Table of contents

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's combat system has something for everyone. Players who want rapid real-time action can do that with the Active Combat Style. Those who want to let their team take center stage can do so by selecting the Classic Mode.

Aside from the two combat systems, there are various skills and other abilities that players can equip their party members with to boost their strength. One of the coolest features is Synergy, which can be confusing since there are two different things linked to it. In this guide, players will learn how to use synergy abilities and skills in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Junon Parade Guide (Stealing The Show Trophy)

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth players can only get Stealing the Show trophy after scoring over 100,000 in the Junon Parade.

How To Unlock Synergy Skills And Abilities In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Synergy is divided into skills and abilities. Players can only use them once the conditions are met. So, the first thing that you want to make sure of is that you have the character in the party with whom you want to perform a Synergy Skill or a Synergy Ability. Other than that, players have to unlock the skills and abilities. You need to go to Maghnata Books or a Golden Vending machine. The latter is usually found near a bench, while the Maghnata Books are in towns.

How To Use Synergy Skills In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Synergy Skills

After you have unlocked enough Synergy Skills and Abilities, you can start using them in combat. First up, let's take a look at how you can use Synergy Skills in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

  • While in combat, press and hold the R1 button
  • You will see different Synergy Skills appear in the left-hand corner
  • Then press the button that has been assigned to the Synergy Skill you want to use

You can change the input of Synergy Skills from the Combat Settings in the Pause Menu.

How To Use Synergy Abilities In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Synergy Skills and Abilities

Synergy Abilities are more powerful than Synergy Skills, and naturally, it takes longer to use them. In order to use a Synergy Ability, players will have to build enough Synergy Charge for the characters involved.

  • After you have gathered enough Synergy Charge
  • Press the X button to bring up the Commands menu
  • Scroll down to Synergy Abilities and press the X Button
  • Then select the Synergy Ability that you want to use

The Synergy Abilities in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can raise limit levels, grant unlimited MP for a time, extend Stagger time, or increase ATB bars.

It is quite clear that both Synergy Abilities and Skills are extremely useful. So, try to use them as often as you can to wrap up fights quickly.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Final Fantasy
PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix