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When players first visit the Corel Region during Chapter 7 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth there are only four side quests available to them. However, as they progress further through the main story they'll gain access to another five quests, one of which is called Sand and Circuses.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: All Chapter 12 Side Quests (& How to Complete Them)

There are eleven side quests in Chapter 12 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, requiring players to return to each of the game's main open-world regions.

Sand and Circuses becomes available during Chapter 12 of Final Fantasy Rebirth and requires players to win a series of solo fights to help out an old acquaintance. Sadly, Gus's Party isn't really the fun kind, but if players approach each battle correctly, they shouldn't have too much trouble surviving it.

How to Start the Sand and Circuses Side Quest in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Sand and Circuses can be triggered in Chapter 12 via the Community Noticeboard in the Dustbowl, though only once players have completed the Trouble in Paradise side quest in Costa del Sol. After accepting the job, they should make their way toward the ladder leading down to the Beast Battleground, where they'll run into Leslie, who some players may recognize from Final Fantasy 7 Remake. He'll explain that Gus is offering a woman as a prize for a competition that he's holding at the nearby battleground and will ask Cloud and the party to win the tournament and set her free.

All Gus's Party Fights and Enemies


Gus's Party is made up of five solo battles, with Yuffie, Aerith, Barret, Tifa, and Cloud all squaring off against different foes. Players should have no trouble making it through the first four rounds as all of the enemies that they'll come up against are ones that they'll have already beaten on numerous occasions. Most of them have elemental weaknesses too, but Cloud's fight against the Joker can be a little tricky. This is because if the Joker draws the Joker card when performing its Destiny attack it will instakill Cloud. With this in mind, players should be sure to take it down quickly by exploiting its weakness to Wind attacks or equip either a weapon with the Reprieve ability or a pair of Revival Earrings as insurance. The Aqualung Enemy Skill can also be incredibly effective.

Players will be able to adjust their equipment between rounds, meaning they can give all of their strongest Materia to whichever party member is fighting next to make life a little easier for themselves.

The Ninja vs. Winged Ones: Yuffie vs. Valron (x2)


The Flower Seller vs. Fireballs: Aerith vs. Bomb (x2)


The Gunner vs. Wind Sages: Barret vs. Zemzelett (x2)


The Pugilist vs. The Undertaker: Tifa vs. Modded Sweeper


The Merc vs. Bloodstained Joker: Cloud vs. Joker


Sand and Circuses Rewards


Upon completing Sand and Circuses, players will learn that the woman who was being offered as a prize wasn't the one that Leslie had been searching for. Even so, Gus arguably got what was coming to him and a woman was spared from a life of misery, so it was still well worth the party's time. As for players, their time and effort will be rewarded with a copy of Way of the Fist Vol. VI, 10 Party EXP, 3,300 EXP, and an improved relationship with Tifa. The latter should come in particularly handy for those hoping to romance Tifa and take her on a date at the Gold Saucer.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Square Enix
Square Enix
PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024