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Odin is the final upgradable Summon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and arguably the most powerful too thanks to his Zantetsuken ability. This unstoppable instakill attack can make beating Odin incredibly difficult, but also serves as a strong incentive to do so given how useful it can be in battle.

How to Get Every Summon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (All FF7 Rebirth Summons)

There are 14 Summons available in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, though players will need to put in quite a bit of work in order to unlock them all.

With this in mind, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth players will probably want to unlock Odin as soon as they arrive in the Nibel Region, which happens at the beginning of Chapter 11. It's also a good idea to upgrade the Summon too, if only to make the fight against him in the Combat Simulator a little easier.

How to Get the Odin Summoning Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


As with most of the other Summoning Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, players hoping to unlock Odin will first need to defeat him in Chadley's Combat Simulator. The fight becomes available once players arrive in the Nibel Region at the beginning of the game's eleventh chapter. For those having trouble finding him, Chadley can be found both in Nibelheim and at the Chocobo Sage's Manor, as well as in various other locations throughout the game's previous five regions.

How to Beat Odin in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


Beating Odin in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can be incredibly difficult, particularly for those who don't know how to counter his devastating Zantetsuken instakill attack. One way to do so is to equip the party with Revival Earrings or weapons with the Reprieval ability, but this is a somewhat risky strategy as Odin will go right back on the offensive after using Zantetsuken. Instead of trying to survive Zantetsuken, players should therefore aim to prevent Odin from using it entirely, which is actually relatively simple once one knows how.

Odin has no elemental weaknesses , so players should bring along their strongest Materia. That said, Fire and Lightning are arguably better options than Wind and Ice as there is less chance of them missing.

Odin will only use Zantetsuken after landing a lot of attacks on the player-controlled character, so players should do their best to block or evade as many of his attacks as possible. The best way to do this is to use Cloud's Punisher Mode stance (press the Triangle button) and then hold the guard button (R1) whenever Odin attacks. If done correctly, Cloud will block all of Odin's attacks and then immediately hit back with a counter, after which, players can fire off an ability or two of their own as he prepares to take another swing. The other two party members can just focus on healing Cloud whenever his HP gets too low.

Rather than switching to Punisher Mode and holding guard, those who are good with timings can instead press the Triangle button right as Odin's attacks land, as doing so will automatically block and counter.

Eventually, players will do enough damage to stagger Odin, at which point, they'll want to hit him with everything they've got. With any luck, Cloud's limit break gauge will have filled up by this point, allowing players to dish out some massive damage with Cross-Slash. If not, Infinity's End can also help to whittle Odin's HP down, though players should be sure to use this at the beginning of the stagger period as it takes a second or two for the animation to play out. As always, those still having trouble may want to consider upgrading the Odin Summoning Materia and squaring off against Odin in his weakened form, or switching to the Easy difficulty mode.

How to Fully Upgrade Odin in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Players will be able to access all three Odin Sanctuaries almost as soon as they arrive in Nibelheim. However, to do so, they'll first need to wrangle an Ocean Chocobo, as all of the Odin Crystals are found inside caves that can only be accessed using Selena's Chocojet ability.

Odin Sanctuary 1 Location & Puzzle Solution (Nibel Region Divine Intel 1)

The first Odin Sanctuary can be found to the southeast of the Chocobo Intel: Feathered Waverunners objective. To reach it, players will need to use the Chocojet ability to enter a cave high above the water. The Crystal Memory Matrix solution is X, Circle, Square, Triangle, X, Circle, Square, Triangle.

Odin Sanctuary 2 Location & Puzzle Solution (Nibel Region Divine Intel 2)

The second Odin Crystal can be found in Divine Sanctuary 2, which is on the western shore of the Nibel Region to the southwest of the previous summon crystal. To access the sanctuary, players will need to use Selena's Chocojet ability to pass through a series of caves and then make their way to the top of a hill. The Crystal Memory Matrix solution is Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, X, Circle, X.

Odin Sanctuary 3 Location & Puzzle Solution (Nibel Region Divine Intel 3)

The third Odin Crystal can be found on a small island to the west of the Nibel Region's airstrip and can be reached by passing through some caves using Selena's Chocojet ability. The Crystal Memory Matrix solution is Circle, X, X, Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Circle.

Odin Upgraded Stats



Invoke Odin to aid you in battle, as well as confer stat bonuses to the summoner


Summon Level +1


Summon Level +1


Allfather's Fury learned

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Square Enix
Square Enix
PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024