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Final Fantasy 16's Eikons are tremendous embodiments of elemental power, capable of unleashing tremendously powerful attacks and manipulating their element in any way they wish. Ramuh, as the Eikon of Lightning, is able to create and command electrical storms of incredible strength.

Clive eventually gains access to Ramuh's power during Final Fantasy 16's story, becoming capable of bringing that tremendous strength of storms to bear against his foes. Among Ramuh's many powers, Judgment Bolt stands as his single-most devastating attack. It provides Clive with an excellent damage dealing attack for striking down Staggered Foes and even has some limited AOE capabilities.

RELATED: Final Fantasy 16: Best Eikon Abilities

How to Use Judgment Bolt

Cidolfus Telamon and Ramuh

After unlocking Ramuh, players will likely note that Judgment Bolt is available to unlock for a tremendous amount of ability points (2300, then 3140 to upgrade, and another 5500 for Mastery). This price is well worth it, however, as Judgment Bolt is the pinnacle of Ramuh's single-target damage capabilities. This attack has Clive hurl Ramuh's staff skyward, calling down a mighty Levinbolt upon his current target and dealing incredible damage instantly.

This attack deals a ton of damage and also deploys incredibly quickly, allowing Clive to unleash it without needing much of an opening. It performs best as the final strike on a staggered enemy to take advantage of the damage multiplier though it can also be used to strike a group of tightly packed weaker foes to eliminate them quickly. Judgment Bolt can deal a small amount of damage to foes surrounding the main target, this technique is called "Collateral Judgment" and is of particular importance when attempting trials and score attack challenges.

How Final Fantasy 16 Elevates the Status of Ramuh

Generally, players hoping to get the most out of Judgment Bolt will want to wait until an enemy is staggered before using it. This allows Judgment Bolt to benefit from the damage multiplier on staggered foes and is considered the "Eikonic Punishment" technique for score purposes. A well-placed Judgment Bolt on an irritating foe, such as casters of protect and cure, can also be great for taking them out of the fight before they can cause much trouble.

Overall, Judgment Bolt is excellent for burst damage on a single-target with a small amount of area damage, though the low amount of Area damage makes it less suited to dealing with groups than other Eikonic Abilities offered by Ramuh. (Pile Drive and Lightning Rod are particularly useful for dealing with groups)

Final Fantasy 16 is available for PS5.