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No other film franchise has fetishized death more than Final Destination. Back when it first came out, it was a new breed of horror to challenge the status quo of the typical movie monsters. That's because the villains in Final Destination are usually invisible, sinister, and seemingly harmless: accidents. Well, at least most of them are; some of these accidents were caused by the protagonists' ignorance. Typical horror trope.

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In any case, Final Destination loves its death scenes and always leaves its viewers guessing where the next coincidental death might occur. One thing's for certain though, despite the chaotic sources of demise: they're all brutal ends. It's just that some of these ill fates are more visceral, more traumatizing, or more clever than others, making them more memorable.

10 Bathroom Blunder - Final Destination

bathtub death scene in final destination

After toying with some people's airplane anxiety of flight phobia, Final Destination wanted to make some of its viewers feel unsafe and paranoid even in the confines of their house. That's why one of the next immediate deaths took place in a bathroom— just in case its viewers are starting to feel safe during their toilet breaks.

Tod Waggner is the poor victim here and his death was unlike the previous or even succeeding ones. It was via a slow, struggling, strangulation. It's all thanks to a clothesline that got looped around his neck after he slipped on a toilet cleaner. They don't make clotheslines that strong anymore, probably thanks to this scene.

9 Kitchen Klutz - Final Destination

final destination kitchen knife death

One undying trend in Final Destination is how a small blunder might snowball into a grisly genocide. The kitchen death scene is one of those and it initially took place in the living room, to be exact. Kristen Cloke is the unfortunate lamb here and she died all thanks to a cracked cup.

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As she drank water through the said cup, the water poured through the crack straight into a CRT computer monitor. Apparently, monitors back then were lethal devices since this one exploded and launched a shard of broken glass at Kristen's throat. She then panicked and stumbled around the kitchen until she slipped on her own blood and planted some sharp kitchen knives into her chest. Oh, and the oven also exploded and sent a chair toward her, hammering down the knife even further. Would've been comedic if it wasn't for all the blood.

8 Ladder Loss - Final Destination 2

final destination ladder death

In some instances in Final Destination 2, character mistakes or outright foolishness leads to their untimely and gruesome departure. This was most evident with Evan in the second film where he prioritized getting his ring over keeping his kitchen free of fire.

Being the genius that he is, Evan just had to flee from the mess he made and he did it through the fire exit. He managed but the fire exit ladder was in dire need of some maintenance, leading to it impaling his eye socket after he slipped on the noodles he was cooking.

7 Barbecue Blowout - Final Destination 2

barbecue scene in final destination 2

Again, in Final Destination 2, something as supposedly calm and relaxing as a barbecue is also subject to Death's designs. Brian Gibbons is the chosen guinea pig here and his death was rather unceremonious. During their barbecue event, the grill malfunctioned and exploded.

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As always, it was an exaggerated death and it vaporized Brian, and all that was left of him was an arm. Unlike other deaths in the film, this one was rather unexpected due to the nature of the cause and the apparent lack of lethal sources. Thankfully, grills aren't really that powerful in real life.

6 Rollercoaster Ruin - Final Destination 3

rollercoaster death scene in final destination 3

A rollercoaster accident is a low-hanging fruit but that didn't prevent Final Destination 3 from playing with the idea. Moreover, it's also the opening massacre scene in the third film. In here, the roller coaster already had a bad hydraulics leak but was exacerbated by a video camera, somehow.

That was mostly an excuse to make it more believable that the said roller coaster cars could detach and loosen up their fasteners. Needless to say, a lot of ugly things tend to happen when a high-speed object with organic passengers gets rickety.

5 Tire Tragedy - Final Destination 4

final destination tire death

Just when viewers thought that the filmmakers were running out of ideas for Final Destination deaths, they picked another place where accidents tend to happen but only a few deaths follow afterward: auto racing. The accident that kicked off dozens of death here assumed a lack of safety features intended for the crowd.

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So when a car loosens up some of its parts, its tires suddenly turn into lethal projectiles that automatically vaporize anything they touch. Also, the crowd stampeded out and the clumsiest ones suddenly started impaling themselves or getting sandwiched by burning car chassis. Thankfully, the guy who saw the premonition managed to save some of his friends, but a wayward tire had another idea for one of the female survivors.

4 Pool Passing - Final Destination 4

final destination pool death scene

Granted, Final Destination 4 wasn't the best when it came to creative deaths despite the auto racing slaughter. It did, however, come up with the pool scene which was quite refreshing as far as unexpected death traps go. Final Destination 4 imagines that a pool's drainage system is enough to disembowel and kill a fully-grown man.

That's precisely what happened to Hunt, one of the favored blond victims in the film. Hunt, thanks to a drainage system malfunction, was sucked by the pool's drain pipe through his anus which apparently, reversed his innards, killing him in the process. It's not that graphic, thankfully, but nevertheless, a horrid way to die.

3 Airplane Annihilation - Final Destination

final destination airplane death scene

The first Final Destination film was lucky enough to have been released a year before a tragic event in the United States took place. Because otherwise, the plane massacre scene couldn't have taken off. In any case, that opening sequence cemented Final Destination's novelty in the eyes of horror fans hungry for something new.

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It was a graphic imagining of what might take place in a mid-flight disaster. It was a bit exaggerated, but several malfunctions started firing off leading to an open fuselage, mid-air fires, and ultimately a flying inferno that ends up crashing but not before barbecuing all the hapless passengers inside.

2 Timber Termination - Final Destination 2

final destination 2 log death

Final Destination 2 had big shoes to fill after its predecessor set the tone and gave birth to a new kind of horror. That's why it had to have an opening scene that tops the first film's and wouldn't you know it, it picked a road accident of all the deadly circumstances in the world.

Final Destination 2's opening scene likely made all drivers anxious while driving behind trucks filled with logs. Because one of those simply had loose ropes or chains and it led to all the huge logs falling down and shaving a car's roof and a person's head clean off. A dozen-car pileup was up next but that's less scary because of all the safety features in automobiles today.

1 Escalator Execution - Final Destination 4

final destination escalator death scene

Even escalators aren't exempted from Final Destination 4 as it was one of the most gruesome ways they invented to kill off one of the participants in Death's design. Before the escalator chewed up someone and digested her whole, a movie theater explosion took place.

Some combustibles managed to ignite themselves from behind the screen and made things a little too 3D for the viewers. The resulting catastrophe also somehow made one of the escalators unstable, leading to a rather disturbing death that would give even the more carefree viewers a phobia for escalators or malls.

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