2K Sports has proven that it is more than capable of producing good games, and with recent hits like WWE 2K22, the developer has also shown the world that it can turn around franchises that have been performing poorly. However, it has been unable to compete with EA Sports, as 2K Sports does not have the same variety in sports games that EA possesses, especially with the reach that FIFA has. Now that FIFA has parted ways from EA Sports, though, there is a chance that the soccer governing body will look toward 2K Sports to publish the next line of FIFA titles.

There are many things that EA Sports gets right in its games, from online game modes to great physics and animations. However, it often gets criticized for not giving players more freedom in customization, poorly executed story modes, and stale offline game modes. This is where 2K Sports picks up the slack, giving its fans great, deep storylines, enjoyable offline modes, and nearly limitless freedom when it comes to character creation. In more recent titles, 2K Sports has even shown that it can create great animations and provide solid online modes, which would make it the favorite to gain the FIFA deal.

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Great Character Customization Options in 2K Sports Games


2K Sports has prided itself on the fact that it can give its fans the ability to freely customize the characters and players they create. The entire WWE 2K series has showcased an enormous character creation suite with fans getting the chance to create whatever they can imagine. FIFA titles have often been criticized for the lack of character creation options, and this can be easily solved by simply partnering with 2K Sports. With the relationship 2K has with its developers, a FIFA title published under 2K Sports is sure to give fans the character creation suite that can make playing game modes like Player Career Mode much more enjoyable and aesthetically pleasing.

The in-depth character creation suite can greatly benefit future FIFA titles, as fans will get the chance to not only create themselves, but also create legends of the game that may not be included in an official capacity. Furthermore, extending this creation suite into game modes like Create-A-Club would elevate stadium building and kit design, giving fans a more realistic experience. The creation suite could also be used to create custom celebrations, something that fans have been asking for, making the overall game feel more versatile.

Better Story Mode in 2K Sports Games


Both WWE 2K22 and NBA 2K22 have an in-depth story mode that lets fans create a character and rise through the ranks to become a hall-of-famer. This story mode is much deeper than just following a set storyline, as NBA 2K22 gives fans the chance to not only experience life as an NBA athlete on the court, but also gives them an opportunity to explore a city filled with unique ways to further improve their created player. The addition of the city, while filled with bugs and glitches, gives fans something more to do in a game mode that has been heavily underutilized in past FIFA titles.

FIFA 17 first introduced a story mode where fans would control Alex Hunter, a fictional player who aimed to become the next superstar in the sport. Unfortunately, this game mode was short-lived and was ultimately removed from the game, leaving fans hoping for a comeback. Using the NBA 2K22 formula in a FIFA title will give fans a tremendous amount of freedom, allowing them to live through the life of a soccer star and even explore a city where they can play some street soccer, blending in the VOLTA gameplay with the core FIFA experience. A better story mode would be a great addition to FIFA titles, and 2K Sports is more than capable of delivering such a game mode, not to mention improving it with each new iteration.

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Variety in 2K Sports Game Modes


One of FIFA’s biggest downfalls in the past is a lack of game modes that greatly limits the variety of gameplay options. 2K Sports prides itself on giving fans as much content as possible, and while all the game modes may not be fan favorites, simply giving them these options will improve the longevity of the games and make them more attractive. Both NBA 2K22 and WWE 2K22 have loads of game modes that would fit perfectly in a FIFA game, with modes like Showcase letting fans live through some of the most memorable moments in the sport, to simulation game modes like MyGM Mode.

FIFA could greatly benefit from more game modes, especially if it is going to compete with EA Sports, as it will provide unique experiences in a soccer game and give fans a lot more to do. Something like WWE 2K22’s Showcase mode would work great and could be geared toward certain competitions, like the FIFA World Cup, letting fans play through some of the greatest matches throughout history. Simulation game modes could also add a new take to Manager Career Mode, forcing fans to get their tactics right and have faith in their team. While adding in more game modes may mean that some of them are not as good as others, at least it will give fans the opportunity to try something new and break away from the redundant formula that FIFA has fallen into.

The dissolution of the FIFA-EA Sports partnership has the chance to create more competition in the soccer gaming space. While EA Sports will likely retain most of its fans, FIFA will need to prove that it can produce a great game, and the best way to do that would be to partner with 2K Sports. The publisher has the expertise and relationships to create good games filled with content that can add a new twist to the classic FIFA formula and give fans something new to experience. For a soccer fan, the FIFA-EA Sports fallout could mean better soccer games and more improvements each year, and for FIFA to keep up the pressure, it will need to partner with another giant in the field like 2K Sports.

FIFA 23 is currently in development for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

MORE: 6 Things We Want To See In FIFA 23