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Though Final Fantasy 16's combat system might seem a little simple at first glance, it can be pretty difficult to master due to how the game explains certain things. While playing through the game's opening few missions, players will be given some pretty useful tips on how to make the most out of Clive's skills, but since there is so much to remember, certain things are easy to forget.

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Players will learn how to parry enemy attacks quite early in Final Fantasy 16's story, but learning how to properly use the ability can take time. This is mostly due to the ability's unpredictable and sometimes unreliable nature, but if players remain patient and experiment with the ability as often as they can, they will quickly find it to be one of Clive's best combat abilities.

What Does Parrying Do In Final Fantasy 16?

Clive parries an attack in Final Fantasy 16

Clive will come face to face with a vast array of intimidating foes during his journey in Final Fantasy 16, and though some enemies seem more dangerous than others, there are usually a few ways to take them all down a peg or two. In most cases, relying on the attack button (Square) is usually the best course of action, but those hoping to really take advantage of certain enemy attacks should try their arm at parrying.

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If Clive manages to execute a Parry attack, time will freeze for a brief moment, allowing him to dish out a few additional attacks to whatever enemy he parried. Not only can parrying be used to slow a battle down for a moment, but it also prevents enemies from completing their attack.

How To Parry In Final Fantasy 16

Clive parries in Final Fantasy 16

In order to parry an attack in Final Fantasy 16, Clive must attack an enemy at the same time they attack him. If both attacks collide at roughly the same time, the parry will be successful, and the enemy will be left defenseless for a brief moment.

Players will likely parry several enemy attacks without even trying by simply mashing the attack button, but those hoping to master the skill will need to study their enemy's moveset and deduce the best moment to parry their attacks. Each Final Fantasy 16 boss is different, so it can take time to figure out how and when to parry each of them.

Unfortunately, failing to parry will leave Clive open to whatever attack is coming his way, so relying on the parrying skill isn't always the best way to approach combat. That said, equipping the Ring of Timely Evasion accessory will allow Clive to automatically dodge certain attacks coming his way, which can be a pretty big help for those trying to get the hang of parrying without risking a game over. If players really want to familiarize themselves with Final Fantasy 16's parrying mechanic, they should ensure Clive has this accessory equipped, as it can be a pretty useful safety net.

Final Fantasy 16 is available exclusively for PlayStation 5.