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"Blacksmith's Blues IV" is the final installment in a multi-part questline and is by far the most rewarding one of the lot. Unlike the ones which came before it, though, this one is more or less entirely centered around combat, pitting players against a series of increasingly challenging Akashic beasts.

RELATED: Final Fantasy 16: Which Side Quests Are Worth Completing?

Though certainly tricky, most players will probably be a little over-leveled by the time they reach the point in Final Fantasy 16 where "Blacksmith's Blues IV" becomes available, making things considerably easier than they might otherwise be. Even if they haven't, with the right strategy, players should still be able to persevere.

There are four Blacksmith's Blues side quests in Final Fantasy 16 . Those looking for one of the others can find links to them below.

How to Complete Blacksmith's Blues 4 in Final Fantasy 16


The first chance players will get to tackle the "Blacksmith's Blues IV" side quest is at the beginning of the "Across the Narrow" main story mission, assuming, that is, that they've already completed "Blacksmith's Blues III". To trigger it, they'll simply need to speak with August, who can again be found at the hideaway not far from the hunt board. After that, players will need to fast travel to the Dravozd Obelisk.


Upon their arrival in Dravozd, players will learn more about the Aether flood at the Dravozd mines, which has led to a horde of Akashic beasts swarming toward the settlement. Blackthorne will then show up and players will need to speak with August again whenever they're ready to fight. There are four waves of enemies here, the first of which contains an Akashic Bighorn and some Akashic Wolves. Players should focus on the former, as the others will more than likely end up getting caught in the crossfire.


Once the Bighorn is on its last legs, a bunch of Akashic Leg Eaters will appear. Thankfully, these are pretty weak, so players can continue throwing their main attacks at the Bighorn and have Torgal deal with the rest. Next, players will have to deal with an Akashic Griffin, but despite being much stronger than the one in the first "Blacksmith's Blues" side quest, Clive's increased power levels should make this a pretty one-sided fight.


Just as it's looking as though there are no more enemies left to slay, a Canyon Chimera will swoop down from above. The strategy for defeating it is pretty similar to the Gorgimera Notorious Mark; that being to try to stay behind the enemy and hit it with Clive's strongest attacks. Megaflare is pretty useful here too, as it's pretty easy to dodge the Chimera's elemental attacks while charging it, which usually raises the Megaflare level by one.


Eventually, the Canyon Chimera will fall and players can return to the village, where Blackthorne and Zoltan finally make up. As a way of thanking Clive, the two men will agree to work together to craft a legendary blade, after which, players will need to return to the hideaway to claim their reward. Upon doing so, they'll get 4,800 XP, 50 Renown, and the Ragnarok sword. Better still, they'll also be given the Gotterdammerung Design Draft, which can be used to craft an even better blade.

How to Craft the Gotterdammerung


To craft the Gotterdammerung, players will need Ragnarok, three pieces of Orichalcum, two pieces of Darksteel, and a Primitive Battlehorn. They already have the former and can get the rest by completing certain Notorious Mark hunts. They'll get Orichalcum from Atlas, Svarog, Gorgimera, and Behemoth King, while Prince of Death and Thanatos drop Darksteel. The final item, the Primitive Battlehorn, can only be obtained by defeating Gobermouch.

Gotterdammerung Crafting Materials

Final Fantasy 16 is available now exclusively for the PlayStation 5.