Table of contents

As is the case in most modern role-playing games, crafting and upgrading gear plays an important role in Final Fantasy 16. Players will first gain access to the mechanic after reaching the "Hide, Hideaway" main story mission early on in the game, after which, they'll be expected to fabricate and reinforce pretty much all of Clive's gear. To do so, however, players will first need to get their hands on all of the required crafting components.

Final Fantasy 16: Every Weapon (& How to Get Them)

Those hoping to get their hands on every weapon in Final Fantasy 16 are going to have their work cut out for them as there are more than 20 available.

Finding every crafting material needed to create a specific weapon, belt, or vambrace can sometimes be a little tricky, particularly when it comes to some of the best gear pieces in the game. This is because the components needed for a lot of late-game gear are dropped by Notorious Marks or tied to specific side quests. For those having trouble finding them, the following guide will contain details on where to find every crafting component in Final Fantasy 16.

While playing the game on Final Fantasy mode, players will be able to find flawless versions of many of the game's crafting materials. These are obtained in much the same way as their non-flawless counterparts, but are exclusive to New Game Plus mode.

How to Get Every Crafting Material in Final Fantasy 16 (All FF16 Crafting Components)

How to Get Ageless Millet in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Ageless Millet Location)


Ageless Millet

Though called millet, only a fool would endeavor to consume this ivory sand used primarily for polishing the stone floors of churches and temples. This particular sackful appears to have been affected by a surfeit of aether which has somehow slower its degradation process, allowing it to maintain its fine sheen despite having been left untouched for several decades.

Players will receive an Ageless Millet as a reward for completing the Uninvited Guest side quest.

FF16 Ageless Millet Uses

The Serpent's Worth (Tsunami) (Accessory)

How to Get Ageless Odorament in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Ageless Odorament Location)


Ageless Odorament

To hide the foul odor produced by tallow candles, tallow soap, and tallow polish, the people of Mysidia would apply generous amounts of heavily scented oils to anything and everything that came in contact with the stuff. This particular amphor appears to have been affected by a surfeit of aether which has somehow slowed its degradation process, allowing it to maintain its floral aroma despite having been left untouched for several decades.

Players can find Ageless Odorament in a chest near some crops and livestock over on the west side of Haven.

FF16 Ageless Odorament Uses

The Serpent's Word (Cross Swell) (Accessory)

How to Get Ageless Oilstone in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Ageless Oilstone Location)


Ageless Oilstone

Oilstones are large pieces of shale used to hone the blades of tools and weapons. Their name comes from the fact that they are treated with tallow and odorament to both aid lubricity and also help carry away any swarf created during the polishing process. This particular stone appears to have been affected by a surfeit of aether which has somehow slowed its degradation process, allowing it to maintain its hardness despite having been left untouched for several decades.

Players can find Ageless Oilstone in a chest to the southeast of the Tailwind Bay Obelisk.

FF16 Ageless Oilstone Uses

The Serpent's Watch (Abyssal Tear) (Accessory)

How to Get Ageless Tallow in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Ageless Tallow Location)


Ageless Tallow

Rendered from the fat of boar or bison (or in the case of Mysidia, chocobo or ibex), tallow is widely used in the manufacture of foul-smelling candles and oily soaps. Blacksmiths have also been known to employ the substance in the final stages of polishing steel. This particular sample appears to have been affected by a surfeit of aether which has somehow slowed its degradation process, allowing it to maintain both its vibrancy and its viscosity despite having been left untouched for several decades.

Players will receive Ageless Tallow as a reward for completing The Pursuit of Knowledge.

FF16 Ageless Tallow Uses

The Serpent's Wonder (Deluge) (Accessory)

How to Get Aquamarine in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Aquamarine Location)



When brought together, these glassy blue gemstones mined from the mountains of Mysidia resonate with each other, emitting a soft susurration that some compare to the crash of ocean surf. As such, necklaces and wristbands containing two or more of the stones are oft worn by retired sailors and fishers to remind them of their time at sea.

Players will be able to find eight pieces of Aquamarine scattered around the area surrounding Haven by using the Adder Stone.

