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Any good roleplaying game will involve plenty of things, and one of the hallmarks of the genre is the ability to equip playable characters with all sorts of gear. In Final Fantasy 16, the process is slightly streamlined as the focus is purely on Clive Rosfield, with all other companions being self-sufficient in this respect. However, that doesn't mean that players can slack off when it comes to sharpening the blades and polishing the armor of dear old Clive.

Indeed, as the game progresses, more options will become available to the prince of Rosaria, and players will have to weigh up the decisions to either change their current loadout, refine it, or go out looking for materials to craft new gear. Here's what needs to be understood when it comes to crafting and upgrading gear in Final Fantasy 16.

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The Forge and Blacksmith

The Forge and Blacksmith

Before anything can be done on this particular front, players will have to progress through the main story of Final Fantasy 16 until they arrive in Cid's hideaway. This will happen in the first few hours of the game, and after doing some tasks for the residents, the Forge will become available for use.

The crafting of new gear, as well as any upgrades to any existing gear, can only be done at the blacksmith. While there are item vendors available around the world of Valisthea, the blacksmith can only be found back home in the hideaway, so players should make sure to always be on the good side of Blackthorne.

Crafting and Upgrading Gear in Final Fantasy 16

Crafting and Upgrading Gear in Final Fantasy 16 (2)

For crafting, the Forge will get new recipes with every significant step made by Clive and the crew in the main events of the game. However, there will be several more powerful and rare items that require the corresponding recipes to be found. They also require specialized materials that can only be obtained via side quests or dangerous Notorious Mark bounty hunts. As long as players possess the proper materials, Blackthorne can work his magic in crafting the next powerful item on the agenda.

As for upgrading, the same rules apply. Certain materials are needed in order to make an upgrade viable, and with the right items in tow, all it takes is to talk to the blacksmith and choose the specific weapon or gear to upgrade. Items have three levels usually, these being their base state, +1, and +2, which is their most optimal state.

Crafting and Upgrading Gear in Final Fantasy 16 (1)

Whenever Clive is back at the hideaway, players should make a point of checking in with the blacksmith for any new items to craft or upgrades that have become available for their existing gear. Keeping ahead of the curve and maximizing the damage done to enemies is always handy in JRPGs like Final Fantasy 16.

Final Fantasy 16 is available now exclusively for the PlayStation 5.