and Hraesvelgr. All that is now left is the Dragon-King Thordan himself, and beating him will mean completion of Final Fantasy 14's most challenging raid.

Like the previous phase, Dragon-King Thordan's attacks are not complex, but they are quite punishing. There can also be a lot to keep track of at once. To get to this phase, players had to spare Thordan in the fifth phase. Before Dragon-King Thordan comes, players will get massive raid-wide damage from Shockwave and Alternative End and so should be sure to heal and prepare for what's to come next.

Exaflare's Edge And Auto-Attacks

Split image of Dragon-King Thordan and Dragoon.

All named attacks Thordan will cast will have either a fire or an ice mechanic. If his swords glow with fire, his hitbox will become lethal. If the swords glow with ice, everywhere outside Thordan's hitbox will become lethal. Players should note though that this will only happen when the cast of his attacks finish.

The first attack Thordan will cast is Exaflare's Edge. This will spawn three Exaflare markers around him, and each of them will shoot out in three telegraphed directions. To resolve this, players should step into any Exaflare marker that does not have others pointing towards it while also resolving Thordan's sword element.

Thordan will then do special auto-attacks. He will attack the two highest aggro players (which should be tanks) as well as the closest player. The highest aggro tank will get hit with a dark auto-attack that gives dark vulnerability while the second tank will get hit with a light auto-attack that gives light vulnerability. Outside the tank, the closest player will get auto attacked. They will get a light, dark, and physical vulnerability.

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Throughout this phase, the boss will do a named attack and then these special two auto-attacks. Tanks will need to consistently swap to not get too many vulnerabilities to a single element. It is advised that tanks get two stacks of a single vulnerability before swapping. The other six players will also need to pick an order to get auto-attacked since Thordan will always hit the closest player outside the tanks. Those who are not up to take their auto-attack must stay far away because they cleave.

Akh Morn's Edge And Gigaflare's Edge

Dragon King Thordan.

Thordan will then do Akh Morn's Edge, which will have him stab the ground three times at three different locations. This will spawn three towers: two at the left and right flanks of the boss and one behind him. The left and right flanks each require three players to stand and the one behind Thordan is for the tanks, as it is a tankbuster. The Akh Morn will hit five times in addition to being a fire or ice sword attack.

Two special auto-attacks will happen again, so tanks will need to swap, and DPS or healers should go in for their invulnerability hit. Then, Thordan will cast Gigaflare's Edge, which will place three proximity AOEs down in a triangle pattern, one at a time. To combat this, players will need to stack away from these proximity AOEs and rotate after each one goes off, while remembering to be either in or out of Thordan's hitbox depending on whether his swords were fire or ice. Players should also remember that the hitbox mechanic is only when the cast goes off and happens once, not when the proximity AOEs resolve. Two auto-attacks will go off again, so there will be a tank swap and a non-tank player getting their vulnerabilities.

The Fight Loops And Then Morn Afah's Edge

Rewind scene.

After that, the fight loops. There will be another Exaflare's Edge, two auto-attacks, Akh Morn's Edge (six hits), two-auto attacks, Gigaflare's Edge, two-auto attacks, Exaflare's Edge, two auto-attacks, Akh Morn's Edge (seven hits), and then two more auto-attacks. Players will need to resolve these attacks as they did before, always remembering to swap out for the auto-attacks and to pay attention to whether Thordan's swords are fire or ice. It's also worth noting that auto-attacks cleave and are not paired with elements, only named attacks are.

After the third Akh Morn's Edge, Thordan will cast Morn Afah's Edge, which is Thordan's enrage. This enrage does not have an element attached to it and will create three towers like Akh Morn's Edge. They are lethal and will kill all three players that soak the towers. However, at this point, players will need to sacrifice themselves to prevent a raid wipe. If three players do not soak each of these towers, the raid will wipe. After three players sacrifice themselves, another three players will come in to soak the second tower and die.

This means only two players will be left standing to DPS the enraged boss. It is up to them to kill Dragon-King Thordan before his enrage goes off. If they do, then the raid will be over. After seven long phases, Dragonsong's Reprise Ultimate has finally been completed.

Final Fantasy 14 is available now on PC, PS4, and PS5.

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