How to Get Aqueous Humours in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Aqueous Humours Location)


Aqueous Humours

Northern legend tells of a terrible winged creature - Angra Mainyu - who, having lost one of its eyes to the blade of an intrepid adventurer, spent the rest of its days weeping as it wandered the countryside. So bitter were its tears that upon striking the earth, they would turn the very soil to stone - a side effect that would both irk farmers, while simultaneously tempt blacksmiths with the prospect of what such a substance might do to their iron.

Players will get three Aqueous Humours after defeating the Angra Mainyu mini-boss in the Middle Ring area of the Sagespire during the Echoes of the Fallen DLC expansion.

FF16 Aqueous Humours Uses

Omega Weapon (Weapon)

Fallen Belt (Belt)

Fallen Bracelets (Vambrace)

How to Get Aqueous Membrane in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Aqueous Membrane Location)


Aqueous Membrane

Whereas most wings, when removed from the body of their respective owners, tend to grow hard and leathery over the course of a few days, the feather-light wings of Thalaos appear to indefinitely retain and inexplicable - almost frightening - amount of moisture.

Players will receive two Aqueous Membranes as a reward for defeating Thalaos as part of the Lost in the Woods side quest.

FF16 Aqueous Membrane Uses

Tonberry Knife (Weapon)

Eludium Wristlets (Vambrace)

How to Get Aqueous Orb in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Aqueous Orb Location)


Aqueous Orb

It has been noted that, in some early texts, our forebears would ofttimes refer to crystals as ORBs. And while the use of all capital letters to this day cannot be satisfactorily explained, the term itself is most likely one scholar's interpretation of text transcribed from a much older language. This pale blue fragment taken from the body of the egi, Perykos, however, is indeed an orb - and while nigh flawless and teeming with wild whorls and eddies of pure life energy, by no means does it warrant rendering in the upper case.

Players will get an Aqueous Orb as a reward for defeating the Perykos mini-boss near the beginning of the Rising Tide expansion.

FF16 Aqueous Orb Uses

Tidestrike (Weapon)

How to Get Behemoth Shackle in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Behemoth Shackle Location)


Behemoth Shackle

While it certainly hasn't stopped kings and emperors throughout history from trying, every attempt to tame behemoths has invariably ended in tragic failure. Or rather, it has, until the Kingdom of Waloed discovered a means to influence the beast's primitive mind in the form of an enchanted shackle that presumably works similarly to crystal fetters, but without impeding aetherial channeling.

Players will get two Behemoth Shackles after defeating the Behemoth at Drake's Spine during the "Streets of Madness" main story mission. They can get two more by completing the Kuza Beast and Masterless Marauder Notorious Mark hunts.

FF16 Behemoth Shackle Uses

Defender (Weapon)

Sun Bracelets (Vambrace)

How to Get Bilious Scales in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Bilious Scales Location)


Bilious Scales

Since the time of the first thegns, scales of the north's massive ground lizards have been used to create the light, yet impenetrable armor worn by the region's champions. And while these scales gathered from the corpse of Hreidmar are certainly both light and impenetrable, they are also covered in a treacly sludge that not only burns to the touch, but induces severe headaches and nausea. A thorough scrubbing in the sea is recommended before use.

Players will receive three Bilious Scales for defeating the Hreidmar mini-boss as part of The Rising Tide's main story.

FF16 Bilious Scales Uses

Minwu Waistcloth (Belt)

Minwu Arm Ring (Vambrace)

Eludium Wristlets (Vambrace)

How to Get Bloody Hide in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Bloody Hide Location)


Bloody Hide

When properly treated with urine, lime, salt, and a lengthy soak in chocobo brains, this ichor-flecked skin will make for a fine piece of leather indeed.

Players can purchase Bloody Hides from Charon's Toll for 40 Gil. They're also dropped by a wide array of enemies and given out as a reward for completing various side quests.

How to Get Bomb Ember in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Bomb Ember Location)


Bomb Ember

Figuratively, the smoldering soul of a bomb given life by unknown magicks. Literally, a very hot rock. Fortunately, there are myriad uses for such a thing.

Players can get Bomb Ember by completing the Bomb King hunt, which becomes available through the "Weird Science" side quest.

