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Bahamut is one of the most common Final Fantasy Summons, so it's not too surprising to see it show up in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth in its Bahamut Arisen form. Bahamut Arisen is one of the most powerful pieces of Summoning Materia that the game has to offer; so much so, in fact, that it manages to make some of the previously acquired Summons seem a little lackluster by comparison.

How to Get Every Summon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (All FF7 Rebirth Summons)

There are 14 Summons available in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, though players will need to put in quite a bit of work in order to unlock them all.

Sadly, players will need to quite a while before they can get their hands on Bahamut Arisen, as the first chance that they'll get to acquire it comes in Chapter 10 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. The good news is that fully upgrading Bahamut Arisen is relatively straightforward, with all three Bahamut Arisen Crystals accessible before the chapter comes to an end.

How to Get Bahamut Arisen in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


Players will be able to get the Bahamut Arisen Summoning Materia from the beginning of Chapter 10 following their arrival in the Cosmo Canyon Region. To do so, they'll need to defeat Bahamut Arisen in Chadley's Combat Simulator, which is a lot easier said than done. This is because Bahamut Arisen has no elemental weaknesses, but that's not to say that this monstrous creature has no Achilles' heel. Players can pressure Bahamut Arisen by making use of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's Synergy Abilities, which will also remove all of the Summon's particles from the battlefield. If players are really struggling, though, they may want to consider finding a few Bahamut Arisen Crystals in the Cosmo Canyon region and fighting the beast in its weakened form.

How to Fully Upgrade Bahamut Arisen in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

In order to get to all of the Bahamut Arisen Sanctuaries, players will need to have started the Bonds of Trust side quest and progressed through it to the point where they wrangle themselves a Sky Chocobo. After that, they'll be able to find all three Bahamut Arisen Crystals relatively easily.

Bahamut Arisen Sanctuary 1 Location & Puzzle Solution (Cosmo Canyon Region Divine Intel 1)

The first Bahamut Arisen Sanctuary is in a cave to the south of the Crimson Earth Remnawave Tower. To reach it, players will need to glide north from Gliding Range No. 4 - 11 m. The Crystal Memory Matrix solution is Circle, Triangle, X, X, Circle, Triangle, X, X.

Bahamut Arisen Sanctuary 2 Location & Puzzle Solution (Cosmo Canyon Region Divine Intel 2)

The second Bahamut Arisen Crystal is in a cave to the north of the Spiritwastes Remnawave Tower, which itself is to the north of the Ground Level Gate of the main Cosmo Canyon settlement. Thankfully, players won't need to glide to reach the cave. The Crystal Memory Matrix solution is X, Square, Triangle, X, X, Square, Triangle, X.

Bahamut Arisen Sanctuary 3 Location & Puzzle Solution (Cosmo Canyon Region Divine Intel 3)

The third Bahamut Arisen Crystal needed to upgrade this Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Summon can be found in Bahamut Arisen Sanctuary γ, which is in a cave to the southwest of the Ancient Capital Remnawave Tower. Players will be able to walk directly from the tower to the sanctuary, so, as with the previous sanctuary, no gliding is required here. The Crystal Memory Matrix solution is Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle.

Bahamut Arisen Upgraded Stats



Invoke Bahamut Arisen to aid you in battle, as well as confer stat bonuses to the summoner


Summon Level +1


Summon Level +1


Umbral Inferno learned

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Square Enix
Square Enix
PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024