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After spending such a long time in development, the anticipation for Square Enix's Final Fantasy 16 is predictably high. With so much riding on it, there is also every bit of worry that it might disappoint fans of the long-running series. At the very least, though, the action is going to be hard to top, with the new entry switching things up yet again when it comes to combat.

RELATED: Final Fantasy 16: Burning Questions, Answered

With protagonist Clive Rosfield being a swordsman of some renown, the combat is both fast and intense, especially when the enemies are more than happy to be aggressive and fight hard. If that is not enough, Final Fantasy 16 ups the ante when it comes to spectacle and visual fidelity with the addition of Cinematic Strikes and Evasions.

What are Cinematic Strikes and Evasions in Final Fantasy 16?

Final Fantasy 16 Cinematic Strikes

As the terms suggest, these are not the run-of-the-mill attacks and dodges that players may be used to, even after spending considerable time with the demo of the game. Instead, they come into play in the more titanic battles, of which there are quite a few in Final Fantasy 16. In general, players can expect to utilize these moves more when facing off against significant bosses and enemies, particularly the Dominants and their Eikons. In essence, players will be tasked to execute either of these moves during transitions in fights, where the action gives way to stunning scenes where things get more exciting and crazy.

Cinematic Strikes

Players should watch out for the moment when the entire screen flashes blue, with Clive getting ready to unleash some hurt on the unfortunate foe during a pivotal moment in battle. A timer will start running down, and players will have to press the Square button before time runs out to deliver a devastating blow. This will cause significant damage to an enemy and will usually cause them to stagger as well. There will also be occasions where Cinematic Strikes come in quick succession, so players should be alert.

Cinematic Evasions

Final Fantasy 16 Cinematic Evasion

On the other hand, to help Clive avoid any potential death, Cinematic Evasions make it possible to get out of harm's way in a cool fashion. The screen will now flash red instead, and players will have to press the R1 button to evade any incoming attack. Again, these can come in a chain, so players should make sure not to get caught out if that happens. If they can master both mechanics, not even the toughest Final Fantasy 16 bosses will be able to cause them problems.

Final Fantasy 16 is available now exclusively for the PlayStation 5.