Final Fantasy 14's Dragonsong Reprise Ultimate has many phases, but by phase six, the raid is nearly done. After this phase, which is known as the "double dragon" phase, there is only one more left in this challenging Final Fantasy 14 raid. This phase begins after defeating King Thordan for the second time. There will be two bosses, Nidhogg and Hraesvelgr.

On the positive side of this phase, the dragons do not have as many mechanics. On the downside, their attacks can be incredibly punishing. If some mechanics are not done properly, either boss can enrage and wipe the party. With that in mind, players should make sure to keep the two bosses at similar health throughout the fight.

Wrymsbreath And Mortal Vow


Nidhogg will spawn west and Hraesvelgr will spawn at the east. One great danger is having any party member get killed by Hraesvelgr will cause him to enrage. The first attacks will be Dread Wrymsbreath from Nidhogg and Great Wrymsbreath from Hraesvelgr. Dread Wrymsbreath tethers three non-tanks for a conal AOE that is fire-aspected. It will inflict a debuff called "boiling" that can be cleansed by getting hit with an ice attack. Great Wrymsbreath will do the same thing, but the attacks will be ice-aspected and inflict the "freezing" debuff that can be cleansed with a fire attack.

To live through these attacks, tethered players will want to stack with a player affected by the opposing element. It's recommended for these players to do this in the south while tanks go north. Tanks will need to worry about which dragon's head is glowing. If both glow, the tanks need to stack to endure a huge tankbuster. If one head glows, it will cast a tankbuster on a single tank.

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Next, players will want to spread out in preparation for Nidhogg's Mortal Vow attack, which targets a random player and will inflict any players near them. This attack deals damage over timeand will explode as a small AOE at the end, and any players hit by the AOE will be inflicted with Mortal Vow. Players will want to always pass this debuff to someone else. If at any point no players have this debuff, or they die with it, Nidhogg will enrage. This is a mechanic that takes a lot of communication, as Mortal Vow will need to be effectively passed from player to player without killing them or ever ending for this whole phase. It's therefore best to have an order for passing this debuff around agreed before beginning the phase.

Akh Afah, Hallowed Wings, And Cauterize


Both bosses will cast Akh Afah, which is going to make a stack marker for a light party. This stack can be lethal if the bosses have different HP. The attack deals more damage the more their HP difference is. If the difference is at three percent or more, the stack can wipe the light party, which will very likely cause the rest of the raid to wipe.

Once Akh Afah finishes, Hraesvelgr will target half of the arena with Hallowed Wings. As this casts, players need to pay attention to which of his wings are glowing. The side of his body that glows will be the side of the arena he strikes. As he does this, he will also cast tankbusters on both tanks. While this happens, Nidhogg will use Cauterize. This is a fire-aspected straight-line divebomb that will take up half the arena.

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With both dragons targeting a large slice of the arena, there will only be a small quadrant of safe space for the raid to stack.Tanks will want to stay away to soak their tankbusters while also avoiding Cauterize and Hallowed Wings as well. After this resolves, it is time to pass the Mortal Vow. The raid should make sure that only one player takes it while all others avoid it.

Wroth Flames, Akh Morn, Hot Tail, And Hot Wing

Nidhogg and Hraesvelgr.

Now, Nidhogg will cast Wroth Flames. It will target four players with Spreading Flames and two players will Entangled Flames debuff. These debuffs will be important later when Nidhogg casts Hot Tail or Hot Wings. Three sets of fireballs will also appear around the room either vertically or horizontally. As this happens, Hraesvelgr will Cauterize with an ice-aspected divebomb that will cut through half of the arena.

After having targeted players with Wroth Flames, Nidhogg will cast Akh Morn. This set of attacks will leave four puddles behind at the impact point that will kill any player that stands in it, so players will need to pay attention to the fireballs and where Hreasevelgr is going to Cauterize, because they will want to place the Akh Morn puddles away from the safe zone. It is also recommended to avoid placing any puddles in the middle of the arena.

Once the attacks go off, players should go to the middle to prepare for Nidhogg casting either Hot Tail or Hot Wing. The Tail attack is an AOE line down the middle of the arena and the Wing attack cleaves both sides of the arena. With that in mind, the safe zone will either be the sides or the middle. While this happens, though, Wroth Flame debuffs will detonate.

Players with the Spreading Flames debuff will get an AOE around them and the players with Entangled Flames will have a stack marker that requires two players to live. It is recommended that players assign half the arena to Spreading Flames and another half to Entangled Flames. This way, non-debuff players can join the Entangled Flame players without getting hit by Spreading Flames. After this resolves, it will be around the time to pass the Mortal Vow.

Same Attacks, Different Combinations


At this point, the raid has seen most of the mechanics of this phase. Now Nidhogg and Hraesvelgr will do the same attacks but with different combinations. Both dragons will cast Akh Afah again, so everyone should be ready to split into light parties. This will be the last time they do this, so there's no need to worry about their HP differences from then on. Then, Nidhogg will either cast Hot Tail or Hot Wing and Hraesvelgr will cast Hallowed Wings. Players will also need to remember the tankbuster that goes with Hallowed Wings.

Once those resolve, it'll be time to pass the Mortal Vow debuff again. Nidhogg will cast Dread Wyrmsbreath and Hraesvelgr will cast Great Wyrmsbreath with head glows like at the start of the phase. However, this time, these attacks must be resolved differently because players will want their boiling and freezing debuffs for an upcoming mechanic. Instead of pairing off like last time, players will want to split between fire and ice tethers while tanks are away from everyone to soak their tankbusters.

If done correctly, there will now be players with the boiling debuff and another half with the freezing debuff. Once this happens, both dragons will Cauterize. This is unavoidable, and the reason players will want their debuffs is that they will need to stand in front of the dragon whose element can cleanse their debuff. Ice-aspected players will want to stand in front of Nidhogg, while fire-aspected players will want to stand in front of Hraesvelgr. It's important that they do not move once the debuff is expiring, as moving will kill the player. Tanks will not have these debuffs. They need to get right in each boss's face and cast their invuln ability. This is required, and not casting invuln will kill the tanks. Tanks will still get a damage over time debuff that will need healing after their invulns run out.

Last Mechanics


After the double Cauterize, the dragons will both cast Touchdown. These are proximity damage attacks from where the dragons land, which will be south and middle, so players will want to stack north. Then, all players should move to attack the bosses, except for the two that will pass the Mortal Vow. They need to resolve that and join after it is passed.

At this point, both dragons will be enraging and need to be killed as soon as possible. Once they are both dead, the raid will go to the final phase of Dragonsong's Reprise Ultimate, which pits players against the Dragon-King Thordan himself.

Final Fantasy 14 is available now on PC, PS4, and PS5.

MORE:Final Fantasy 14: How To Beat The Final Phase Of The Dragonsong's Reprise Ultimate Raid