With Final Fantasy 14 being as popular as it is, one could be forgiven for thinking Square Enix’s MMORPG efforts are focused on that game only. Surprisingly, though, one would be wrong to think that, because the publisher just announced that it will soon be dropping major new content for the original Final Fantasy MMO, Final Fantasy 11.

For the last few years, many fans have thought that Square was basically done with the game, since the last major update, 2015’s Rhapsodies of Vana’ diel, managed to effectively wrap up all of its lingering plot threads. But it turns out that Square is diving back into the world of Vana’diel with a brand new storyline that will go live later this month, which happens to coincide with the release of FF 14’s next big update, Reflections in Crystal.

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And it doesn’t sound like this will be a small update either, according to producer Akihiko Matsui, who wrote on the official Final Fantasy 11 forums that the storyline “will play out over the course of many version updates rather than just a few” and will explore “a side of Vana’ diel that’s never before seen the light.”

Matsui warns, though, that “this wonderful new content” will only be accessible to players who’ve already completed the Rhapsodies of Vana’diel content. “I hope that those of you who haven’t yet experienced Iroha’s tale in full will take this opportunity to do so,” he wrote.

final fantasy 11 characters

Aside from the storyline, Matsui’s post teases some of the changes that will come to FF 11 with this update. Specifically, he revealed that the Beastmaster job will see adjustments designed to provide better synergy between players and their pets. Additionally, there will be new and updated monthly objectives for players to tackle as part of the Records of Eminence, along with new Normal and Intense Ambuscade foes to fight.

It’s been over 18 years since Final Fantasy 11 first launched, and while the lack of major updates, its console versions shutting down, and, of course, the rise of Final Fantasy 14, has managed to land it in relative obscurity in recent years, it’s neat that Square Enix is bringing it back into the spotlight. FF 14 may be the popular Final Fantasy MMO now, but FF 11 still has plenty of unique content to offer, and with this new content, there’s a good chance new players will give it a try.

Final Fantasy 11 is available for PC.

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Source: Final Fantasy 11