Unlike most of the Final Fantasy games before it, Final Fantasy 13 not only changed a few things in the battle system but also in how weapons are customized. Instead of just having to buy weapons, players were able to upgrade them in a new way. Just because a weapon has higher stats doesn’t mean it’s the best.

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With the perks the weapons have in Final Fantasy 13, players are forced to plan out what kind of build they want for each character. It can be a little tricky trying to figure out which weapon to get or what weapon is worth investing in. Some of the materials to upgrade them can be pricey or hard to find, but the end result is worth the time.

Update May 9, 2022, by Sarah Prado: When it comes to weapons in Final Fantasy XIII, the ultimate weapons are only received if players upgrade their weapons and have the materials to do so. It’s all going to depend on the players and what role they want each party member to specialize in. The weapons listed here are the starting forms and are ones that are worth investing time and materials into. It’s best if players pick one or two roles for the characters to focus on and then pick a weapon that will benefit them and the rest of the group in battle.

Lightning/Claire Farron

Final Fantasy 13 Lightning Claire Farron

Blazefire Saber

Because Lightning is such a well-balanced fighter, her starting weapon is one of the best for her. The Blazefire Saber has well-balanced stats that would benefit all of her roles. The downside of it is that it doesn’t have any special abilities or passives. If it’s not a problem for players, this weapon is a pretty good one and cheap to upgrade.

Axis Blade

This weapon will keep Lightning’s Strength and Magic even, but its stats are okay at best. However, what makes the Axis Blade great is that it has the Attack: ATB Charge passive which will give Lightning some ATB charge back every time she attacks an enemy. This essentially turns Lightning into a speed demon and pretty much keeps her attacking constantly.


Not to be confused with Final Fantasy 8’s ultimate weapon for Squall Leonhart. Lightning’s Lionheart weapon doesn’t have the best stats compared to her other weapons, but it does have some good special abilities and passives. It has the Gestalt synthesized ability and the Quick Stagger trait. With these two, this weapon is one of the best ones in the game.


The Gladius is perfect for players wanting Lighting’s main role to be Commando. This weapon will increase her Strength to pretty high numbers. The downside of this weapon is that it doesn’t have any special abilities similar to Blazefire Saber. However, it does have Boost synthesis ability which increases the ATB gauge charge even more. It’s a good investment if players don’t mind this, but it can be a little expensive to upgrade.

Hope Estheim

Final Fantasy 13 Hope Estheim


Hope is probably the strongest mage in the whole team. If players are looking to max out his Magic power, the Hawkeye weapon is the best as it has the highest magic stat. It doesn’t have any special traits, but it does have the Magic Defense synthesized ability. It will decrease any magic damage Hope receives depending on the level the weapon is.


The Otshirvani is decent in stats and raises Hope’s Magic pretty close to Hawkeye, though not quite as high. It does, however, have the Siphon Boost passive ability which will increase the ATB gauge recovery from Siphon abilities. It also has the Boost synthesis ability so it’ll help Hope move a little faster in battle.

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This weapon is also a good choice for Hope. He’s one of the best Synergists in the game and this weapon will increase the duration of his defensive buffs. It also increases his Magic power, but not as much as the Hawkeye weapon. If he’s being used as a Synergist more than his other roles, this weapon will be the best choice for him.


The Ninurta is well-balanced in stats, but they’re pretty low compared to Hawkeye or Vidofnir. However, if players are struggling to keep Hope alive against enemies with strong physical attacks, this weapon comes in handy. This has the Physical Defense synthesis ability which will reduce any physical damage Hope takes. Though its stats are okay at best, this weapon is worth having around just in case.

Sazh Katzroy

Final Fantasy 13 Sazh Katzroy

Spica Defenders

Sazh has some of the best spells as a Synergist, such as Haste. These pistols will increase the duration of offensive buffs. Since most of his spells are offensive, this weapon would greatly benefit him and the party. The downside of this weapon is that it doesn’t increase his stats much.


These don’t offer much in terms of stats for Sazh, but do come with some pretty sweet abilities that are exclusive only to him. The Procyons have the Stagger Maintenance passive ability which increases the time when enemies are Staggered. Despite its okay stats, this weapon is great to have as other party members can easily pick up where Sazh slacks.

Antares Deluxes

These weapons will increase damage and have the Chain Bonus Boost ability. This comes in handy because it will make the Chain Bonus increase a lot faster and pairs up with Sazh’s Haste spell amazingly. It also increases all of his stats and gives him more balance build similar to Lightning and her Blazefire Saber weapon.

