
  • Limit Breaks are back in Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth with a visual upgrade and new techniques to unlock through SP and Synergy Abilities.
  • Cait Sith's Giga Magic Mogbox, Red XIII's Bloodfang, Tifa's Dolphin Flurry, Cloud's Finishing Touch, and Aerith's Planet's Protection and Rising Fury are powerful Limit Breaks that stand out.
  • Aerith's Rising Fury can refill allies' Limit Gauges, turning the tide of a battle, and providing a game-changing ability when used strategically.

Limit Breaks played a huge role in the core gameplay of the original Final Fantasy 7, and not only are they back in Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth, but they've also been given a massive visual upgrade, along with a few new Limit Breaks being thrown into the mix too. Every playable party member will start off with their level 1 Limit Breaks by default, but these can only be activated by dishing out enough damage in battle, or by simply holding out long enough for it to charge up.

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That's not all though, as characters will also be able to get their hands on their level 2 and 3 Limit Breaks by spending SP via the Folios system, and through using Synergy Abilities, granting them even more powerful techniques to utilize in the heat of battle. While all of these attacks are effective in their own ways, there are definitely a handful of Limit Breaks which really stand out for how powerful they are, and it's these special techniques that this list is going to take a look at.

6 Giga Magic Mogbox (Cait Sith)

Ability: Throw Out A Gigantic Box With A Random Present Inside

Cait Sith jumping above a giant Chocobo

Anyone who has played the original Final Fantasy 7 will know that Cait Sith is a character whose entire playstyle revolves around luck, and this hasn't really changed much in Rebirth. Admittedly, this can make him a little unreliable, since there's no telling what sorts of attacks he will throw out, but at least with his level 3 Limit Break, the odds are stacked in his favor.

During this attack, Cait's Moogle will launch a massive box at the enemy. The box will then spring open and reveal a surprise, but because this is a level 3 attack, it means that the result is always going to be something immensely powerful. Therefore, while his tricky dice mechanic can cause some players to avoid him entirely, it's well worth upgrading Cait Sith's Folio to acquire this high-damaging attack to help out with some of the game's tougher encounters later on.

5 Bloodfang (Red XIII)

Ability: Attack Enemies With Multiple Slashes That Will Restore Red XIII's HP And MP

Red XIII performing Blood Fang on an enemy

Bloodfang is actually Red XIII's very first Limit Break, so on the surface, it might not seem all that special, but it's actually incredibly useful and very powerful thanks to the bonus effects that come with it. While the attack itself deals a considerable amount of damage to a single enemy, it's also able to restore some of Red XIII's own HP and MP. Not only can this be used as a powerful last resort to help keep Red XIIIin the fight, but it also saves other characters like Aerith from needing to use their own MP in order to heal Red XIII when he gets into trouble.

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It's honestly surprising that this Limit Break is available so early in the game considering how strong it is, but this also simply means that it can make those first few hours a whole lot easier. When combining this with Red's Siphon Fang, which can also absorb HP, it can pretty much make everyone's favorite canine unstoppable in battle, as he becomes one of the most durable members of the party.

4 Dolphin Flurry (Tifa)

Ability: Unleash A Barrage Of Acrobatic Attacks That Significantly Increases Stagger

Tifa uppercutting an enemy

When taking on a durable enemy in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, the best way to try and break them down is to drive up their Stagger meter, which will make them much more vulnerable and, in most cases, will even prevent them from attacking altogether for a short time. By far the best character for driving up the Stagger gauge is Tifa thanks to her quick and lethal attacks, but she can achieve this even faster by utilizing her Limit Breaks, especially Dolphin Flurry.

Not only does the move look absolutely stunning from a visual standpoint, but because it involves Tifa launching herself across the screen at a blistering pace, it means that she can also avoid enemy attacks while dealing a tremendous amount of damage in barely any time at all. The final uppercut that Tifa delivers at the very end of the ability can instantly Stagger most weaker enemies, but it can also melt boss health bars too, making it an incredibly useful ability to throw out when the situation calls for it.

3 Finishing Touch (Cloud)

Ability: Create A Massive Cyclone To Deal Big Damage

Cloud performing Finishing Touch on a large serpent enemy

There's nothing more satisfying in a Final Fantasy game than seeing a bunch of damage numbers popping up on the screen when taking out multiple enemies at once, but Cloud's final Limit Break, Finishing Touch, takes this to a whole new level. After jumping right into the middle of the action and dealing a gigantic devastating swing to weaken the opponents, Cloud then creates a giant whirlwind which sucks up all enemies in close proximity.

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This is already enough to finish most weaker enemies off, but Cloud also goes a step further and hits the cyclone with a charged-up slash, just in case anyone managed to survive the initial onslaught. Needless to say, this attack deals an absurd amount of damage, but it can also just be very helpful for clearing out an arena and giving the party a breather by wrangling up a group of enemies who might be spread out around the battlefield.

2 Planet's Protection (Aerith)

Ability: Nullify Physical Damage Dealt To All Party Members (Only Usable Once Per Battle)

Aerith performing Planet protection Limit Break

Aerith primarily assumes a supporting role throughout Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and though she initially only starts off with a few simple healing abilities, she eventually becomes an absolutely essential member of the team due to how impactful her abilities are. Planet's Protection is a prime example of this, being able to completely nullify all physical damage dealt to the team for a brief period, an ability which can prove to be useful for any type of scenario.

Whether it's activated during a relentless assault, or while hanging back and focusing on healing up the party, Planet's Protection will add that extra layer of protection that can make an otherwise chaotic battle a lot less stressful. It also goes without saying that this can be almost game-breaking when used against melee-focused bosses like Rude or Reno, who can easily be overcome thanks to Aerith's unique ability.

1 Rising Fury (Aerith)

Ability: Refill Allies' Limit Gauges

Aerith using Rising Fury Limit Break

Rising Fury might look pretty simple in its description, but it really cannot be understated just how useful it is, with this single technique having the potential to completely turn the tide of a fight gone wrong. By using up her own Limit gauge, Aerith will allow her allies to use their Limit Breaks instead, and depending on the team arrangement, this can result in a staggering amount of damage being dealt to either a single enemy, or an entire group.

Considering just how strong many of the Limit Breaks are in Rebirth, Square Enix made sure that they would therefore take quite a while to charge up, so being able to speed up the process can make literally every fight in the game more straightforward. It'll definitely take a little bit of work to finally acquire this Limit Break, since it is a level 3, but it's all so worth it to have such an insanely powerful ability stored away for the right moment.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix