Table of contents

Including the platinum, there are 61 Trophies available in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. A lot of these will be unlocked automatically as players make their way through the game's main story, particularly if they're also collecting Protorelics in each of the six main regions through which they'll be passing. Others are quite a bit harder to unlock though, with the Polygonal Prizefighter Trophy being a great example of this.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: How to Get Corsair's Compass (All FF7 Rebirth Pirate Treasure Locations)

Finding the locations of all four pieces of the Pirate King's Treasure becomes a whole lot easier with these maps, instructions, and videos.

To defeat Sephiroth in 3D Brawler and unlock the Polygonal Prizefighter Trophy, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth players will need to identify the type of punch that Sephiroth is about to throw and then move either their left or right analog stick in a particular direction to block or dodge the attack. Doing this in real time can be incredibly difficult, but there's thankfully a way to make the task a whole lot easier.

How to Unlock Sephiroth in 3D Brawler


Before players can even attempt to beat Sephiroth in 3D Brawler, they'll first need to unlock him as an opponent. This can be done by completing the Can't Stop Won't Stop side quest, which sees Cloud taking part in a series of mini-games and challenges around the Gold Saucer in the hopes of being crowned the Ultimate Party Animal. Unfortunately, this quest only becomes available after players have finished the big colosseum fight near the end of Chapter 12, and only once they've completed all of the other side quests in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

How to Defeat Sephiroth in 3D Brawler

By using a technique called pause buffering, players can make figuring out what Sephiroth's next attack is going to be much easier. This effectively just requires them to pause the game as Sephiroth is getting ready to throw a punch, identify the type of punch that he's preparing, and then cue up the appropriate dodge input before unpausing again. Even using this strategy, defeating Sephiroth to unlock the Polygonal Prizefighter Trophy is far from a walk in the park, though it definitely becomes a lot more manageable this way.

Other guides seem to recommend that players start spamming the dodge input as soon as they unpause the game, but this strategy is ineffective. Instead, players should hold the left or right analog stick in the direction that they want to dodge before they unpause , as doing so will ensure that the input is registered on the first possible frame and also decreases the chances that they'll accidentally flick the stick in the wrong direction in their eagerness to dodge in time.

The first thing that players need to be able to do is identify each of Sephiroth's punches, which they can do using the reference images above. They'll want to pay particularly close attention to the position of Sephiroth's arms and whether or not they're bent or straight. They should also look at the direction in which the one-winged angel is staring, as this can make identifying certain punches a lot easier. His left stick and right stick up animations are fairly unique, but players may have trouble identifying the other four. This is because left stick left and left stick down share a lot of similarities, though players should be able to tell them apart based on whether his right arm is bent or straight. Right stick right and right stick down are pretty similar too, although when performing his right stick down animation, the top of Sephiroth's arm is horizontal rather than diagonal, and his head is angled more to the left.


Sephiroth also has four different combos, which players will need to be able to identify if they're to have any hopes of beating him. He tends to use combo one the most, particularly during the first half of the fight, though will occasionally use combos two and three early on as well. Combo four is a slight variation of combo one, with the final input being replaced by two new ones (left stick up followed by left stick down). He seems to use this one right at the end of the fight when Cloud is one hit away from victory, so players should be prepared for this slight change. As the inputs required to dodge these combos are pre-determined, players will only need to check the first punch to figure out which one he's using; at least until they reach the very end of the fight, that is.

How to Dodge Sephiroth's First Combo (Combo 1)

  • Right Stick Up │ Left Stick Left │ Right Stick Right │ Left Stick Up │ Right Stick Down

How to Dodge Sephiroth's Second Combo (Combo 2)

  • Left Stick Down │ Right Stick Right │ Left Stick Up

How to Dodge Sephiroth's Third Combo (Combo 3)

  • Left Stick Left │ Left Stick Left │ Right Stick Up │ Left Stick Down

How to Dodge Sephiroth's Fourth Combo (Combo 4)

  • Right Stick Up │ Left Stick Left │ Right Stick Right │ Left Stick Up │ Left Stick Up │ Left Stick Down

The window for successfully dodging Sephiroth's attacks is incredibly tight, particularly when he's performing combos. If players are too early or too late with their inputs, Cloud will block instead of dodge, depriving players of their chance to counter and partially filling Sephiroth's limit gauge. With this in mind, players should wait until the moment that Sephiroth's punching hand begins to move forward before attempting to dodge .

Rewards for Beating Sephiroth in 3D Brawler

As mentioned above, those who beat Sephiroth in 3D Brawler will unlock the Polygonal Prizefighter Trophy. For their first clear, they'll also be awarded a Ribbon and 400 Gold Saucer Points, with each subsequent victory rewarding them with an additional 200 Gold Saucer Points. Finally, defeating Sephiroth in 3D Brawler will enable players to purchase the Masamune Replica for 2,000 Gold Saucer points from the Wonderment Square GP exchange. For those unaware, this is one of the 88 Johnny's Seaside Inn collectibles that are needed to unlock Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's 7-Star Hotel Trophy.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Square Enix
Square Enix
PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024