FF16 Bomb Ember Uses

Excalibur (Weapon)

How to Get Bone Necklace in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Bone Necklace Location)


Bone Necklace

Very little rhyme and even less reason went into the creation of this ghastly neck ornament, the bones strung along its crude twine most likely belonging to those unfortunate enough to meet its maker.

Players can get Bone Necklaces by defeating the Gigas enemy, which can be found in the southern part of the Three Reeds area of Rosaria after reaching the "Homecoming" main story mission.

FF16 Bone Necklace Uses

Enhancer (Weapon)

How to Get Briar Clam Shell in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Briar Clam Shell Location)


Briar Clam Shell

When cut and polished, the spiny, opaline shells of western Storm's briar clam rival the luster of most gems. More importantly, however, when incorporated into armor, they can also provide nigh unmatched protection, being strong enough to turn aside an adamantine blade without suffering so much as a scratch.

Players can purchase Briar Clam Shells from Charon's Toll for 30 Gil. They'll also be able to find them in the wetlands of Rosaria.

How to Get Clouded Eye in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Clouded Eye Location)


Clouded Eye

To see the pattern on the surface of this spherical gem shift and twist, one would think a churning storm trapped within. Though it must surely be a trick of the light.

Players can get Clouded Eyes by defeating Wind Elementals, which can be found in the Dragon's Aery area of Sanbreque. They're also dropped by Suparna and Chirada, which players fight during the "Headwind" main story mission.

FF16 Clouded Eye Uses

Bastard Sword (Weapon)

How to Get Clutchmine in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Clutchmine Location)



For centuries, these strange egg-shaped clusters of ore were ignored by Waloed's pickmen, since clutchmine is brittle, dull, and of little use in its own right. But when it was later discovered that the substance could be added to metals to increase their strength and hardness, it was mined to the point of exhaustion.

Players can purchase Clutchmines from Charon's Toll for 50 Gil. They'll also be able to find them in the baron wilds of Waloed.

FF16 Clutchmine Uses

Defender (Weapon)

Circle of Heaven (Belt)

How to Get Coeurl Whisker in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Coeurl Whisker Location)


Coeurl Whisker

Surprisingly, dissection of a coeurl's whisker shows it to be composed almost entirely of metal. While this would go some way to explain why some coeurls can channel lightning, it raises the question of how the metal got there in the first place...

Players will first encounter a Coeurl during the "Capital Punishment" main story mission. They can also get Coeurl Whiskers by defeating the Bygul Notorious Mark or by farming Coeurls in the Fields of Corava area of Dhalmekia.

FF16 Coeurl Whisker Uses

Hunter's Waistcloth (Belt)

Rune Belt (Belt)

How to Get Comet Feather in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Comet Feather Location)


Comet Feather

As truly red chocobos are rare, one might assume the same could be said of their feathers - yet somehow they are found in nearly every market from Dlimil to Northreach. Contrary to what the merchants hawking them would have you believe, however, the items on sale are more often than not the feathers of robins or even common hens.

Players can get a Comet Feather by completing the Dread Comet Notorious Mark hunt, which first becomes available after completing the "Evenfall" main story mission.

FF16 Comet Feather Uses

Ouroboros (Belt)

How to Get Darksteel in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Darksteel Location)



Extremely similar to iron, yet darker, harder, and heavier. Whatever fell magicks Ultima employed in its creation, the metal has thus far proven impossible to reproduce.

Players can get Darksteel by completing the Grim Reaper and Usher to the Underworld Notorious Mark hunts.

FF16 Darksteel Uses

Gotterdammerung (Weapon)

How to Get Dark Shard in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Dark Shard Location)


Dark Shard

The power of the Eikon Odin made manifest. This shard of crystal is as black as a moonless night and can be heard to emit a soft hum when held to the ear.

Players will receive the Dark Shard after beating Barnabas during the "The Last King" main story mission.

FF16 Dark Shard Uses

Everdark (Weapon)

How to Get Desert Rose in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Desert Rose Location)


Desert Rose

Despite its rose-like appearance, this delicate sandstone formation found in the deserts of Dhalmekia is no rose, but instead an inexplicable peculiarity of nature - a reminder that humankind will never fully comprehend the world in which we live. It is also said to bring good luck.

Players can purchase Desert Roses from Charon's Toll for 40 Gil. They'll also be able to find them growing in the deserts of Dhalmekia.

How to Get Dragon Talon in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Dragon Talon Location)


Dragon Talon

Upon close inspection of a lesser dragon's foot, one may observe that the middle talon is considerably longer than the rest. This extended appendage is used to puncture the fleshy parts of the creature's prey, causing severe blood loss and weakening them for the kill.

Players can get Dragon Talons by defeating wyverns and other dragon-type enemies, many of which can be found in the Royal Meadows area of Sanbreque. They'll also get two for completing the Belphegor Notorious Mark hunt.

How to Get Earthen Fury in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Earthen Fury Location)


Earthen Fury

Semi-priming requires the channeling and corporeal manifestation of aether contained within a Dominant's body. In Hugo Kupka's case, this produces crystalline formations that act as reservoirs to be drawn upon to provide the energy needed to maintain priming, as well as to cast magicks and effectively wield Eikonic Abilities. However, such appendages may be forcibly separated from an injured semi-primed Dominant, preventing the reabsorption of the aether contained within.

Players will receive two Earthen Furies after beating Titan during the "Into the Darkness" main story mission.

FF16 Earthen Fury Uses

Enhancer (Weapon)

Hunter's Armcloths (Vambrace)

How to Get Earth Shard in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Earth Shard Location)


Earth Shard

The power of the Eikon Titan made manifest. This crystal is as heavy as marble and can be heard to emit a soft hum when held to the ear.

Players will receive the Earth Shard after beating Hugo during the "Capital Punishment" main story mission.

FF16 Earth Shard Uses

Grindstone (Weapon)

How to Get Electrum in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Electrum Location)



Valisthean prospectors have yet to locate a source of naturally occurring electrum, the only known samples coming from the remains of Fallen automata. This has led some to surmise that the metal is not, in fact, naturally occurring at all, and rather a creation of the lost people.

Players can get Electrum by completing the Severian hunt, which becomes available after completing the "Fire and Ice" main story mission.

FF16 Electrum Uses

Drakeslayer's Belt (Belt)

How to Get Eludium in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Eludium Location)



For centuries, rumors of a metal harder than adamantium, lighter than mythril, and far more lustrous than orichalcum have persisted across the Twins, yet for centuries the fabled metal has "eluded" even the most skilled and traveled miners - hence the name.

Players can get four pieces of Eludium by completing Circles 1, 6, 11, and 16 of the Kairos Gate game mode, which becomes available after completing The Rising Tide's main story.

FF16 Eludium Uses

Eludium Belt (Belt)

Eludium Wristlets (Vambrace)

How to Get Fallen Iron in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Fallen Iron Location)


Fallen Iron

Despite thousands of years having passed since its forging, not a single blemish, scratch, not patch of rust can be found upon this metal's surface. As to how this is possible, none can say, and the answer will likely remain lost forever.

Players can get Fallen Iron by completing the Breaker of Worlds Notorious Mark hunt. They'll also get a piece after defeating the Iron Giant mini-boss during the "Buried Memories" main story mission.

FF16 Fallen Iron Uses

Defender (Weapon)

How to Get Fire Shard in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Fire Shard Location)


Fire Shard

The power of the Eikon Ifrit made manifest. This shard of crystal is hot to the touch and can be heard to emit a soft hum when held to the ear.

Players will receive the Fire Shard after beating the Infernal Shadown during the "Buried Memories" main story mission.

FF16 Fire Shard Uses

Flametongue (Weapon)

How to Get Fool's Gold in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Fool's Gold Location)


Fool's Gold

Though readily available in the mountains of Mysidia, few miners seek out this splendent ore, as it makes a poor substitute for both gold and iron - the former of which it contains none, and the latter than which it is harder to work, despite being made up almost entirely of the substance. Yet in spite of those faults, the region's Tonberries, for some unknowable reason, are drawn to the mineral, fools that they are.

Players will receive a piece of Fool's Gold as a reward for defeating the Master Tonberry mini-boss as part of The Rising Tide's main story. They can find another piece of Fool's Gold in a chest in the Father's Fell area.

FF16 Fool's Gold Uses

Tonberry Knife (Weapon)

How to Get Frozen Tear in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Frozen Tear Location)


Frozen Tear

"And as she sought, she shed tears of ice, which shattered on the bloodstained earth below." - A Dhalmekian soldier's account of the Battle of Nysa, Year of the Realm 873.

Players will get two Frozen Tears for defeating Shiva's Dominant during the "A Chance Encounter" main story mission.

FF16 Frozen Tear Uses

Broadsword (Weapon)

Iron Bracers (Vambrace)

How to Get Gelatinous Mass in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Gelatinous Mass Location)


Gelatinous Mass

The wild flan excretes a sickly-sweet, viscous ooze that is meant to lure would-be predators into devouring it... at which time the powerful toxins within its flesh will paralyze the victim, allowing the flan to envelop and slowly dissolve it over a period of seventeen nights... up to seven of which the victim spends alive.

Players can get Gelatinous Mass by completing the Muddy Murder hunt, which becomes available after completing the "Capital Punishment" main story mission.

FF16 Gelatinous Mass Uses

Drakeslayer's Bracelets (Vambrace)

How to Get Gnarled Scale in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Gnarled Scale Location)


Gnarled Scale

Covered in countless scars, these scales tell a tale of supremacy and survival - albeit one now ended.

Players can get Gnarled Scales by defeating Fafnir during the "Fanning the Embers" main story mission. They're also dropped by the Flame Lizard emeny that players encounter while exploring Drake's Breath during the "Fire and Ice" main story mission.

FF16 Gnarled Scale Uses

Longsword (Weapon)

Traveler's Bands (Vambrace)

How to Get Grimalkin Hide in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Grimalkin Hide Location)


Grimalkin Hide

Grimalkins have developed spots on their skins which render them nigh invisible as they prowl the arid savannahs of southern Storm. Said spots provide considerably less camouflage when prowling elsewhere, however.

Players can get a Grimalkin Hide by completing the Grimalkin hunt, which becomes available after completing the "Into the Shadow" main story mission.

FF16 Grimalkin Hide Uses

Excalibur (Weapon)

How to Get Ice Shard in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Ice Shard Location)


Ice Shard

The power of the Eikon Shiva made manifest. This shard of crystal is cold to the touch and can be heard to emit a soft hum when held to the ear.

Players will receive the Ice Shard after completing the "Through the Maelstrom" main story mission.

FF16 Ice Shard Uses

Icebrand (Weapon)


Imperial Link

Many have tendered explanations as to how imperial dragoons are able to leap to such absurd heights - from the power of prayer to a strict diet of hare, toad, and crickets - but none save the knights themselves know the truth. Whatever the secret, it is plain that heavy plate would only prove a hindrance, and so the empire equips its dragoons with armor forged from lighter-than-linen mythril. This link is part of a vest that would have been worn beneath the breastplate.

Players can get Imperial Links by defeating certain Imperial enemies, including the Knight of the Dying Sun, the Imperial Captain, the Imperial Legionnaire, and the Imperial Cannonier, all of whom are fought as part of the main story.

FF16 Imperial Link Uses

Gaia Blade (Weapon)

Diamond Sword (Weapon)

Battlechains (Vambrace)

How to Get Iron Filings in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Iron Filings Location)

Iron Filings are obtained automatically during the "Hide, Hideaway" main story mission as part of the crafting tutorial.

FF16 Iron Filings Uses

Iron Belt (Belt)

How to Get Lightning Shard in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Lightning Shard Location)


Lightning Shard

The power of the Eikon Ramuh made manifest. This shard of crystal tingles in the palm and can be heard to emit a soft hum when held to the ear.

Players will receive the Lightning Shard after beating the Republican War Panther during the "Cid the Outlaw" main story mission.

FF16 Lightning Shard Uses

Levinbolt (Weapon)

How to Get Light Shard in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Light Shard Location)


Light Shard

The power of the Eikon Bahamut made manifest. This crystal is as bright as the sun and can be heard to emit a soft hum when held to the ear.

Players will receive the Light Shard after beating Bahumut during the "Fire in the Sky" main story mission.

FF16 Light Shard Uses

Brightburn (Weapon)

How to Get Liquid Flame in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Liquid Flame Location)


Liquid Flame

A flame trapped mid-dance, both aetherial and corporeal, fleeting and enduring, but very much alive.

Players will receive two Liquid Flames after defeating the Liquid Flame enemy during the "Fire and Ice" main story mission.

FF16 Liquid Flame Uses

Platinum Sword (Weapon)

Platinum Belt (Belt)

How to Get Living Tissue in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Living Tissue Location)


Living Tissue

A knot of feather-light muscle dislodged from Sigma's colossal frame with a well-placed strike to the sentinel's outer knee.

Players will receive three pieces of Living Tissue after defeating the Sigma mini-boss in the Gallery area of the Sagespire during the Echoes of the Fallen DLC expansion.

FF16 Living Tissue Uses

Omega Weapon (Weapon)

Fallen Belt (Belt)

Fallen Bracelets (Vambrace)

How to Get Magicked Ash in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Magicked Ash Location)


Magicked Ash

All creation is possible because of aether. It is what gives the formless form, and the lifeless life. When an object is consigned to the flames, whether due to age, accident, or ill intent, the aether contained within is released and returned to the land. There are, however, rare instances in which an elemental charge remains trapped inside the resulting detritus, and skilled weaponsmiths can harness this energy for use in their work.

Players can purchase Magicked Ash from Charon's Toll for 40 Gil. It's also dropped by a wide array of enemies and given out as a reward for completing various side quests.

How to Get Meteorite in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Meteorite Location)



Just as drops of molten iron fall from a smith's oven to the floor to cool, so too do they fall from the celestial foundry where the gods forge their divine instruments of war... or so it is believed. We call these otherworldly outcastings "meteorites."

Players can purchase Meteorites from Charon's Toll for 1,000 Gil. They'll get them from beating certain mini-bosses and Notorious Marks too and can also find them in treasure coffers scattered throughout Valisthea.

How to Get Minotaur Mane in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Minotaur Mane Location)


Minotaur Mane

A mane used in everything from helm crests to hairbrushes - primarily by those people lucky enough never to have met with a minotaur. "And lo did Sir Crandall strike the mane from the beast and rob him of his strength." - From The Noble Knight.

Players can get Minotaur Manes by defeating Minotaurs, which can be found in the southern part of the Rhiannon's Ride area of Rosaria. They'll also get one for completing the Sekhret Notorious Mark hunt, which becomes available after completing the "Fire and Ice" main story mission.

FF16 Minotaur Mane Uses

Gaia Blade (Weapon)

How to Get Morbol Flower in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Morbol Flower Location)


Morbol Flower

It is said a morbol only blooms once every thirty summers, and when it does that the resulting flower emits such a noxious odor that flies, beetles, vultures, and other cravers of carrion are drawn from leagues around by the stench. The resultant convergence sees the flower pollinated, with the morbol devouring those late to the festivities.

Players can get a Morbol Flower by completing the Carrot Notorious Mark hunt, which becomes available as part of the "Please Sir, Can I Have Some Morbol" side quest.

FF16 Morbol Flower Uses

The Sons of Ouroboros (Vambrace)

How to Get Notched Tang in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Notched Tang Location)


Notched Tang

For a Tonberry - a creature driven by its pure, unadulterated hate for those who have slain his brethren - a sharp blade is ultimately a gauge of his commitment. The more honed its edge, the more honed the killer's intent.

Players will receive two Notched Tangs as a reward for defeating the Tonberry King as part of the Reign of Pain side quest.

FF16 Notched Tang Uses

Tonberry Knife (Weapon)

Eludium Belt (Belt)

How to Get Omega Nodule in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Omega Nodule Location)


Omega Nodule

Common sense would suggest that any metal taken from the corpse of a centuries-old construct - metal that shudders and quakes like a slab of freshly cut swine's flesh - should be given a wide berth, if not a hefty heave into some nearby lagoon. That said, legendary weaponry is rarely the product of common sense.

Players will receive the Omega Nodule after defeating the Omega Aionios boss at the summit of the Sagespire during the Echoes of the Fallen DLC expansion.

FF16 Omega Nodule Uses

Omega Weapon (Weapon)

How to Get Opportunity in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Opportunity Location)



Players will receive the Opportunity as a reward for completing Kairos Gate while playing the game on Final Fantasy mode.

FF16 Opportunity Uses

Original Sin (Weapon)

How to Get Orichalcum in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Orichalcum Location)



There was a time when orichalcum was so abundant that it was used in everything from armor and weapons to coins and cutlery. However, when the Twins' only orichalcum mine was finally exhausted, the trading price for the noble metal increased tenfold, causing people to hoard what they had, and ultimately making it rarer than even adamantite.

Players can get Orichalcum by completing the Breaker of Worlds, Tricephalic Terror, Masterless Marauder, and Ruin Reawakened Notorious Mark hunts. Orichalcum is also given as a reward for completing the "Duty Undying II" and "Under New Management II" side quests. Those with access to the Rising Tide expansion can get two additional pieces by completing the "Lost in the Woods" and "Reign of Pain" side quests.

How to Get Primitive Battlehorn in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Primitive Battlehorn Location)


Primitive Battlehorn

As goblin communication seems limited to a painful cacophony of throaty grunts and raspy wheezing, the beastmen will oft employ carved horns such as this one to send messages over longer distances.

Players can get a Primitive Battlehorn by completing the Gobermouch Notorious Mark hunt, which first becomes available at the beginning of the "Brotherhood" main story mission.

FF16 Primitive Battlehorn Uses

Gotterdammerung (Weapon)

How to Get Sanguine Insignia in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Sanguine Insignia Location)


Sanguine Insignia

After taking up the mantle of Lord Commander of the Knights of the Royal Waloeder Army upon Cidolfus Telamon's untimely resignation, Sleipnir Harbard served king Barnabas for the better part of a decade. Intriguingly, however, there are no records of a House Harbard ever existing in either Veldermarke or on the southern continent, begging the question: whence exactly did he hail?

Players will get two Sanguine Insignias after beating Sleipnir during the "Evenfall" main story mission.

FF16 Sanguine Insignia Uses

Rune Blade (Weapon)

Rune Crescents (Vambrace)

How to Get Scarletite in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Scarletite Location)



One of the hardest metals known to man, scarletite is highly sought after by those with the means to pay its exorbitant asking price - a price determined not by its rarity, but rather due to the fact that a forge must employ no fewer than five healthy Bearers to produce flames hot enough to melt the ore - at which time it takes upon the deep scarlet high from which it takes its name.

Players can get Scarletite by completing the Dozmare, A Hill to Die On, Ten of Clubs, and Man in Black Notorious Mark hunts. They can also get a piece by completing the "Hot Water" side quest.

How to Get Sharp Fang in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Sharp Fang Location)


Sharp Fang

If there is one thing for which the fauna of Valisthea do not want, it is more dagger-sharp fangs to line their slavering maws. And so, those Valistheans fortunate enough not to succumb to said fangs have conceived ingenious ways of fashioning them into myriad articles of vertu, ranging from cutlery to bijouterie.

Players can purchase Sharp Fangs from Charon's Toll for 40 Gil. They're also dropped by a wide array of enemies and given out as a reward for completing various side quests.

How to Get Stained Loincloth in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Stained Loincloth Location)


Stained Loincloth

Modesty is not a trait that comes to mind when one thinks of an orc, so it is a mystery why they bother to wear a loincloth at all when the strips of cloth only afford nominal protection (and leave naught to the imagination). There are some scholars, however, who argue that they are vestiges from when the creatures were more civilized and serve as proof of a devolution of the species.

Players can get a Stained Loincloth by completing the Pandemonium Notorious Mark hunt, which first becomes available at the beginning of the "Brotherhood" main story mission.

FF16 Stained Loincloth Uses

The Sons of Ouroboros (Vambrace)

How to Get Steelsilk in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Steelsilk Location)



A rare case in which hyperbole has played no role in the item's nomenclature, steelsilk is every bit as strong, yet soft as silk, making it a popular choice for tailors tasked with crafting durable armor that does not hinder movement.

