
  • Final Fantasy 14 is a success story of a game that turned its initial disaster into one of the greatest stories in the Final Fantasy franchise and the MMO genre.
  • Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail marks a new chapter in the game's legacy, with graphical overhauls, a new story arc, and the addition of new characters and locations.
  • Final Fantasy 14's dedication to improving and expanding, even after a decade, shows its staying power and love for the community.

Final Fantasy 14 is one of gaming's greatest comeback stories. When the title originally launched, it was an unmitigated disaster. After a shutdown, the title was revived by Square Enix's Creative Business Unit III under the watchful eye of Naoki Yoshida. Over the proceeding decade, the team went on to tell one of the greatest stories the Final Fantasy franchise and the MMO genre has ever seen. This comeback has been well documented and fueled Final Fantasy 14's meteoric rise as one of the leaders of the MMO genre. Now, after four expansions, the fifth was announced, and Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail marks a new chapter in the game's legacy.

Final Fantasy 14 stands out in the MMO genre for a couple of reasons. Its closest cousin in terms of gameplay is World of Warcraft, which utilizes a similar tab targeting system, but the similarities start and end there. Final Fantasy 14 is a much more story focused experience, with the base game and first four expansions forming a single story arc. Furthermore, the game features an anime inspired aesthetic and is filled with plenty of quality of life features like the ability to play Final Fantasy 14 solo. The game's focus on story especially makes the future of the title exciting.

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Final Fantasy 14 Has Turned The Page Before


Dawntrail is far from the first time Final Fantasy 14 has started a new chapter. 2013 saw the game relaunch with Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn which was, for all intents and purposes, a new game. It rebooted the title and is set in a re-birthed world following the events of the original release version. In 2017 the game dropped support for the PS3, and as a result, the Shadowbringers expansion was able to feature bigger zones and higher quality visuals. Dawntrail is set to be the next big step for the game, with a litany of new features and a fresh continent for players to explore.

While the quality of visuals has increased with each expansion, Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail will overhaul the graphics for the first time. The changes promise to improve character models and both new and old areas in the world, especially the foliage and lighting. These graphical updates will modernize the title and make it feel a lot closer to something from this generation in spite of the game's age. This change makes sense given that Dawntrail will also be the first chapter in the game's new story arc, which will continue for the foreseeable future.

Dawntrail Is The Start Of A New Final Fantasy Epic

final fantasy 14 dawntrail trailer estinien

Final Fantasy 14: Endwalker wrapped up the game's first major story arc. Unraveling over the good part of a decade, Final Fantasy 14's Hydalen-Zodiark Saga revolutionized storytelling in the MMO genre. With the first arc wrapped up, Dawntrail is taking players to a new continent to fight new foes and discover new lands. Final Fantasy 14's excellent story is a big part of what saved it from its poor launch, so starting a new chapter is a big risk. Dawntrail then serves as a demonstration of the confidence held by the developer, especially since Final Fantasy 14's director has more expansions planned already.

Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail will likely feature many of the game's biggest changes yet. The story could feature tonal departures and new main characters that will hang around for years to come. On top of this, Final Fantasy 14 is coming to Xbox, which shows the teams' dedication to supporting the title through this new chapter. Dawntrail is truly the start of a new era for the title. Square Enix's continued dedication to the game after more than a decade is a testament to its staying power and the love the game's community has for it. For new and returning players alike, Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail will be an exciting new phase for the game.

Final Fantasy 14 is available now for PC, PS4, and PS5, with an Xbox Series X/S version launching in Spring 2024.

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