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Teach Me, Great Warrior is a side quest that is available in the Gongaga Region of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. This region won't be available for exploration until Chapter 9. Players can reach the Gongaga Region only after going through the desert area first.

The Teach Me, Great Warrior side quest cannot be accessed until players make their journey to the reactor and fight Scarlet. After the fight is over and the players return to Gongaga Village, they will be able to pick up the Teach Me, Great Warrior side quest in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: All Gongaga Region Side Quests (& How to Complete Them)

Five new side quests become available in Chapter 9 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth; four of which take place in the game's Gongaga Region.

How To Start Teach Me, Great Warrior In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

After finishing the conversation between Cloud and the rest of the group, players need to leave the shelter. Go to the Community Noticeboard and accept the job. Once that is done, the next order of business is to find the client, who is almost on the outskirts of Gongaga Village. His name is Sotetsu, and he is a member of the Coalition. After talking to him, he will ask Yuffie to help him become stronger. Yuffie will agree on the condition that she gets some materia out of it.

Assist With Master Yuffie's Lessons

There are a total of four planned lessons that Sotetsu must survive, and players have to complete several objectives at all costs.

If you fail to accomplish even one objective, you won't be able to progress further. Luckily, you can retry as many times as you want.

The first lesson will ask players to do the following:

  • Help Sotetsu strike the enemy three times.
  • Pressure an enemy.
  • Don't let Sotetsu fall in battle.

To help Sotetsu strike an enemy three times, players should stagger the enemies as quickly as possible. This will incapacitate the enemies and help Sotetsu land three strikes. Players can pressure enemies by assessing them and then targeting their weaknesses.

The second lesson involves players accomplishing the following:

  • Pressure enemies twice.
  • Stagger an enemy.
  • Don't let Sotetsu fall in battle.

All three of them are rather easy to achieve. If you're struggling with pressuring the enemies, try to cast an ice spell on the two Amphidex.

The third lesson is a bit challenging, so replenish your HP and MP before proceeding. In the third lesson, players must complete these objectives:

  • Stagger enemies twice.
  • Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
  • Don't let Sotetsu fall in battle.

To defeat enemies quickly, players should use Assess and exploit their weaknesses. The rest of the tasks shouldn't be too problematic either.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Teach Me, Great Warrior Lessons

The fourth and final lesson starts after Yuffie is chased by two Mastodons. This lesson only has one objective, and that is to prevent Sotetsu from dying in battle. The Mastodons are weak to fire, so use it to your advantage. Once you beat them, Sotetsu will head back to the village, and you will need to follow suit.

Teach Me, Great Warrior Rewards

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Teach Me, Great Warrior Rewards

After you return to the village, Sotetsu will try to convince others to train under Cloud and Yuffie. However, Cloud has no interest in helping and reiterates that the group is only passing through. Luckily, Cissnei appears and convinces the youngsters to train under her. For completing the Teach Me, Great Warrior side quest, players will receive the following rewards:

  • Secrets of the Ninja Vol. IV
  • 10 Party EXP
  • An Improved Relationship with Yuffie
  • 2,800 EXP
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Final Fantasy
PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix