Table of contents

Fonadu is a rare tonadu variant in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth that is at the center of Cacophonic Corvid, a Fiend Intel in the Junon region that is revealed by activating the Buffeted Cape Tower. While defeating this creature is not particularly difficult, some fans may struggle to pressure Fonadu, and complete the associated intel objective, during the fight. This guide is written with that group of players in mind, and it describes exactly how to pressure Fonadu in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

FF7 Rebirth: How to Pressure Fonadu

Using the Assess materia on the Fonadu reveals that inflicting enough damage to the creature will cause it to retaliate with a violent attack. That attack is known as Death from Above, and players must simply evade it to cause the Fonadu to immediately become pressured.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Enemy Skill Materia Guide

This guide will make it easy for players to obtain the Enemy Skill Materia, and unlock all its techniques, in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

As such, players who are interested in completing all Cacophonic Corvid's intel objectives should make sure that they are always prepared to evade Death from Above when Fonadu uses it. Indeed, Final Fantasy fans will only have a moment to press circle and evade the attack once its name has appeared above the Fonadu, and players that are mashing attack inputs may miss their chance.

Fortunately, fans that are unsuccessful in evading Death from Above can always force the creature to use the skill again by continuing to damage it. Additionally, if a Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth player accidentally kills their target before they have pressured it, they can simply retry the fight, by holding triangle when they are in the area, to create more chances to complete the associated intel objective.

ff7 rebirth fonadu pressure

To note, another of Cacophonic Corvid's intel objectives requires players to stagger the Fonadu, and that is easily done once it is pressured. This is due to the fact that the stagger gauge fills up extremely quickly when an enemy is pressured in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and fans should use abilities like Cloud's Focused Thrust, Barret's Focused Shot, and Tifa's Focused Strike to maximize the rate at which the gauge fills.

Players who focus on pressuring the Fonadu should also have no trouble completing the final intel objective, which centers around defeating the enemy within two-and-a-half minutes. Indeed, the creature will be dispatched extremely quickly once it has been pressured and staggered, provided that the player uses their unique abilities in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and the resulting ATB charges, to maximize their damage while the Fonadu is down.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix