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Like any great JRPG, there are many different systems at play in Final Fantasy 16 that potentially set it apart from any other contemporary. Be it the more mature storyline or the enhanced and action-oriented combat, the latest entry in the long-running franchise is both familiar and new for those that have stayed with the series throughout the years.

That said, there are going to be plenty of new players, and not everyone is going to be well-versed in the brand of action that the game's combat demands. Although there is an option to choose between Action and Story gameplay focus, Square Enix goes one step further to help more players enjoy Final Fantasy 16 without worrying too much about controls with the addition of Timely Accessories.

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What are Timely Accessories in Final Fantasy 16?

A screenshot of Final Fantasy 16 protagonist Clive Rosfield.

Designed as gameplay aids for players that are trying to ease themselves into the combat system in Final Fantasy 16, Timely Accessories come in different varieties and offer differing uses. This could be simplifying the commands needed for combos, making evasion easier, and much more. Players are free to mix and match between them, and with three accessory slots available, that can make for some interesting combinations.

The Best Timely Accessories in Final Fantasy 16

In total, there are five different Timely Accessories that players will come across in Final Fantasy 16. Here's how they can best be utilized to make sure the JRPG remains as fun as possible for all skill levels:

Ring of Timely Strikes

Ring of Timely Strikes

An excellent accessory for those who want to enjoy the story more than the combat, the Ring of Timely Strikes will transform all players into master swordsmen. This makes it possible to pull off complex ability combinations by pressing the Square button.

Ring of Timely Evasion


For those that are more worried about defense, the Ring of Timely Evasion is the best help to count on. Clive will automatically avoid all attacks, as long as they can be evaded, so the focus can all be on the offensive.

Ring of Timely Focus


Players who want a little more control when it comes to evasion can choose the Ring of Timely Focus, which slows down time before an evadable enemy attack lands. As long as players hit R1 to dodge within the limit, they can easily avoid damage. This ring will have no effect when equipped with the Ring of Timely Evasion.

Ring of Timely Healing


Sometimes, things can get hectic in battle, and forgetting to pop a potion could mean the game is over. The Ring of Timely Healing addresses that issue, automatically using a potion when Clive's HP falls below a certain point.

Ring of Timely Assistance

Ring of Timely Assistance

The appearance of Torgal is always a welcome sight, but in battle, the companion adds more controls for players to worry about. To leverage the ally without needing to micromanage, they can use the Ring of Timely Assistance so that pet commands are executed automatically, with actions adapting to the player's action. Equipping the Ring of Timely Strikes will also include the effects of this ring.

Combining the various Timely Accessories will significantly change how combat works in Final Fantasy 16, so it really depends on what is needed. At the very least, having the Ring of Timely Assistance on is always recommended, so that Torgal is always on hand to lend a paw. The Ring of Timely Focus will still let players control their defensive input when it comes to dodging.

Final Fantasy 16 is available now exclusively for the PlayStation 5.