Players can purchase Steelsilk from Charon's Toll for 40 Gil. It's also dropped by a wide array of enemies and given out as a reward for completing various side quests.

How to Get Stone Tongue in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Stone Tongue Location)


Stone Tongue

Even should one manage to survive the rows of diamond-hard, serrated teeth lining an archaeosaur's jaw, it is likely one's reprieve will be short-lived, as awaiting one just beyond is a granite tongue sure to finish the job.

Players can get a Stone Tongue by completing the Agni Notorious Mark hunt, which first becomes available at the beginning of the "Brotherhood" main story mission.

FF16 Stone Tongue Uses

Ouroboros (Belt)

How to Get Timeless Gardbrace in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Timeless Gardbrace Location)


Timeless Gardbrace

Heart of Iron. Beats alone. Through solemn oath. Our sins atoned. -Northern Nursery Rhyme

Players will receive three Timeless Gardbraces after defeating the Timekeeper boss during the Rising Tide DLC.

FF16 Timeless Gardbrace Uses

Minwu Waistcloth (Belt)

Eludium Belt (Belt)

Minwu Arm Ring (Vambrace)

How to Get Utterance of Creation in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Utterance of Creation Location)


Utterance of Creation

"So spake the Lord, and the hills, they did rise. The rivers, they did run." - Circle of Malius Scripture.

Players will get the Utterance of Creation for defeating the final boss and will find it in their inventory upon starting a New Game Plus run of Final Fantasy 16.

FF16 Utterance of Creation Uses

Ultima Weapon (Weapon)

How to Get Valley Madder in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Valley Madder Location)


Valley Madder

An inconspicuous shrub commonly found growing near Mothercrystals, its roots are harvested to create a deep red dye. But unlike most pigments, madder root extract does more than merely stain cloth - it imbues it with a faint elemental charge that can aetherially enhance both Bearer and crystal-based magicks.

Players can purchase Valley Madders from Charon's Toll for 20 Gil. They'll also be able to find them growing in the fields of Sanbreque.

FF16 Valley Madder Uses

Gaia Blade (Weapon)

Dark Sash (Belt)

Goldwork Sash (Belt)

Battlechains (Vambrace)

How to Get Water Shard in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Water Shard Location)


Water Shard

The Power of the Eikon Leviathan made manifest. This shard of crystal is wet to the touch and can be heard to emit a soft hum when held to the ear.

Players will receive two Water Shards after beating Leviathan at the end of The Rising Tide's main story. If they're playing on Final Fantasy mode, they'll also get a Flawless Water Shard for their troubles.

FF16 Water Shard Uses

Original Sin (Weapon)

Eludium Belt (Belt)

Eludium Wristlets (Vambrace)

How to Get Whitewyrm Bone in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Whitewyrm Bone Location)


Whitewyrm Bone

Being fiercely territorial in nature, it is rare for dragons to attain any considerable size in the wild as constant infighting ensures that most die young. Those bred and trained in isolation by the empire, however, do not face this problem, allowing them to grow to unthinkable proportions.

Players will get three Whitewyrm Bones after beating the White Dragon mini-boss during the "Fire in the Sky" main story mission.

FF16 Whitewyrm Bone Uses

Diamond Sword (Weapon)

Silken Sash (Belt)

Diamond Armlets (Vambrace)

How to Get Wind Shard in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Wind Shard Location)


Wind Shard

The power of the Eikon Garuda made manifest. This shard of crystal is light as a feather and can be heard to emit a soft hum when held to the ear.

Players will receive the Wind Shard after beating Garuda during the "Awakening" main story mission.

FF16 Wind Shard Uses

Stormcry (Weapon)

How to Get Wyrrite in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16 Wyrrite Location)



To most, this nondescript lump of rough-hewn stone is but a nuisance upon which to stub one's toe. To the blacksmith, however, it is much, much more, for the metal contained within may be fashioned into inexpensive, yet durable gear favored by warriors across the realm.

Players can purchase Wyrrite from Charon's Toll for 40 Gil. It's also dropped by a wide array of enemies and given out as a reward for completing various side quests.

final fantasy 16
Final Fantasy 16

Square Enix
Square Enix
June 22, 2023