Pleiades Hi-Powers

This weapon is a bit of a gamble, because it will greatly reduce Sazh’s HP. To make up for this, it provides a massive increase in Strength which can make Sazh a strong Commando. It does have the Damage Reduction synthesis ability which helps a little, but it’s still a risk. Sazh’s HP is the second-highest in the game, but fans should give him accessories that’ll help balance out the HP loss if they opt for the Pleiades Hi-Powers.

Oerba Yun Fang

Final Fantasy 13 Oerba Yun Fang

Dragoon Lance

With Fang being the strongest physical attacker, she needs a weapon that will help her boost her raw strength. The Dragoon Lance increases her physical attack strength to amazing levels and cements her as the main Commando. The downside of this weapon is that it will weaken all of her magic spells, Saboteur abilities included. If players are wanting to make her a very strong physical attacker, this lance is the one for Fang.

Pandoran Spear

This spear is pretty well-balanced, but it does increase Fang’s Magic power a little more. If players are wanting Fang to lean more towards being a Saboteur, but without sacrificing too much physical Strength, the Pandoran Spear is it. It has the Improved Debilitation passive ability which increases the success rate of Debilitation type abilities, which Fang specializes in.

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Taming Pole

If Fang is being used as both a Commando and a Saboteur, the Taming Pole would be the best choice. It’s very well-balanced when it comes to increasing Fang’s stats. It has the Random Instant Chain ability, which gives the player a chance to instantly fill the enemy’s Stagger gauge. The only downside of this weapon is that it has the Stagger Lock effect, but this can always be balanced by another character.

Bladed Lance

Like Lightning, Fang’s original weapon is not a bad investment. Its stats are relatively well-balanced but it does lean a little more towards Strength. Her Strength won’t be as high as the Dragoon Lance, but the Bladed Lance is cheaper to upgrade.

Oerba Dia Vanille

Final Fantasy 13 Oerba Dia Vanille

Belladonna Wand

Vanille is just as strong as Hope when it comes to being a mage, but she is the best Saboteur in the group. If players are wanting to use her Saboteur abilities to their max potential, the Belladonna Wand is the best staff to equip. This staff has the Improved Debuffing passive ability which increases the success rate of debuff abilities. Since she’s the only one in the group that can cast Death spell, this staff would benefit her the best.

Pearlwing Staff

For anyone wanting Vanille to have high raw Magic power, the Pearlwing Staff is the one to have. It will greatly reduce her Strength, but her physical attacks are pretty weak to begin with so it’s not a huge loss. This weapon is all about increasing her Magic, so if players are wanting Vanille to focus more on being a Ravager, this staff is worth investing in.

Healer’s Staff

If players are wanting Vanille to focus more on healing, the Healer’s Staff would be best to equip. It has the Improved Cure passive which increases spell recovery amount which means stronger heals. Vanille would be a slightly better choice for a healer since she has higher HP than Hope.

Rod of Thorns

The Rod of Thorns is a little more situational, but some players might find a use for it. Vanille’s Strength and Magic will be the exact same and the stats are okay. However, this weapon has the Magic Defense synthesis ability which will reduce the damage Vanille receives from magic attacks. If players are seeing that Vanille is dying pretty quickly (her HP is pretty low), this weapon could help out a little in keeping her alive.

Snow Villiers

Final Fantasy 13 Snow Villiers


Snow is the most powerful Sentinel in the group and has the highest HP. Umbra will increase his HP even more and make him a very useful tank in battle. This weapon also has the Improved Ward effect, which gives Snow and the party higher defense from area of effect attacks. If players find themselves in a fight with AoEs, having Snow in the party wearing this can help make the battle a little easier.


The Paladin is another great weapon for Snow if players want to have him focus on being a Sentinel for the group. It has the Improved Guard passive ability which helps him when he uses Guard abilities since it’ll reduce damage. This is a great one to have until players get Umbra, but it’s not a bad weapon overall.

Power Circle

If players are wanting to use Snow more as a Commando than in his other two roles, the Power Circle is a great weapon for him. Maxing out this weapon will increase his strength to match Fang’s strength. This weapon also reduces physical damage that Snow takes in battle. It can also be found early in the game which will make Snow pretty powerful early on compared to other party members.


Despite being more of a Sentinel and Commando, Snow is actually a pretty good Ravager. The Feymark will greatly reduce his Strength, but greatly increase his Magic power. However, it also has the Ultimate Magic synthesis ability, which makes him immune to magic attacks, though this comes at the cost of only being healed by Eidolons or items. If players don’t mind this, it’s a pretty good weapon to have around.

Final Fantasy 13 was released on December 17, 2009, and is available on PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Android, and iOS.

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